All non-domestic business rate data North Norfolk District Council can supply is available in an Excel spreadsheet to download.

We refresh this data on the first working day of each calendar month.

Download non-domestic business rate data

Any requests for this published data via FOI will be rejected under Section 21 (Information accessible to applicant by other means) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Relief codes and descriptions

The following table details the reportable relief codes and their descriptions.

Relief code Relief type
CASC Mandatory 80% CASC (sports club)
CRM80 Mandatory 80% charity relief
MRFS 50% mandatory rural rate relief food shop
MRGS 50% mandatory rural rate relief general store
MRMX 50% mandatory rural rate relief mixed use
MRPH 50% mandatory rural rate relief post office
MRPO 50% mandatory rural rate relief petrol station
MRPS 50% mandatory rural rate relief public house
PCON Public convenience
CRD100 Charity discretionary 100%
CRD80 Charity discretionary 80%
CRD20 Discretionary 20% charity relief top up
EZ Enterprise zone relief
HARD Hardship relief
RRRTP 50% discretionary rural rate relief top up pubs and petrol stations
RRRTS 50% discretionary rural rate relief top up shops
RRRTP 50% discretionary rural rate relief top up pub or petrol
RRRTS 50% discretionary rural rate relief top up shops
RETD22 75% retail discount
FLOOD 100% flood relief

Data we do not publish or supply

North Norfolk District Council will not publish or supply the following data as it believes that these details are exempt from disclosure under Section 31(1)(a) (prevention or detection or crime) and Section 40(2) (Personal Data) of the FOI Act 2000.

  • empty property status
  • any property exemptions applied as this would indicate if a property is empty or occupied
  • the current liability payable for the year, as this could indicate whether a property is vacant or occupied
  • credit balances to prevent fraudulent activity about the claiming of refunds
  • any mailing address, as this could include personal home addresses
  • the current account holder or ratepayer name where we believe the business rate account is in respect of an individual
  • customers' personal account numbers