1974 to 2024
Proudly serving North Norfolk for 50 years
Top Tasks
Planning services and building control
Environment & Emergencies
Council tax
Business & Trade
Your Community
Your Council
Top tasks
All tasks
- a
- A facility for everyone
- A pool for all ages
- Abandoned vehicle
- Access support from the Financial Inclusion team
- Accident at Work
- Adult entertainment licence
- Adult learning
- Advice about homelessness
- Advice about Homelessness
- Advice about renting privately
- Advice for Food Businesses
- Advice for veterans if you're homeless
- Advice if you're an ex-prisoner and find yourself homeless
- Advice on bullying
- Advice on employing and recruiting staff
- Advice on making staff redundant
- Advice on training staff
- Affordable homes across North Norfolk
- Affordable Housing
- Age Friendly North Norfolk
- All online payments
- Allocations Scheme policy
- Alternative Maximum Benefit (second adult rebate)
- Animal licensing fees
- Animal licensing register
- Animal welfare
- Annual Audit Letter
- Annual monitoring report
- Annual monitoring report
- Annual Report
- Antisocial behaviour
- Appeal a planning decision
- Appeal against a claim decision or overpayment
- Apply for a Blue Badge
- Apply for a brown garden bin
- Apply for a Forget Me Not Grant
- Apply for A2 applications permit
- Apply for benefit (whilst temporarily absent from home)
- Apply for Housing Benefit and Council Tax support
- Apply for other business rate relief
- Apply online for support with energy costs
- Apply to join the housing list
- Apprenticeship information for employers
- Apprenticeships at North Norfolk District Council
- Are you interested in shaping our Youth Council?
- Arts and Culture Fund
- Assets of community value
- Assistance with pests
- Assisted burials
- Assisted collection
- Audible Intruder Alarm register
- b
- Backdating Housing Benefit or Council Tax Support
- Battery recycling service
- Battle of the Beaches 2023
- Beach and bathing water quality
- Beach Huts
- Become a Deep History Coast Ambassador
- Becoming a Councillor
- Benefit cap
- Benefits calculator
- Benefits Calculator
- Benefits Claim evidence
- Better living environment
- Big Switch & Save
- Bin collection days
- Bin collection service announcements
- Bin collections
- Bin day changes 2024
- Biodiversity information
- Biodiversity net gain
- Biodiversity net gain
- Biodiversity net gain
- Blocked drain or private sewer
- Blue Flag beaches
- Book a personal search
- Book an event
- Bring your empty property back into use
- Broken glass, needles or bodily fluid
- Brownfield land register
- Brownfield Land Register
- Budget: Spring Budget 2024 update
- Building control appeals
- Building control appeals
- Building control inspection
- Building control inspection
- Building control: Our service
- Building regulation approval
- Building regulation approval
- Building regulations
- Building regulations
- Building work: check the approval that you need
- Building work: check the approval that you need
- Built environment and planning
- Bulk Cement permit
- Bulky waste collection
- Bus passes - apply to Norfolk County Council
- Business planning, support and funding
- Business rate relief
- Business rates - Pay
- Business rates bill
- Business rates bill appeal
- Business rates valuation account
- Business Start Up Information
- Busking
- Buying and selling a property on the coast
- c
- Cabinet Meetings
- Cabinet work programme
- Call for sites
- Call for Sites
- Campsite licences
- Capital and savings
- Car Park charges (inc coaches)
- Car park locations
- Car park season ticket
- Car Park Season Ticket
- Caravan and campsite guidance documents
- Caravan and motor home site licences
- Caravan sites licensing register
- Chairman of the Council
- Change name of residential property or business
- Change name of residential property or business
- Change of bank details
- Change of business address
- Climate Change Training
- Climate Emergency and Environmental Charter
- Clinical household waste collection
- Club premises certificate
- Coach park locations
- Coast and countryside
- Coastal adaptation supplementary planning document
- Coastal Adaptation Supplementary Planning document
- Coastal Loss Innovative Funding and Financing (CLIFF)
- Coastal Management: interactive map
- Coastal Protection
- Coastal safety
- Coastwise
- Coastwise FAQs
- Commemorating the World Wars in North Norfolk
- Commercial clinical waste collection
- Commercial food waste collection service
- Commercial waste collection
- Committee documents
- Committee meeting dates
- Community Alcohol Partnership
- Community Connectors
- Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
- Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
- Community Miyawaki Forest Project
- Community safety
- Community Transport Fund
- Community Transport Services
- Community-led housing
- Complain about a high hedge
- Complain about a high hedge
- Complain about a school
- Complain about Food
- Complaining about a landlord
- Compliments, Complaints and Comments
- Compulsory purchase orders
- Compulsory Purchase Orders
- Concern for a child
- Concrete Crushing permit
- Conservation area appraisals
- Conservation area appraisals
- Conservation areas
- Conservation areas in North Norfolk
- Conservation areas in North Norfolk
- Conservation Design Awards
- Constitution
- Consultation on Council Tax Support scheme
- Contaminated land
- Contaminated Land and Barn Conversions
- Contaminated Land and Barn Conversions
- Contracting and tender opportunities
- Contracts and purchasing over £5000
- Contracts Register
- Controlling condensation and mould in your home
- Core Strategy
- Core Strategy
- Corporate Plan 2019 to 2023
- Corporate Plan 2023 to 2027
- Corporate Risk Register
- Cost of a planning application
- Cost of living help
- Council budget
- Council consultations
- Council facts and figures (transparency of data)
- Council Tax - Appeal bill
- Council Tax - Login to view bill
- Council Tax - Pay
- Council Tax Discounts
- Council Tax Exemptions
- Council Tax premium charges: Empty properties and second homes
- Council Tax premium for second homes
- Council Tax Support Fund
- Council Tax: How is it spent
- Council Tax: Tell us you're moving home
- Council Tax: Your bill explained
- Councillors allowances, expenses and attendance
- Councillors and decision making
- Country Park facilities
- Countryside events and activities
- Covid-19 advice for animal related businesses
- Cromer Coastal Management Scheme map
- Cromer Coastal Management Scheme Phase 2
- Cromer pier
- Current casual vacancies for town and parish councils
- Current flood warnings
- Current vacancies for North Norfolk District Council wards
- Custom and self-build housing register
- Custom and Self-Build Housing Register
- d
- Damaged or missing street sign
- Dangerous structure
- Dangerous Wild Animal licence
- Data Protection Policy
- Data sharing terms and conditions
- Dead animal on the road
- Death (let us know)
- Deep History Coast
- Delegated Decisions
- Demolition work
- Demolitions and dangerous structures
- Design
- Design guide
- Design guide
- Developer contributions
- Development briefs and master plans
- Development Committee
- Development Committee
- Direct Debit - Business Rates
- Direct Debit - Council Tax
- Direct Debit form (for housing benefit overpayments)
- Directory of Parish and Town Council Clerks
- Disabled band relief
- Disabled Facilities Grant
- Disabled living equipment
- Disabled parking and blue badge
- Discretionary Housing Payments
- Discretionary reduction (business rates)
- Discretionary reduction (council tax)
- Discretionary relief
- Document library
- Document library (local plan)
- Dog Fouling
- Dog restrictions
- Domestic abuse: how to get help and support
- Drainage and sewerage issues
- Dropped kerb - applications
- Dry cleaners permit
- Duty of Care
- Duty to refer
- e
- Ecology
- Economy of North Norfolk
- Economy of North Norfolk
- Election results
- Electoral register
- Electric Vehicle Charging
- Electric vehicles and EV charging points
- Emergency accommodation
- Employee benefits at NNDC
- Employers’ guide to working with schools (including work experience)
- Empty business properties
- Empty home advice
- Empty home review
- Environmental permit
- Environmental permit transfer
- Environmental Protection Freedom of Information
- Environmental regulations
- Equality, diversity and inclusion policy
- Events and news
- f
- Fees for major pre-application advice
- Filming requests
- Financial help if you have children
- Financial inclusion
- Financial Strategy
- Find out about Energy Saving Trust
- Find out about help if your property is at risk from erosion
- Find out about holiday lets and business rates
- Find out about school admissions
- Find out about subsidy control
- Find out about Warm and Well in North Norfolk
- Find out how much my Business Rates are
- Find out more about the north Norfolk coast
- Fishing rod licence
- Five year supply of housing land
- Five year supply of housing land
- Flood
- Fly tipping
- Flyposting
- Food allergens and labelling guidance
- Food business registration
- Food hygiene rating scheme
- Food hygiene ratings
- Food premises approval
- Food Premises Register
- Food Safety Management
- Food safety training
- Foreign pension: proof of life and residence
- Found dog
- Fraud
- Freedom of Information - Council Tax
- Freedom of information - FAQs
- Freedom of Information (FOI) Request
- Freedom of Information Publication Scheme
- Freedom of Information: Non-Domestic Business Rates
- Frequently asked questions for tenants renting from a private landlord
- Frequently asked questions: Small sites for new homes
- Further information that may affect your application
- Further Private Water Supplies information
- g
- Gambling premises and clubs
- Garden Bin - Order a new bin
- Gender Pay Gap Report
- GIRAMS subscription model
- GIRAMS subscription model
- Government procurement transactions
- Graffiti
- Graham Allen Award winners
- Grants awarded to Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprises
- Green 4 business
- Green Flag parks and spaces
- Green Futures: youth project
- Greenbuild 2021
- Greenbuild 2022
- Gulls: information and advice
- Gypsy and Travellers stopping sites
- h
- Habitat mitigation: Recreational impacts
- Habitat Mitigation: Recreational impacts
- Habitats regulations assessment
- Habitats Regulations Assessment
- HCP Terms and Conditions
- Health and safety at work issues
- Health and wellbeing
- Health and wellbeing support in North Norfolk
- Hedge and verge cutting
- Help and housing for care leavers and young people
- Help and support with childcare
- Help and support with energy bills
- Help and support with food
- Help and support with housing
- Help and support with water bills
- Help finding a privately rented property
- Help Hub
- Help with debt
- Help with living costs
- Help with your application
- Highways licensing for skips, scaffolding, notices and road closures
- Hold a Beach BBQ or event
- Holt Country Park
- Homeless after leaving hospital
- Homeless tonight?
