We’d love to welcome your school to Holt Country Park. Rangers will plan and lead a full or half day programme to fit your needs. We can accommodate groups of up to 90 and any age groups ranging from pre-school to GCSE. Our rangers can also suggest activities for pupil's unaccompanied studies. 

The Ranger service includes teaching Environmental Education at Holt Country Park. This aims to promote a healthy and caring interaction between the learning group and the natural environment. 


£7.00 per child. Teachers and adults who accompany school trips gain free entry.

Programmes and activities

  • Wildlife in the Woods - birds and mammals, habitat study, tracks and trails, food webs, 'act as an animal'
  • Trees - structure of trees, tree survey, conifers and broadleaved woods, bark and leaf rubbings, pests and fungi, fruit and seeds and life in the tree
  • Sensory walks and games - unnature trail, woodland games, meet a tree, arty wildlife and story telling
  • Building survival shelters - build a shelter out of woodland materials. No tools or string, just skill!
  • Plants - how plants live in the woods, wild flowers, plant biology, seed dispersal, arty plants, insects
  • Be a Ranger - learn new conservation skills, scrub bashing
  • Insects and mini beasts - habitats and life cycles, bug watch and surveys, butterflies and moths
  • Wayfaring - basic map reading, self guided trails, find objects in the park, fun way to explore the park
  • Orienteering - advanced map work, code breaking, themed trails
  • Water rockets - one litre plastic bottles required

To find out more or to arrange a booking please contact the Senior Countryside Supervisor.

Still need help?

Visit our contact us page for further assistance about our popular services and information.