- Homelessness and rough sleeping strategy
- Homes for Ukraine scheme in North Norfolk
- House to house collections
- Household Support Fund
- Household Support Fund
- Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) license
- Housing allocations scheme consultation
- Housing and economic land availability assessment
- Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA)
- Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support rates from April 2024
- Housing Benefit Overpayment - Quick Pay
- Housing Benefit payments direct to landlord
- Housing Benefit: your payment dates
- Housing condition complaint
- Housing Register
- Housing Strategy
- Housing with care properties
- How a change will affect your Benefits
- How can the Council help
- How much is my Council Tax?
- How planning applications are decided
- How to petition the Council
- How to promote resilience in your community
- How to protect my business in emergencies
- How to recycle your unwanted clothing
- How to relocate to North Norfolk
- How we buy
- How we manage your data
- i
- Inappropriate conduct by a Councillors
- Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy
- Interview with NNDC apprentices
- Invest North Norfolk
- l
- Land and buildings owned by the Council
- Land, premises and planning
- Landscape
- Landscape character assessment
- Landscape character assessment
- Larger bin
- Latest travel news
- LG Inform data - example page
- Liability, legislation and general information about Council Tax
- Library services
- Licensing fees
- Licensing register - Gambling Act 2005
- Licensing register - Personal
- Licensing register - Skin piercing
- Licensing register - street collections
- Licensing register - Taxis
- Licensing register - Temporary Event Notices (TENs)
- Licensing register: Other licences
- Limited opening at Splash
- Listed building consent
- Listed building consent
- Listed building restrictions
- Listed building restrictions
- Listed buildings
- Listed buildings
- Listed buildings
- Litter
- Loan sharks and illegal lending
- Local catchment area
- Local councils and services: Who does what?
- Local Development Orders
- Local Development Orders
- Local development scheme
- Local development scheme
- Local economy
- Local Housing Allowance (LHA)
- Local land and property gazetteer
- Local Land and Property Gazetteer
- Local land search
- Local land search
- Local plan (current)
- Local Plan (Current)
- Local plan (new)
- Local Plan (New)
- Local plan consultation
- Local plan consultation
- Local plan consultation: frequently asked questions
- Local Plan Consultation: Frequently Asked Questions
- Local plan examination
- Local Plan Examination
- Local plan examination library
- Local Plan Examination Library
- Local plan newsletters
- Local Plan Newsletters
- Local Sports and Leisure Centres
- Localism in North Norfolk
- Locally listed buildings
- Locally listed buildings
- Lost dog
- m
- Make an insurance or compensation claim
- Making a Regulation 77 application
- Making a Regulation 77 application
- Making objections to Licence Applications
- Management structure of the Council
- Managing your money
- Mandatory charity relief
- Mandatory rural rate relief
- Market Towns Initiative
- Market Trader Application form
- Market trader applications
- Markets
- Meet some of our apprentices
- Mental illness or impairment and threatened with homelessness
- Missed bin collection
- Miyawaki Forest Project
- Monitoring
- Motorhomes: camping and parking
- Muddy Boots volunteers
- Mundesley Coastal Management Outline Business Case
- Mundesley Coastal Management Scheme
- Mundesley Coastal Management Scheme map
- Music license application
- n
- Neighbourhood plan areas
- Neighbourhood plan areas
- Neighbourhood Planning
- Neighbourhood Planning
- Net Zero Strategy
- New and Altered Properties
- New property address
- New property address
- News
- NNDC local validation requirements for designated sites, priority habitats and other significant features
- NNDC local validation requirements for designated sites, priority habitats and other significant features
- Noise, smells, artificial light, smoke and more
- Non-native invasive species
- Norfolk Community Directory
- Norfolk Energy Switch
- North Norfolk annual canvass 2024
- North Norfolk apprenticeship stories: Mundesley Medical Practice
- North Norfolk apprenticeship stories: Oyster Yachts Ltd
- North Norfolk apprenticeship stories: Wroxham Barns
- North Norfolk Armed Forces
- North Norfolk Health and Wellbeing Partnership
- North Norfolk Local Validation Requirements List
- North Norfolk Local Validation Requirements List
- North Norfolk Sustainable Communities Fund details
- North Walsham Heritage Action Zone Projects
- North Walsham West Sustainable Urban Extension
- North Walsham West Sustainable Urban Extension
- Nutrient neutrality
- Nutrient neutrality
- o
- Offer to pay
- Offshore Windfarm Schemes – latest information and news
- Online account (registration and login)
- Options for owners of empty homes
- Organising events
- Organising Events
- Our pledge to the Covenant
- Outlook our new bi-annual magazine
- Overlapping Benefit (Benefit on two homes)
- Overview of custom and self-build housing
- Overview of Custom and Self-Build Housing
- p
- Parish and Town Councils Help Hub
- Parish and town councils precept
- Parking Account data
- Parking Fine
- Parking Fine - Appeal
- Pavement licensing Al Fresco eating and drinking
- Pavements
- Pension Credit
- Pension Credit
- Performance Information
- Permit surrender
- Permit surrender
- Personal licence
- Petitions submitted to the Council
- Planning and property advice including pre-applications
- Planning appeals
- Planning appeals
- Planning applications
- Planning constraints checking tool user guide
- Planning Constraints Checking Tool User Guide
- Planning enforcement
- Planning enforcement
- Planning Enforcement Register
- Planning Enforcement Register
- Planning for the Future: A Government Consultation
- Planning permission
- Planning Permission
- Planting and caring for your tree
- Policies map
- Policies, protocols and reports
- Polling station locations
- Postal or proxy vote signature refresh
- Postal vote
- Pothole - link to Norfolk County Council to report a pothole
- Pre-application advice for major schemes
- Pre-application advice service
- Pre-application advice service
- Premises licence
- Premises to let
- Prepare for an emergency
- Pretty Corner Woods
- Previous awards for Arts and Culture fund grant
- Previous awards for Community Transport fund grant
- Previous awards for Sustainable Communities grant fund
- Private water supplies risk assessments information
- Private water supply check
- Private water supply information
- Problem with a litter bin
- Problems paying Business Rates
- Properties to let and for sale
- Property details
- Property details
- Property valuation
- Property valuation appeal
- Proposals map
- Proposals map
- Proxy vote
- Public information notices
- Public speaking at committee meetings
- Public Toilets
- Public transport timetables
- Publication of verification number
- r
- Race Information and FAQs
- Rate reductions, reliefs, rateable value appeals and rating advisers
- Recruitment of ex-offenders statement
- Recycling centres
- Register a birth
- Register a death
- Register for an online account
- Register for flood warnings
- Register for updates on the local plan
- Register for updates on the Local Plan
- Register of assisted burials
- Register of contaminated land
- Register of Houses in Multiple Occupation licenses
- Register of Members Interest form
- Register of permitted processes
- Register to vote
- Registers of Councillors and Parish Council interests
- Renew a brown garden bin
- Report a Coastal issue
- Report a lost, stolen or damaged bin
- Report a problem on the road
- Report a problem with a nameplate sign
- Report a problem with a nameplate sign
- Report an emergency
- Report an empty home
- Repossession advice
- Request commercial bulky waste collection
- Request your own Personal Information (Subject Access Request)
- Respray road vehicle permit
- Retail and main town centre uses study
- Retail and Main Town Centre Uses Study
- Retail discount relief
- Review of polling districts and places 2024
- Reviewing your benefit claim
- Risk Management Framework
- Road closure permit
- Road projects and improvements
- Roadworks planned
- Rural exception housing schemes
- s
- Sadler's Wood
- Safeguarding
- Sanctuary Scheme
- sandscaping
- Sandscaping: Frequently asked questions
- Scams and fraud
- School term dates
- School transport
- Scrap metal dealers register
- Scrap metal licences
- Section 106 planning obligations
- Section 106 planning obligations
- Section 157 restriction
- Self-funding advice for disabled facilities adaptions
- Senior staff salaries
- Service Station permit
- Severe weather warnings
- Sexual Harassment Prevention and Action Policy
- Shared Ownership
- Sheringham Leisure Centre subscribe
- Shoreline Management Plans
- Single Person Discount review
- Site allocations plan
- Site allocations plan
- Skills, employment and training
- Skin piercing licence
- Small business rate relief
- Small electrical item recycling service
- Small premises lotteries application forms
- Small sites for new homes in North Norfolk
- Smaller bin
- Social care
- Solar panels: your guide to going green
- Sport centre events
- Sports events
- Statement of accounts
- Statement of community involvement
- Statement of Community Involvement
- Stranded whale or dolphin
- Strategic flood risk assessment
- Strategic Flood Risk Assessment
- Strategic housing market assessment
- Strategic Housing Market Assessment
- Street collections
- Street lighting - report a problem
- Street naming and numbering
- Street trading licence
- Sundry invoice
- Supporting our future
- Supporting small business relief
- Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report
- Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report
- Sustainability at The Reef Leisure Centre
- t
- Tax conditionality for taxi drivers, private hire operators and scrap metal dealers
- Taxi licence
- Tell us about changes that affect your benefits
- Tell us about changes that affect your council tax
- Temporary Event Notices (TENs) Application
- Temporary holiday sites, including caravan and camping sites
- Temporary holiday sites, including caravan and camping sites
- Temporary Register
- Temporary Register
- The Great British Cycling Festival
- The North Norfolk Waiting Well Project
- Timelapse Video
- Toilet provision in premises open to the public
- Tourist Information Centres
- Town and Parish Council support and news
- Transfer a mobile environment permit
- Transparency data - Payments to suppliers over £500
- Trees and hedges
- Trees and hedges
- Trees and hedges
- Triathlon Events
- u
- UK Shared Prosperity Fund and Rural England Prosperity Fund
- Universal Credit (Apply)
- Universal Credit: Migration Notice letter
- Upcoming elections, parish polls and referendums
- Useful links and downloads
- v
- Variation of permit for significant change of operation
- Variation to hackney carriage rank in Holt
- Vattenfall - Norfolk Vanguard offshore Windfarm - latest information and news
- Victim Support's Live Chat now available
- View and comment on a planning application
- View and comment on a planning application
- View the Council’s treasury management strategy
- View the Design guide
- View the licensing register - premises and clubs
- Voter ID
- Voter ID and Voter Authority Certificate: Frequently asked questions
- w
- Waiting Well Project: Online guidance
- Ward and parish boundaries map
- Waste and recycling planning guidance
- Water leak
- Water Supply Check
- Weddings and civil partnerships
- Weekly Reclaim Reduction
- What are listed buildings?
- What are listed buildings?
- What goes in my bin?
- What happens if I don't pay my Council Tax
- What housing associations operate in North Norfolk?
- What is a house in multiple occupation (HMO)?
- What is an empty home?
- What is happening on site?
- What the council does in an emergency
- What to do in severe weather
- What we buy
- When I will receive my benefits
- Where can I use jet skis/power boats
- Where to get business advice
- Who owns land or property near me?
- Who should pay Council Tax?
- Who to call in a power cut
- Work at elections
- Worried about becoming homeless
- WW1
- WW1 in Norfolk
Planning services and building control tasks
- View and comment on a planning application
- Planning and property advice including pre-applications
- Making a planning application
- Local plan (current)
- Local plan examination
- Local plan consultation
All tasks
- a
- A facility for everyone
- A pool for all ages
- Abandoned vehicle
- Access support from the Financial Inclusion team
- Accident at Work
- Adult entertainment licence
- Adult learning
- Advice about homelessness
- Advice about Homelessness
- Advice about renting privately
- Advice for Food Businesses
- Advice for veterans if you're homeless
- Advice if you're an ex-prisoner and find yourself homeless
- Advice on bullying
- Advice on employing and recruiting staff
- Advice on making staff redundant
- Advice on training staff
- Affordable homes across North Norfolk
- Affordable Housing
- Age Friendly North Norfolk
- All online payments
- Allocations Scheme policy
- Alternative Maximum Benefit (second adult rebate)
- Animal licensing fees
- Animal licensing register
- Animal welfare
- Annual Audit Letter
- Annual monitoring report
- Annual monitoring report
- Annual Report
- Antisocial behaviour
- Appeal a planning decision
- Appeal against a claim decision or overpayment
- Apply for a Blue Badge
- Apply for a brown garden bin
- Apply for a Forget Me Not Grant
- Apply for A2 applications permit
- Apply for benefit (whilst temporarily absent from home)
- Apply for Housing Benefit and Council Tax support
- Apply for other business rate relief
- Apply online for support with energy costs
- Apply to join the housing list
- Apprenticeship information for employers
- Apprenticeships at North Norfolk District Council
- Are you interested in shaping our Youth Council?
- Arts and Culture Fund
- Assets of community value
- Assistance with pests
- Assisted burials
- Assisted collection
- Audible Intruder Alarm register
- b
- Backdating Housing Benefit or Council Tax Support
- Battery recycling service
- Battle of the Beaches 2023
- Beach and bathing water quality
- Beach Huts
- Become a Deep History Coast Ambassador
- Becoming a Councillor
- Benefit cap
- Benefits calculator
- Benefits Calculator
- Benefits Claim evidence
- Better living environment
- Big Switch & Save
- Bin collection days
- Bin collection service announcements
- Bin collections
- Bin day changes 2024
- Biodiversity information
- Biodiversity net gain
- Biodiversity net gain
- Biodiversity net gain
- Blocked drain or private sewer
- Blue Flag beaches
- Book a personal search
- Book an event
- Bring your empty property back into use
- Broken glass, needles or bodily fluid
- Brownfield land register
- Brownfield Land Register
- Budget: Spring Budget 2024 update
- Building control appeals
- Building control appeals
- Building control inspection
- Building control inspection
- Building control: Our service
- Building regulation approval
- Building regulation approval
- Building regulations
- Building regulations
- Building work: check the approval that you need
- Building work: check the approval that you need
- Built environment and planning
- Bulk Cement permit
- Bulky waste collection
- Bus passes - apply to Norfolk County Council
- Business planning, support and funding
- Business rate relief
- Business rates - Pay
- Business rates bill
- Business rates bill appeal
- Business rates valuation account
- Business Start Up Information
- Busking
- Buying and selling a property on the coast
- c
- Cabinet Meetings
- Cabinet work programme
- Call for sites
- Call for Sites
- Campsite licences
- Capital and savings
- Car Park charges (inc coaches)
- Car park locations
- Car park season ticket
- Car Park Season Ticket
- Caravan and campsite guidance documents
- Caravan and motor home site licences
- Caravan sites licensing register
- Chairman of the Council
- Change name of residential property or business
- Change name of residential property or business
- Change of bank details
- Change of business address
- Climate Change Training
- Climate Emergency and Environmental Charter
- Clinical household waste collection
- Club premises certificate
- Coach park locations
- Coast and countryside
- Coastal adaptation supplementary planning document
- Coastal Adaptation Supplementary Planning document
- Coastal Loss Innovative Funding and Financing (CLIFF)
- Coastal Management: interactive map
- Coastal Protection
- Coastal safety
- Coastwise
- Coastwise FAQs
- Commemorating the World Wars in North Norfolk
- Commercial clinical waste collection
- Commercial food waste collection service
- Commercial waste collection
- Committee documents
- Committee meeting dates
- Community Alcohol Partnership
- Community Connectors
- Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
- Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
- Community Miyawaki Forest Project
- Community safety
- Community Transport Fund
- Community Transport Services
- Community-led housing
- Complain about a high hedge
- Complain about a high hedge
- Complain about a school
- Complain about Food
- Complaining about a landlord
- Compliments, Complaints and Comments
- Compulsory purchase orders
- Compulsory Purchase Orders
- Concern for a child
- Concrete Crushing permit
- Conservation area appraisals
- Conservation area appraisals
- Conservation areas
- Conservation areas in North Norfolk
- Conservation areas in North Norfolk
- Conservation Design Awards
- Constitution
- Consultation on Council Tax Support scheme
- Contaminated land
- Contaminated Land and Barn Conversions
- Contaminated Land and Barn Conversions
- Contracting and tender opportunities
- Contracts and purchasing over £5000
- Contracts Register
- Controlling condensation and mould in your home
- Core Strategy
- Core Strategy
- Corporate Plan 2019 to 2023
- Corporate Plan 2023 to 2027
- Corporate Risk Register
- Cost of a planning application
- Cost of living help
- Council budget
- Council consultations
- Council facts and figures (transparency of data)
- Council Tax - Appeal bill
- Council Tax - Login to view bill
- Council Tax - Pay
- Council Tax Discounts
- Council Tax Exemptions
- Council Tax premium charges: Empty properties and second homes
- Council Tax premium for second homes
- Council Tax Support Fund
- Council Tax: How is it spent
- Council Tax: Tell us you're moving home
- Council Tax: Your bill explained
- Councillors allowances, expenses and attendance
- Councillors and decision making
- Country Park facilities
- Countryside events and activities
- Covid-19 advice for animal related businesses
- Cromer Coastal Management Scheme map
- Cromer Coastal Management Scheme Phase 2
- Cromer pier
- Current casual vacancies for town and parish councils
- Current flood warnings
- Current vacancies for North Norfolk District Council wards
- Custom and self-build housing register
- Custom and Self-Build Housing Register
- d
- Damaged or missing street sign
- Dangerous structure
- Dangerous Wild Animal licence
- Data Protection Policy
- Data sharing terms and conditions
- Dead animal on the road
- Death (let us know)
- Deep History Coast
- Delegated Decisions
- Demolition work
- Demolitions and dangerous structures
- Design
- Design guide
- Design guide
- Developer contributions
- Development briefs and master plans
- Development Committee
- Development Committee
- Direct Debit - Business Rates
- Direct Debit - Council Tax
- Direct Debit form (for housing benefit overpayments)
- Directory of Parish and Town Council Clerks
- Disabled band relief
- Disabled Facilities Grant
- Disabled living equipment
- Disabled parking and blue badge
- Discretionary Housing Payments
- Discretionary reduction (business rates)
- Discretionary reduction (council tax)
- Discretionary relief
- Document library
- Document library (local plan)
- Dog Fouling
- Dog restrictions
- Domestic abuse: how to get help and support
- Drainage and sewerage issues
- Dropped kerb - applications
- Dry cleaners permit
- Duty of Care
- Duty to refer
- e
- Ecology
- Economy of North Norfolk
- Economy of North Norfolk
- Election results
- Electoral register
- Electric Vehicle Charging
- Electric vehicles and EV charging points
- Emergency accommodation
- Employee benefits at NNDC
- Employers’ guide to working with schools (including work experience)
- Empty business properties
- Empty home advice
- Empty home review
- Environmental permit
- Environmental permit transfer
- Environmental Protection Freedom of Information
- Environmental regulations
- Equality, diversity and inclusion policy
- Events and news
- f
- Fees for major pre-application advice
- Filming requests
- Financial help if you have children
- Financial inclusion
- Financial Strategy
- Find out about Energy Saving Trust
- Find out about help if your property is at risk from erosion
- Find out about holiday lets and business rates
- Find out about school admissions
- Find out about subsidy control
- Find out about Warm and Well in North Norfolk
- Find out how much my Business Rates are
- Find out more about the north Norfolk coast
- Fishing rod licence
- Five year supply of housing land
- Five year supply of housing land
- Flood
- Fly tipping
- Flyposting
- Food allergens and labelling guidance
- Food business registration
- Food hygiene rating scheme
- Food hygiene ratings
- Food premises approval
- Food Premises Register
- Food Safety Management
- Food safety training
- Foreign pension: proof of life and residence
- Found dog
- Fraud
- Freedom of Information - Council Tax
- Freedom of information - FAQs
- Freedom of Information (FOI) Request
- Freedom of Information Publication Scheme
- Freedom of Information: Non-Domestic Business Rates
- Frequently asked questions for tenants renting from a private landlord
- Frequently asked questions: Small sites for new homes
- Further information that may affect your application
- Further Private Water Supplies information
- g
- Gambling premises and clubs
- Garden Bin - Order a new bin
- Gender Pay Gap Report
- GIRAMS subscription model
- GIRAMS subscription model
- Government procurement transactions
- Graffiti
- Graham Allen Award winners
- Grants awarded to Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprises
- Green 4 business
- Green Flag parks and spaces
- Green Futures: youth project
- Greenbuild 2021
- Greenbuild 2022
- Gulls: information and advice
- Gypsy and Travellers stopping sites
- h
- Habitat mitigation: Recreational impacts
- Habitat Mitigation: Recreational impacts
- Habitats regulations assessment
- Habitats Regulations Assessment
- HCP Terms and Conditions
- Health and safety at work issues
- Health and wellbeing
- Health and wellbeing support in North Norfolk
- Hedge and verge cutting
- Help and housing for care leavers and young people
- Help and support with childcare
- Help and support with energy bills
- Help and support with food
- Help and support with housing
- Help and support with water bills
- Help finding a privately rented property
- Help Hub
- Help with debt
- Help with living costs
- Help with your application
- Highways licensing for skips, scaffolding, notices and road closures
- Hold a Beach BBQ or event
- Holt Country Park
- Homeless after leaving hospital
- Homeless tonight?
- Homelessness and rough sleeping strategy
- Homes for Ukraine scheme in North Norfolk
- House to house collections
- Household Support Fund
- Household Support Fund
- Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) license
- Housing allocations scheme consultation
- Housing and economic land availability assessment
- Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA)
- Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support rates from April 2024
- Housing Benefit Overpayment - Quick Pay
- Housing Benefit payments direct to landlord
- Housing Benefit: your payment dates
- Housing condition complaint
- Housing Register
- Housing Strategy
- Housing with care properties
- How a change will affect your Benefits
- How can the Council help
- How much is my Council Tax?
- How planning applications are decided
- How to petition the Council
- How to promote resilience in your community
- How to protect my business in emergencies
- How to recycle your unwanted clothing
- How to relocate to North Norfolk
- How we buy
- How we manage your data
- i
- Inappropriate conduct by a Councillors
- Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy
- Interview with NNDC apprentices
- Invest North Norfolk
- l
- Land and buildings owned by the Council
- Land, premises and planning
- Landscape
- Landscape character assessment
- Landscape character assessment
- Larger bin
- Latest travel news
- LG Inform data - example page
- Liability, legislation and general information about Council Tax
- Library services
- Licensing fees
- Licensing register - Gambling Act 2005
- Licensing register - Personal
- Licensing register - Skin piercing
- Licensing register - street collections
- Licensing register - Taxis
- Licensing register - Temporary Event Notices (TENs)
- Licensing register: Other licences
- Limited opening at Splash
- Listed building consent
- Listed building consent
- Listed building restrictions
- Listed building restrictions
- Listed buildings
- Listed buildings
- Listed buildings
- Litter
- Loan sharks and illegal lending
- Local catchment area
- Local councils and services: Who does what?
- Local Development Orders
- Local Development Orders
- Local development scheme
- Local development scheme
- Local economy
- Local Housing Allowance (LHA)
- Local land and property gazetteer
- Local Land and Property Gazetteer
- Local land search
- Local land search
- Local plan (current)
- Local Plan (Current)
- Local plan (new)
- Local Plan (New)
- Local plan consultation
- Local plan consultation
- Local plan consultation: frequently asked questions
- Local Plan Consultation: Frequently Asked Questions
- Local plan examination
- Local Plan Examination
- Local plan examination library
- Local Plan Examination Library
- Local plan newsletters
- Local Plan Newsletters
- Local Sports and Leisure Centres
- Localism in North Norfolk
- Locally listed buildings
- Locally listed buildings
- Lost dog
- m
- Make an insurance or compensation claim
- Making a Regulation 77 application
- Making a Regulation 77 application
- Making objections to Licence Applications
- Management structure of the Council
- Managing your money
- Mandatory charity relief
- Mandatory rural rate relief
- Market Towns Initiative
- Market Trader Application form
- Market trader applications
- Markets
- Meet some of our apprentices
- Mental illness or impairment and threatened with homelessness
- Missed bin collection
- Miyawaki Forest Project
- Monitoring
- Motorhomes: camping and parking
- Muddy Boots volunteers
- Mundesley Coastal Management Outline Business Case
- Mundesley Coastal Management Scheme
- Mundesley Coastal Management Scheme map
- Music license application
- n
- Neighbourhood plan areas
- Neighbourhood plan areas
- Neighbourhood Planning
- Neighbourhood Planning
- Net Zero Strategy
- New and Altered Properties
- New property address
- New property address
- News
- NNDC local validation requirements for designated sites, priority habitats and other significant features
- NNDC local validation requirements for designated sites, priority habitats and other significant features
- Noise, smells, artificial light, smoke and more
- Non-native invasive species
- Norfolk Community Directory
- Norfolk Energy Switch
- North Norfolk annual canvass 2024
- North Norfolk apprenticeship stories: Mundesley Medical Practice
- North Norfolk apprenticeship stories: Oyster Yachts Ltd
- North Norfolk apprenticeship stories: Wroxham Barns
- North Norfolk Armed Forces
- North Norfolk Health and Wellbeing Partnership
- North Norfolk Local Validation Requirements List
- North Norfolk Local Validation Requirements List
- North Norfolk Sustainable Communities Fund details
- North Walsham Heritage Action Zone Projects
- North Walsham West Sustainable Urban Extension
- North Walsham West Sustainable Urban Extension
- Nutrient neutrality
- Nutrient neutrality
- o
- Offer to pay
- Offshore Windfarm Schemes – latest information and news
- Online account (registration and login)
- Options for owners of empty homes
- Organising events
- Organising Events
- Our pledge to the Covenant
- Outlook our new bi-annual magazine
- Overlapping Benefit (Benefit on two homes)
- Overview of custom and self-build housing
- Overview of Custom and Self-Build Housing
- p
- Parish and Town Councils Help Hub
- Parish and town councils precept
- Parking Account data
- Parking Fine
- Parking Fine - Appeal
- Pavement licensing Al Fresco eating and drinking
- Pavements
- Pension Credit
- Pension Credit
- Performance Information
- Permit surrender
- Permit surrender
- Personal licence
- Petitions submitted to the Council
- Planning and property advice including pre-applications
- Planning appeals
- Planning appeals
- Planning applications
- Planning constraints checking tool user guide
- Planning Constraints Checking Tool User Guide
- Planning enforcement
- Planning enforcement
- Planning Enforcement Register
- Planning Enforcement Register
- Planning for the Future: A Government Consultation
- Planning permission
- Planning Permission
- Planting and caring for your tree
- Policies map
- Policies, protocols and reports
- Polling station locations
- Postal or proxy vote signature refresh
- Postal vote
- Pothole - link to Norfolk County Council to report a pothole
- Pre-application advice for major schemes
- Pre-application advice service
- Pre-application advice service
- Premises licence
- Premises to let
- Prepare for an emergency
- Pretty Corner Woods
- Previous awards for Arts and Culture fund grant
- Previous awards for Community Transport fund grant
- Previous awards for Sustainable Communities grant fund
- Private water supplies risk assessments information
- Private water supply check
- Private water supply information
- Problem with a litter bin
- Problems paying Business Rates
- Properties to let and for sale
- Property details
- Property details
- Property valuation
- Property valuation appeal
- Proposals map
- Proposals map
- Proxy vote
- Public information notices
- Public speaking at committee meetings
- Public Toilets
- Public transport timetables
- Publication of verification number
- r
- Race Information and FAQs
- Rate reductions, reliefs, rateable value appeals and rating advisers
- Recruitment of ex-offenders statement
- Recycling centres
- Register a birth
- Register a death
- Register for an online account
- Register for flood warnings
- Register for updates on the local plan
- Register for updates on the Local Plan
- Register of assisted burials
- Register of contaminated land
- Register of Houses in Multiple Occupation licenses
- Register of Members Interest form
- Register of permitted processes
- Register to vote
- Registers of Councillors and Parish Council interests
- Renew a brown garden bin
- Report a Coastal issue
- Report a lost, stolen or damaged bin
- Report a problem on the road
- Report a problem with a nameplate sign
- Report a problem with a nameplate sign
- Report an emergency
- Report an empty home
- Repossession advice
- Request commercial bulky waste collection
- Request your own Personal Information (Subject Access Request)
- Respray road vehicle permit
- Retail and main town centre uses study
- Retail and Main Town Centre Uses Study
- Retail discount relief
- Review of polling districts and places 2024
- Reviewing your benefit claim
- Risk Management Framework
- Road closure permit
- Road projects and improvements
- Roadworks planned
- Rural exception housing schemes
- s
- Sadler's Wood
- Safeguarding
- Sanctuary Scheme
- sandscaping
- Sandscaping: Frequently asked questions
- Scams and fraud
- School term dates
- School transport
- Scrap metal dealers register
- Scrap metal licences
- Section 106 planning obligations
- Section 106 planning obligations
- Section 157 restriction
- Self-funding advice for disabled facilities adaptions
- Senior staff salaries
- Service Station permit
- Severe weather warnings
- Sexual Harassment Prevention and Action Policy
- Shared Ownership
- Sheringham Leisure Centre subscribe
- Shoreline Management Plans
- Single Person Discount review
- Site allocations plan
- Site allocations plan
- Skills, employment and training
- Skin piercing licence
- Small business rate relief
- Small electrical item recycling service
- Small premises lotteries application forms
- Small sites for new homes in North Norfolk
- Smaller bin
- Social care
- Solar panels: your guide to going green
- Sport centre events
- Sports events
- Statement of accounts
- Statement of community involvement
- Statement of Community Involvement
- Stranded whale or dolphin
- Strategic flood risk assessment
- Strategic Flood Risk Assessment
- Strategic housing market assessment
- Strategic Housing Market Assessment
- Street collections
- Street lighting - report a problem
- Street naming and numbering
- Street trading licence
- Sundry invoice
- Supporting our future
- Supporting small business relief
- Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report
- Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report
- Sustainability at The Reef Leisure Centre
- t
- Tax conditionality for taxi drivers, private hire operators and scrap metal dealers
- Taxi licence
- Tell us about changes that affect your benefits
- Tell us about changes that affect your council tax
- Temporary Event Notices (TENs) Application
- Temporary holiday sites, including caravan and camping sites
- Temporary holiday sites, including caravan and camping sites
- Temporary Register
- Temporary Register
- The Great British Cycling Festival
- The North Norfolk Waiting Well Project
- Timelapse Video
- Toilet provision in premises open to the public
- Tourist Information Centres
- Town and Parish Council support and news
- Transfer a mobile environment permit
- Transparency data - Payments to suppliers over £500
- Trees and hedges
- Trees and hedges
- Trees and hedges
- Triathlon Events
- u
- UK Shared Prosperity Fund and Rural England Prosperity Fund
- Universal Credit (Apply)
- Universal Credit: Migration Notice letter
- Upcoming elections, parish polls and referendums
- Useful links and downloads
- v
- Variation of permit for significant change of operation
- Variation to hackney carriage rank in Holt
- Vattenfall - Norfolk Vanguard offshore Windfarm - latest information and news
- Victim Support's Live Chat now available
- View and comment on a planning application
- View and comment on a planning application
- View the Council’s treasury management strategy
- View the Design guide
- View the licensing register - premises and clubs
- Voter ID
- Voter ID and Voter Authority Certificate: Frequently asked questions
- w
- Waiting Well Project: Online guidance
- Ward and parish boundaries map
- Waste and recycling planning guidance
- Water leak
- Water Supply Check
- Weddings and civil partnerships
- Weekly Reclaim Reduction
- What are listed buildings?
- What are listed buildings?
- What goes in my bin?
- What happens if I don't pay my Council Tax
- What housing associations operate in North Norfolk?
- What is a house in multiple occupation (HMO)?
- What is an empty home?
- What is happening on site?
- What the council does in an emergency
- What to do in severe weather
- What we buy
- When I will receive my benefits
- Where can I use jet skis/power boats
- Where to get business advice
- Who owns land or property near me?
- Who should pay Council Tax?
- Who to call in a power cut
- Work at elections
- Worried about becoming homeless
- WW1
- WW1 in Norfolk
Benefits tasks
- Apply for Pension Credit
- Benefits calculator: what are you entitled to?
- Tell us about changes that affect your benefits
- Apply for Housing Benefit and Council Tax support
- Manage your benefits claim online
- Universal Credit: Migration Notice letter
All tasks
- a
- A facility for everyone
- A pool for all ages
- Abandoned vehicle
- Access support from the Financial Inclusion team
- Accident at Work
- Adult entertainment licence
- Adult learning
- Advice about homelessness
- Advice about Homelessness
- Advice about renting privately
- Advice for Food Businesses
- Advice for veterans if you're homeless
- Advice if you're an ex-prisoner and find yourself homeless
- Advice on bullying
- Advice on employing and recruiting staff
- Advice on making staff redundant
- Advice on training staff
- Affordable homes across North Norfolk
- Affordable Housing
- Age Friendly North Norfolk
- All online payments
- Allocations Scheme policy
- Alternative Maximum Benefit (second adult rebate)
- Animal licensing fees
- Animal licensing register
- Animal welfare
- Annual Audit Letter
- Annual monitoring report
- Annual monitoring report
- Annual Report
- Antisocial behaviour
- Appeal a planning decision
- Appeal against a claim decision or overpayment
- Apply for a Blue Badge
- Apply for a brown garden bin
- Apply for a Forget Me Not Grant
- Apply for A2 applications permit
- Apply for benefit (whilst temporarily absent from home)
- Apply for Housing Benefit and Council Tax support
- Apply for other business rate relief
- Apply online for support with energy costs
- Apply to join the housing list
- Apprenticeship information for employers
- Apprenticeships at North Norfolk District Council
- Are you interested in shaping our Youth Council?
- Arts and Culture Fund
- Assets of community value
- Assistance with pests
- Assisted burials
- Assisted collection
- Audible Intruder Alarm register
- b
- Backdating Housing Benefit or Council Tax Support
- Battery recycling service
- Battle of the Beaches 2023
- Beach and bathing water quality
- Beach Huts
- Become a Deep History Coast Ambassador
- Becoming a Councillor
- Benefit cap
- Benefits calculator
- Benefits Calculator
- Benefits Claim evidence
- Better living environment
- Big Switch & Save
- Bin collection days
- Bin collection service announcements
- Bin collections
- Bin day changes 2024
- Biodiversity information
- Biodiversity net gain
- Biodiversity net gain
- Biodiversity net gain
- Blocked drain or private sewer
- Blue Flag beaches
- Book a personal search
- Book an event
- Bring your empty property back into use
- Broken glass, needles or bodily fluid
- Brownfield land register
- Brownfield Land Register
- Budget: Spring Budget 2024 update
- Building control appeals
- Building control appeals
- Building control inspection
- Building control inspection
- Building control: Our service
- Building regulation approval
- Building regulation approval
- Building regulations
- Building regulations
- Building work: check the approval that you need
- Building work: check the approval that you need
- Built environment and planning
- Bulk Cement permit
- Bulky waste collection
- Bus passes - apply to Norfolk County Council
- Business planning, support and funding
- Business rate relief
- Business rates - Pay
- Business rates bill
- Business rates bill appeal
- Business rates valuation account
- Business Start Up Information
- Busking
- Buying and selling a property on the coast
- c
- Cabinet Meetings
- Cabinet work programme
- Call for sites
- Call for Sites
- Campsite licences
- Capital and savings
- Car Park charges (inc coaches)
- Car park locations
- Car park season ticket
- Car Park Season Ticket
- Caravan and campsite guidance documents
- Caravan and motor home site licences
- Caravan sites licensing register
- Chairman of the Council
- Change name of residential property or business
- Change name of residential property or business
- Change of bank details
- Change of business address
- Climate Change Training
- Climate Emergency and Environmental Charter
- Clinical household waste collection
- Club premises certificate
- Coach park locations
- Coast and countryside
- Coastal adaptation supplementary planning document
- Coastal Adaptation Supplementary Planning document
- Coastal Loss Innovative Funding and Financing (CLIFF)
- Coastal Management: interactive map
- Coastal Protection
- Coastal safety
- Coastwise
- Coastwise FAQs
- Commemorating the World Wars in North Norfolk
- Commercial clinical waste collection
- Commercial food waste collection service
- Commercial waste collection
- Committee documents
- Committee meeting dates
- Community Alcohol Partnership
- Community Connectors
- Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
- Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
- Community Miyawaki Forest Project
- Community safety
- Community Transport Fund
- Community Transport Services
- Community-led housing
- Complain about a high hedge
- Complain about a high hedge
- Complain about a school
- Complain about Food
- Complaining about a landlord
- Compliments, Complaints and Comments
- Compulsory purchase orders
- Compulsory Purchase Orders
- Concern for a child
- Concrete Crushing permit
- Conservation area appraisals
- Conservation area appraisals
- Conservation areas
- Conservation areas in North Norfolk
- Conservation areas in North Norfolk
- Conservation Design Awards
- Constitution
- Consultation on Council Tax Support scheme
- Contaminated land
- Contaminated Land and Barn Conversions
- Contaminated Land and Barn Conversions
- Contracting and tender opportunities
- Contracts and purchasing over £5000
- Contracts Register
- Controlling condensation and mould in your home
- Core Strategy
- Core Strategy
- Corporate Plan 2019 to 2023
- Corporate Plan 2023 to 2027
- Corporate Risk Register
- Cost of a planning application
- Cost of living help
- Council budget
- Council consultations
- Council facts and figures (transparency of data)
- Council Tax - Appeal bill
- Council Tax - Login to view bill
- Council Tax - Pay
- Council Tax Discounts
- Council Tax Exemptions
- Council Tax premium charges: Empty properties and second homes
- Council Tax premium for second homes
- Council Tax Support Fund
- Council Tax: How is it spent
- Council Tax: Tell us you're moving home
- Council Tax: Your bill explained
- Councillors allowances, expenses and attendance
- Councillors and decision making
- Country Park facilities
- Countryside events and activities
- Covid-19 advice for animal related businesses
- Cromer Coastal Management Scheme map
- Cromer Coastal Management Scheme Phase 2
- Cromer pier
- Current casual vacancies for town and parish councils
- Current flood warnings
- Current vacancies for North Norfolk District Council wards
- Custom and self-build housing register
- Custom and Self-Build Housing Register
- d
- Damaged or missing street sign
- Dangerous structure
- Dangerous Wild Animal licence
- Data Protection Policy
- Data sharing terms and conditions
- Dead animal on the road
- Death (let us know)
- Deep History Coast
- Delegated Decisions
- Demolition work
- Demolitions and dangerous structures
- Design
- Design guide
- Design guide
- Developer contributions
- Development briefs and master plans
- Development Committee
- Development Committee
- Direct Debit - Business Rates
- Direct Debit - Council Tax
- Direct Debit form (for housing benefit overpayments)
- Directory of Parish and Town Council Clerks
- Disabled band relief
- Disabled Facilities Grant
- Disabled living equipment
- Disabled parking and blue badge
- Discretionary Housing Payments
- Discretionary reduction (business rates)
- Discretionary reduction (council tax)
- Discretionary relief
- Document library
- Document library (local plan)
- Dog Fouling
- Dog restrictions
- Domestic abuse: how to get help and support
- Drainage and sewerage issues
- Dropped kerb - applications
- Dry cleaners permit
- Duty of Care
- Duty to refer
- e
- Ecology
- Economy of North Norfolk
- Economy of North Norfolk
- Election results
- Electoral register
- Electric Vehicle Charging
- Electric vehicles and EV charging points
- Emergency accommodation
- Employee benefits at NNDC
- Employers’ guide to working with schools (including work experience)
- Empty business properties
- Empty home advice
- Empty home review
- Environmental permit
- Environmental permit transfer
- Environmental Protection Freedom of Information
- Environmental regulations
- Equality, diversity and inclusion policy
- Events and news
- f
- Fees for major pre-application advice
- Filming requests
- Financial help if you have children
- Financial inclusion
- Financial Strategy
- Find out about Energy Saving Trust
- Find out about help if your property is at risk from erosion
- Find out about holiday lets and business rates
- Find out about school admissions
- Find out about subsidy control
- Find out about Warm and Well in North Norfolk
- Find out how much my Business Rates are
- Find out more about the north Norfolk coast
- Fishing rod licence
- Five year supply of housing land
- Five year supply of housing land
- Flood
- Fly tipping
- Flyposting
- Food allergens and labelling guidance
- Food business registration
- Food hygiene rating scheme
- Food hygiene ratings
- Food premises approval
- Food Premises Register
- Food Safety Management
- Food safety training
- Foreign pension: proof of life and residence
- Found dog
- Fraud
- Freedom of Information - Council Tax
- Freedom of information - FAQs
- Freedom of Information (FOI) Request
- Freedom of Information Publication Scheme
- Freedom of Information: Non-Domestic Business Rates
- Frequently asked questions for tenants renting from a private landlord
- Frequently asked questions: Small sites for new homes
- Further information that may affect your application
- Further Private Water Supplies information
- g
- Gambling premises and clubs
- Garden Bin - Order a new bin
- Gender Pay Gap Report
- GIRAMS subscription model
- GIRAMS subscription model
- Government procurement transactions
- Graffiti
- Graham Allen Award winners
- Grants awarded to Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprises
- Green 4 business
- Green Flag parks and spaces
- Green Futures: youth project
- Greenbuild 2021
- Greenbuild 2022
- Gulls: information and advice
- Gypsy and Travellers stopping sites
- h
- Habitat mitigation: Recreational impacts
- Habitat Mitigation: Recreational impacts
- Habitats regulations assessment
- Habitats Regulations Assessment
- HCP Terms and Conditions
- Health and safety at work issues
- Health and wellbeing
- Health and wellbeing support in North Norfolk
- Hedge and verge cutting
- Help and housing for care leavers and young people
- Help and support with childcare
- Help and support with energy bills
- Help and support with food
- Help and support with housing
- Help and support with water bills
- Help finding a privately rented property
- Help Hub
- Help with debt
- Help with living costs
- Help with your application
- Highways licensing for skips, scaffolding, notices and road closures
- Hold a Beach BBQ or event
- Holt Country Park
- Homeless after leaving hospital
- Homeless tonight?
- Homelessness and rough sleeping strategy
- Homes for Ukraine scheme in North Norfolk
- House to house collections
- Household Support Fund
- Household Support Fund
- Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) license
- Housing allocations scheme consultation
- Housing and economic land availability assessment
- Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA)
- Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support rates from April 2024
- Housing Benefit Overpayment - Quick Pay
- Housing Benefit payments direct to landlord
- Housing Benefit: your payment dates
- Housing condition complaint
- Housing Register
- Housing Strategy
- Housing with care properties
- How a change will affect your Benefits
- How can the Council help
- How much is my Council Tax?
- How planning applications are decided
- How to petition the Council
- How to promote resilience in your community
- How to protect my business in emergencies
- How to recycle your unwanted clothing
- How to relocate to North Norfolk
- How we buy
- How we manage your data
- i
- Inappropriate conduct by a Councillors
- Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy
- Interview with NNDC apprentices
- Invest North Norfolk
- l
- Land and buildings owned by the Council
- Land, premises and planning
- Landscape
- Landscape character assessment
- Landscape character assessment
- Larger bin
- Latest travel news
- LG Inform data - example page
- Liability, legislation and general information about Council Tax
- Library services
- Licensing fees
- Licensing register - Gambling Act 2005
- Licensing register - Personal
- Licensing register - Skin piercing
- Licensing register - street collections
- Licensing register - Taxis
- Licensing register - Temporary Event Notices (TENs)
- Licensing register: Other licences
- Limited opening at Splash
- Listed building consent
- Listed building consent
- Listed building restrictions
- Listed building restrictions
- Listed buildings
- Listed buildings
- Listed buildings
- Litter
- Loan sharks and illegal lending
- Local catchment area
- Local councils and services: Who does what?
- Local Development Orders
- Local Development Orders
- Local development scheme
- Local development scheme
- Local economy
- Local Housing Allowance (LHA)
- Local land and property gazetteer
- Local Land and Property Gazetteer
- Local land search
- Local land search
- Local plan (current)
- Local Plan (Current)
- Local plan (new)
- Local Plan (New)
- Local plan consultation
- Local plan consultation
- Local plan consultation: frequently asked questions
- Local Plan Consultation: Frequently Asked Questions
- Local plan examination
- Local Plan Examination
- Local plan examination library
- Local Plan Examination Library
- Local plan newsletters
- Local Plan Newsletters
- Local Sports and Leisure Centres
- Localism in North Norfolk
- Locally listed buildings
- Locally listed buildings
- Lost dog
- m
- Make an insurance or compensation claim
- Making a Regulation 77 application
- Making a Regulation 77 application
- Making objections to Licence Applications
- Management structure of the Council
- Managing your money
- Mandatory charity relief
- Mandatory rural rate relief
- Market Towns Initiative
- Market Trader Application form
- Market trader applications
- Markets
- Meet some of our apprentices
- Mental illness or impairment and threatened with homelessness
- Missed bin collection
- Miyawaki Forest Project
- Monitoring
- Motorhomes: camping and parking
- Muddy Boots volunteers
- Mundesley Coastal Management Outline Business Case
- Mundesley Coastal Management Scheme
- Mundesley Coastal Management Scheme map
- Music license application
- n
- Neighbourhood plan areas
- Neighbourhood plan areas
- Neighbourhood Planning
- Neighbourhood Planning
- Net Zero Strategy
- New and Altered Properties
- New property address
- New property address
- News
- NNDC local validation requirements for designated sites, priority habitats and other significant features
- NNDC local validation requirements for designated sites, priority habitats and other significant features
- Noise, smells, artificial light, smoke and more
- Non-native invasive species
- Norfolk Community Directory
- Norfolk Energy Switch
- North Norfolk annual canvass 2024
- North Norfolk apprenticeship stories: Mundesley Medical Practice
- North Norfolk apprenticeship stories: Oyster Yachts Ltd
- North Norfolk apprenticeship stories: Wroxham Barns
- North Norfolk Armed Forces
- North Norfolk Health and Wellbeing Partnership
- North Norfolk Local Validation Requirements List
- North Norfolk Local Validation Requirements List
- North Norfolk Sustainable Communities Fund details
- North Walsham Heritage Action Zone Projects
- North Walsham West Sustainable Urban Extension
- North Walsham West Sustainable Urban Extension
- Nutrient neutrality
- Nutrient neutrality
- o
- Offer to pay
- Offshore Windfarm Schemes – latest information and news
- Online account (registration and login)
- Options for owners of empty homes
- Organising events
- Organising Events
- Our pledge to the Covenant
- Outlook our new bi-annual magazine
- Overlapping Benefit (Benefit on two homes)
- Overview of custom and self-build housing
- Overview of Custom and Self-Build Housing
- p
- Parish and Town Councils Help Hub
- Parish and town councils precept
- Parking Account data
- Parking Fine
- Parking Fine - Appeal
- Pavement licensing Al Fresco eating and drinking
- Pavements
- Pension Credit
- Pension Credit
- Performance Information
- Permit surrender
- Permit surrender
- Personal licence
- Petitions submitted to the Council
- Planning and property advice including pre-applications
- Planning appeals
- Planning appeals
- Planning applications
- Planning constraints checking tool user guide
- Planning Constraints Checking Tool User Guide
- Planning enforcement
- Planning enforcement
- Planning Enforcement Register
- Planning Enforcement Register
- Planning for the Future: A Government Consultation
- Planning permission
- Planning Permission
- Planting and caring for your tree
- Policies map
- Policies, protocols and reports
- Polling station locations
- Postal or proxy vote signature refresh
- Postal vote
- Pothole - link to Norfolk County Council to report a pothole
- Pre-application advice for major schemes
- Pre-application advice service
- Pre-application advice service
- Premises licence
- Premises to let
- Prepare for an emergency
- Pretty Corner Woods
- Previous awards for Arts and Culture fund grant
- Previous awards for Community Transport fund grant
- Previous awards for Sustainable Communities grant fund
- Private water supplies risk assessments information
- Private water supply check
- Private water supply information
- Problem with a litter bin
- Problems paying Business Rates
- Properties to let and for sale
- Property details
- Property details
- Property valuation
- Property valuation appeal
- Proposals map
- Proposals map
- Proxy vote
- Public information notices
- Public speaking at committee meetings
- Public Toilets
- Public transport timetables
- Publication of verification number
- r
- Race Information and FAQs
- Rate reductions, reliefs, rateable value appeals and rating advisers
- Recruitment of ex-offenders statement
- Recycling centres
- Register a birth
- Register a death
- Register for an online account
- Register for flood warnings
- Register for updates on the local plan
- Register for updates on the Local Plan
- Register of assisted burials
- Register of contaminated land
- Register of Houses in Multiple Occupation licenses
- Register of Members Interest form
- Register of permitted processes
- Register to vote
- Registers of Councillors and Parish Council interests
- Renew a brown garden bin
- Report a Coastal issue
- Report a lost, stolen or damaged bin
- Report a problem on the road
- Report a problem with a nameplate sign
- Report a problem with a nameplate sign
- Report an emergency
- Report an empty home
- Repossession advice
- Request commercial bulky waste collection
- Request your own Personal Information (Subject Access Request)
- Respray road vehicle permit
- Retail and main town centre uses study
- Retail and Main Town Centre Uses Study
- Retail discount relief
- Review of polling districts and places 2024
- Reviewing your benefit claim
- Risk Management Framework
- Road closure permit
- Road projects and improvements
- Roadworks planned
- Rural exception housing schemes
- s
- Sadler's Wood
- Safeguarding
- Sanctuary Scheme
- sandscaping
- Sandscaping: Frequently asked questions
- Scams and fraud
- School term dates
- School transport
- Scrap metal dealers register
- Scrap metal licences
- Section 106 planning obligations
- Section 106 planning obligations
- Section 157 restriction
- Self-funding advice for disabled facilities adaptions
- Senior staff salaries
- Service Station permit
- Severe weather warnings
- Sexual Harassment Prevention and Action Policy
- Shared Ownership
- Sheringham Leisure Centre subscribe
- Shoreline Management Plans
- Single Person Discount review
- Site allocations plan
- Site allocations plan
- Skills, employment and training
- Skin piercing licence
- Small business rate relief
- Small electrical item recycling service
- Small premises lotteries application forms
- Small sites for new homes in North Norfolk
- Smaller bin
- Social care
- Solar panels: your guide to going green
- Sport centre events
- Sports events
- Statement of accounts
- Statement of community involvement
- Statement of Community Involvement
- Stranded whale or dolphin
- Strategic flood risk assessment
- Strategic Flood Risk Assessment
- Strategic housing market assessment
- Strategic Housing Market Assessment
- Street collections
- Street lighting - report a problem
- Street naming and numbering
- Street trading licence
- Sundry invoice
- Supporting our future
- Supporting small business relief
- Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report
- Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report
- Sustainability at The Reef Leisure Centre
- t
- Tax conditionality for taxi drivers, private hire operators and scrap metal dealers
- Taxi licence
- Tell us about changes that affect your benefits
- Tell us about changes that affect your council tax
- Temporary Event Notices (TENs) Application
- Temporary holiday sites, including caravan and camping sites
- Temporary holiday sites, including caravan and camping sites
- Temporary Register
- Temporary Register
- The Great British Cycling Festival
- The North Norfolk Waiting Well Project
- Timelapse Video
- Toilet provision in premises open to the public
- Tourist Information Centres
- Town and Parish Council support and news
- Transfer a mobile environment permit
- Transparency data - Payments to suppliers over £500
- Trees and hedges
- Trees and hedges
- Trees and hedges
- Triathlon Events
- u
- UK Shared Prosperity Fund and Rural England Prosperity Fund
- Universal Credit (Apply)
- Universal Credit: Migration Notice letter
- Upcoming elections, parish polls and referendums
- Useful links and downloads
- v
- Variation of permit for significant change of operation
- Variation to hackney carriage rank in Holt
- Vattenfall - Norfolk Vanguard offshore Windfarm - latest information and news
- Victim Support's Live Chat now available
- View and comment on a planning application
- View and comment on a planning application
- View the Council’s treasury management strategy
- View the Design guide
- View the licensing register - premises and clubs
- Voter ID
- Voter ID and Voter Authority Certificate: Frequently asked questions
- w
- Waiting Well Project: Online guidance
- Ward and parish boundaries map
- Waste and recycling planning guidance
- Water leak
- Water Supply Check
- Weddings and civil partnerships
- Weekly Reclaim Reduction
- What are listed buildings?
- What are listed buildings?
- What goes in my bin?
- What happens if I don't pay my Council Tax
- What housing associations operate in North Norfolk?
- What is a house in multiple occupation (HMO)?
- What is an empty home?
- What is happening on site?
- What the council does in an emergency
- What to do in severe weather
- What we buy
- When I will receive my benefits
- Where can I use jet skis/power boats
- Where to get business advice
- Who owns land or property near me?
- Who should pay Council Tax?
- Who to call in a power cut
- Work at elections
- Worried about becoming homeless
- WW1
- WW1 in Norfolk
Environment & Emergencies tasks
- Report a nuisance
- Local Plan (New)
- Mundesley Coastal Management Outline Business Case
- Bacton to Walcott Coastal Management
- Find out more about the north Norfolk coast
- Find out about help if your property is at risk from erosion
All tasks
- a
- A facility for everyone
- A pool for all ages
- Abandoned vehicle
- Access support from the Financial Inclusion team
- Accident at Work
- Adult entertainment licence
- Adult learning
- Advice about homelessness
- Advice about Homelessness
- Advice about renting privately
- Advice for Food Businesses
- Advice for veterans if you're homeless
- Advice if you're an ex-prisoner and find yourself homeless
- Advice on bullying
- Advice on employing and recruiting staff
- Advice on making staff redundant
- Advice on training staff
- Affordable homes across North Norfolk
- Affordable Housing
- Age Friendly North Norfolk
- All online payments
- Allocations Scheme policy
- Alternative Maximum Benefit (second adult rebate)
- Animal licensing fees
- Animal licensing register
- Animal welfare
- Annual Audit Letter
- Annual monitoring report
- Annual monitoring report
- Annual Report
- Antisocial behaviour
- Appeal a planning decision
- Appeal against a claim decision or overpayment
- Apply for a Blue Badge
- Apply for a brown garden bin
- Apply for a Forget Me Not Grant
- Apply for A2 applications permit
- Apply for benefit (whilst temporarily absent from home)
- Apply for Housing Benefit and Council Tax support
- Apply for other business rate relief
- Apply online for support with energy costs
- Apply to join the housing list
- Apprenticeship information for employers
- Apprenticeships at North Norfolk District Council
- Are you interested in shaping our Youth Council?
- Arts and Culture Fund
- Assets of community value
- Assistance with pests
- Assisted burials
- Assisted collection
- Audible Intruder Alarm register
- b
- Backdating Housing Benefit or Council Tax Support
- Battery recycling service
- Battle of the Beaches 2023
- Beach and bathing water quality
- Beach Huts
- Become a Deep History Coast Ambassador
- Becoming a Councillor
- Benefit cap
- Benefits calculator
- Benefits Calculator
- Benefits Claim evidence
- Better living environment
- Big Switch & Save
- Bin collection days
- Bin collection service announcements
- Bin collections
- Bin day changes 2024
- Biodiversity information
- Biodiversity net gain
- Biodiversity net gain
- Biodiversity net gain
- Blocked drain or private sewer
- Blue Flag beaches
- Book a personal search
- Book an event
- Bring your empty property back into use
- Broken glass, needles or bodily fluid
- Brownfield land register
- Brownfield Land Register
- Budget: Spring Budget 2024 update
- Building control appeals
- Building control appeals
- Building control inspection
- Building control inspection
- Building control: Our service
- Building regulation approval
- Building regulation approval
- Building regulations
- Building regulations
- Building work: check the approval that you need
- Building work: check the approval that you need
- Built environment and planning
- Bulk Cement permit
- Bulky waste collection
- Bus passes - apply to Norfolk County Council
- Business planning, support and funding
- Business rate relief
- Business rates - Pay
- Business rates bill
- Business rates bill appeal
- Business rates valuation account
- Business Start Up Information
- Busking
- Buying and selling a property on the coast
- c
- Cabinet Meetings
- Cabinet work programme
- Call for sites
- Call for Sites
- Campsite licences
- Capital and savings
- Car Park charges (inc coaches)
- Car park locations
- Car park season ticket
- Car Park Season Ticket
- Caravan and campsite guidance documents
- Caravan and motor home site licences
- Caravan sites licensing register
- Chairman of the Council
- Change name of residential property or business
- Change name of residential property or business
- Change of bank details
- Change of business address
- Climate Change Training
- Climate Emergency and Environmental Charter
- Clinical household waste collection
- Club premises certificate
- Coach park locations
- Coast and countryside
- Coastal adaptation supplementary planning document
- Coastal Adaptation Supplementary Planning document
- Coastal Loss Innovative Funding and Financing (CLIFF)
- Coastal Management: interactive map
- Coastal Protection
- Coastal safety
- Coastwise
- Coastwise FAQs
- Commemorating the World Wars in North Norfolk
- Commercial clinical waste collection
- Commercial food waste collection service
- Commercial waste collection
- Committee documents
- Committee meeting dates
- Community Alcohol Partnership
- Community Connectors
- Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
- Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
- Community Miyawaki Forest Project
- Community safety
- Community Transport Fund
- Community Transport Services
- Community-led housing
- Complain about a high hedge
- Complain about a high hedge
- Complain about a school
- Complain about Food
- Complaining about a landlord
- Compliments, Complaints and Comments
- Compulsory purchase orders
- Compulsory Purchase Orders
- Concern for a child
- Concrete Crushing permit
- Conservation area appraisals
- Conservation area appraisals
- Conservation areas
- Conservation areas in North Norfolk
- Conservation areas in North Norfolk
- Conservation Design Awards
- Constitution
- Consultation on Council Tax Support scheme
- Contaminated land
- Contaminated Land and Barn Conversions
- Contaminated Land and Barn Conversions
- Contracting and tender opportunities
- Contracts and purchasing over £5000
- Contracts Register
- Controlling condensation and mould in your home
- Core Strategy
- Core Strategy
- Corporate Plan 2019 to 2023
- Corporate Plan 2023 to 2027
- Corporate Risk Register
- Cost of a planning application
- Cost of living help
- Council budget
- Council consultations
- Council facts and figures (transparency of data)
- Council Tax - Appeal bill
- Council Tax - Login to view bill
- Council Tax - Pay
- Council Tax Discounts
- Council Tax Exemptions
- Council Tax premium charges: Empty properties and second homes
- Council Tax premium for second homes
- Council Tax Support Fund
- Council Tax: How is it spent
- Council Tax: Tell us you're moving home
- Council Tax: Your bill explained
- Councillors allowances, expenses and attendance
- Councillors and decision making
- Country Park facilities
- Countryside events and activities
- Covid-19 advice for animal related businesses
- Cromer Coastal Management Scheme map
- Cromer Coastal Management Scheme Phase 2
- Cromer pier
- Current casual vacancies for town and parish councils
- Current flood warnings
- Current vacancies for North Norfolk District Council wards
- Custom and self-build housing register
- Custom and Self-Build Housing Register
- d
- Damaged or missing street sign
- Dangerous structure
- Dangerous Wild Animal licence
- Data Protection Policy
- Data sharing terms and conditions
- Dead animal on the road
- Death (let us know)
- Deep History Coast
- Delegated Decisions
- Demolition work
- Demolitions and dangerous structures
- Design
- Design guide
- Design guide
- Developer contributions
- Development briefs and master plans
- Development Committee
- Development Committee
- Direct Debit - Business Rates
- Direct Debit - Council Tax
- Direct Debit form (for housing benefit overpayments)
- Directory of Parish and Town Council Clerks
- Disabled band relief
- Disabled Facilities Grant
- Disabled living equipment
- Disabled parking and blue badge
- Discretionary Housing Payments
- Discretionary reduction (business rates)
- Discretionary reduction (council tax)
- Discretionary relief
- Document library
- Document library (local plan)
- Dog Fouling
- Dog restrictions
- Domestic abuse: how to get help and support
- Drainage and sewerage issues
- Dropped kerb - applications
- Dry cleaners permit
- Duty of Care
- Duty to refer
- e
- Ecology
- Economy of North Norfolk
- Economy of North Norfolk
- Election results
- Electoral register
- Electric Vehicle Charging
- Electric vehicles and EV charging points
- Emergency accommodation
- Employee benefits at NNDC
- Employers’ guide to working with schools (including work experience)
- Empty business properties
- Empty home advice
- Empty home review
- Environmental permit
- Environmental permit transfer
- Environmental Protection Freedom of Information
- Environmental regulations
- Equality, diversity and inclusion policy
- Events and news
- f
- Fees for major pre-application advice
- Filming requests
- Financial help if you have children
- Financial inclusion
- Financial Strategy
- Find out about Energy Saving Trust
- Find out about help if your property is at risk from erosion
- Find out about holiday lets and business rates
- Find out about school admissions
- Find out about subsidy control
- Find out about Warm and Well in North Norfolk
- Find out how much my Business Rates are
- Find out more about the north Norfolk coast
- Fishing rod licence
- Five year supply of housing land
- Five year supply of housing land
- Flood
- Fly tipping
- Flyposting
- Food allergens and labelling guidance
- Food business registration
- Food hygiene rating scheme
- Food hygiene ratings
- Food premises approval
- Food Premises Register
- Food Safety Management
- Food safety training
- Foreign pension: proof of life and residence
- Found dog
- Fraud
- Freedom of Information - Council Tax
- Freedom of information - FAQs
- Freedom of Information (FOI) Request
- Freedom of Information Publication Scheme
- Freedom of Information: Non-Domestic Business Rates
- Frequently asked questions for tenants renting from a private landlord
- Frequently asked questions: Small sites for new homes
- Further information that may affect your application
- Further Private Water Supplies information
- g
- Gambling premises and clubs
- Garden Bin - Order a new bin
- Gender Pay Gap Report
- GIRAMS subscription model
- GIRAMS subscription model
- Government procurement transactions
- Graffiti
- Graham Allen Award winners
- Grants awarded to Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprises
- Green 4 business
- Green Flag parks and spaces
- Green Futures: youth project
- Greenbuild 2021
- Greenbuild 2022
- Gulls: information and advice
- Gypsy and Travellers stopping sites
- h
- Habitat mitigation: Recreational impacts
- Habitat Mitigation: Recreational impacts
- Habitats regulations assessment
- Habitats Regulations Assessment
- HCP Terms and Conditions
- Health and safety at work issues
- Health and wellbeing
- Health and wellbeing support in North Norfolk
- Hedge and verge cutting
- Help and housing for care leavers and young people
- Help and support with childcare
- Help and support with energy bills
- Help and support with food
- Help and support with housing
- Help and support with water bills
- Help finding a privately rented property
- Help Hub
- Help with debt
- Help with living costs
- Help with your application
- Highways licensing for skips, scaffolding, notices and road closures
- Hold a Beach BBQ or event
- Holt Country Park
- Homeless after leaving hospital
- Homeless tonight?
- Homelessness and rough sleeping strategy
- Homes for Ukraine scheme in North Norfolk
- House to house collections
- Household Support Fund
- Household Support Fund
- Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) license
- Housing allocations scheme consultation
- Housing and economic land availability assessment
- Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA)
- Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support rates from April 2024
- Housing Benefit Overpayment - Quick Pay
- Housing Benefit payments direct to landlord
- Housing Benefit: your payment dates
- Housing condition complaint
- Housing Register
- Housing Strategy
- Housing with care properties
- How a change will affect your Benefits
- How can the Council help
- How much is my Council Tax?
- How planning applications are decided
- How to petition the Council
- How to promote resilience in your community
- How to protect my business in emergencies
- How to recycle your unwanted clothing
- How to relocate to North Norfolk
- How we buy
- How we manage your data
- i
- Inappropriate conduct by a Councillors
- Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy
- Interview with NNDC apprentices
- Invest North Norfolk
- l
- Land and buildings owned by the Council
- Land, premises and planning
- Landscape
- Landscape character assessment
- Landscape character assessment
- Larger bin
- Latest travel news
- LG Inform data - example page
- Liability, legislation and general information about Council Tax
- Library services
- Licensing fees
- Licensing register - Gambling Act 2005
- Licensing register - Personal
- Licensing register - Skin piercing
- Licensing register - street collections
- Licensing register - Taxis
- Licensing register - Temporary Event Notices (TENs)
- Licensing register: Other licences
- Limited opening at Splash
- Listed building consent
- Listed building consent
- Listed building restrictions
- Listed building restrictions
- Listed buildings
- Listed buildings
- Listed buildings
- Litter
- Loan sharks and illegal lending
- Local catchment area
- Local councils and services: Who does what?
- Local Development Orders
- Local Development Orders
- Local development scheme
- Local development scheme
- Local economy
- Local Housing Allowance (LHA)
- Local land and property gazetteer
- Local Land and Property Gazetteer
- Local land search
- Local land search
- Local plan (current)
- Local Plan (Current)
- Local plan (new)
- Local Plan (New)
- Local plan consultation
- Local plan consultation
- Local plan consultation: frequently asked questions
- Local Plan Consultation: Frequently Asked Questions
- Local plan examination
- Local Plan Examination
- Local plan examination library
- Local Plan Examination Library
- Local plan newsletters
- Local Plan Newsletters
- Local Sports and Leisure Centres
- Localism in North Norfolk
- Locally listed buildings
- Locally listed buildings
- Lost dog
- m
- Make an insurance or compensation claim
- Making a Regulation 77 application
- Making a Regulation 77 application
- Making objections to Licence Applications
- Management structure of the Council
- Managing your money
- Mandatory charity relief
- Mandatory rural rate relief
- Market Towns Initiative
- Market Trader Application form
- Market trader applications
- Markets
- Meet some of our apprentices
- Mental illness or impairment and threatened with homelessness
- Missed bin collection
- Miyawaki Forest Project
- Monitoring
- Motorhomes: camping and parking
- Muddy Boots volunteers
- Mundesley Coastal Management Outline Business Case
- Mundesley Coastal Management Scheme
- Mundesley Coastal Management Scheme map
- Music license application
- n
- Neighbourhood plan areas
- Neighbourhood plan areas
- Neighbourhood Planning
- Neighbourhood Planning
- Net Zero Strategy
- New and Altered Properties
- New property address
- New property address
- News
- NNDC local validation requirements for designated sites, priority habitats and other significant features
- NNDC local validation requirements for designated sites, priority habitats and other significant features
- Noise, smells, artificial light, smoke and more
- Non-native invasive species
- Norfolk Community Directory
- Norfolk Energy Switch
- North Norfolk annual canvass 2024
- North Norfolk apprenticeship stories: Mundesley Medical Practice
- North Norfolk apprenticeship stories: Oyster Yachts Ltd
- North Norfolk apprenticeship stories: Wroxham Barns
- North Norfolk Armed Forces
- North Norfolk Health and Wellbeing Partnership
- North Norfolk Local Validation Requirements List
- North Norfolk Local Validation Requirements List
- North Norfolk Sustainable Communities Fund details
- North Walsham Heritage Action Zone Projects
- North Walsham West Sustainable Urban Extension
- North Walsham West Sustainable Urban Extension
- Nutrient neutrality
- Nutrient neutrality
- o
- Offer to pay
- Offshore Windfarm Schemes – latest information and news
- Online account (registration and login)
- Options for owners of empty homes
- Organising events
- Organising Events
- Our pledge to the Covenant
- Outlook our new bi-annual magazine
- Overlapping Benefit (Benefit on two homes)
- Overview of custom and self-build housing
- Overview of Custom and Self-Build Housing
- p
- Parish and Town Councils Help Hub
- Parish and town councils precept
- Parking Account data
- Parking Fine
- Parking Fine - Appeal
- Pavement licensing Al Fresco eating and drinking
- Pavements
- Pension Credit
- Pension Credit
- Performance Information
- Permit surrender
- Permit surrender
- Personal licence
- Petitions submitted to the Council
- Planning and property advice including pre-applications
- Planning appeals
- Planning appeals
- Planning applications
- Planning constraints checking tool user guide
- Planning Constraints Checking Tool User Guide
- Planning enforcement
- Planning enforcement
- Planning Enforcement Register
- Planning Enforcement Register
- Planning for the Future: A Government Consultation
- Planning permission
- Planning Permission
- Planting and caring for your tree
- Policies map
- Policies, protocols and reports
- Polling station locations
- Postal or proxy vote signature refresh
- Postal vote
- Pothole - link to Norfolk County Council to report a pothole
- Pre-application advice for major schemes
- Pre-application advice service
- Pre-application advice service
- Premises licence
- Premises to let
- Prepare for an emergency
- Pretty Corner Woods
- Previous awards for Arts and Culture fund grant
- Previous awards for Community Transport fund grant
- Previous awards for Sustainable Communities grant fund
- Private water supplies risk assessments information
- Private water supply check
- Private water supply information
- Problem with a litter bin
- Problems paying Business Rates
- Properties to let and for sale
- Property details
- Property details
- Property valuation
- Property valuation appeal
- Proposals map
- Proposals map
- Proxy vote
- Public information notices
- Public speaking at committee meetings
- Public Toilets
- Public transport timetables
- Publication of verification number
- r
- Race Information and FAQs
- Rate reductions, reliefs, rateable value appeals and rating advisers
- Recruitment of ex-offenders statement
- Recycling centres
- Register a birth
- Register a death
- Register for an online account
- Register for flood warnings
- Register for updates on the local plan
- Register for updates on the Local Plan
- Register of assisted burials
- Register of contaminated land
- Register of Houses in Multiple Occupation licenses
- Register of Members Interest form
- Register of permitted processes
- Register to vote
- Registers of Councillors and Parish Council interests
- Renew a brown garden bin
- Report a Coastal issue
- Report a lost, stolen or damaged bin
- Report a problem on the road
- Report a problem with a nameplate sign
- Report a problem with a nameplate sign
- Report an emergency
- Report an empty home
- Repossession advice
- Request commercial bulky waste collection
- Request your own Personal Information (Subject Access Request)
- Respray road vehicle permit
- Retail and main town centre uses study
- Retail and Main Town Centre Uses Study
- Retail discount relief
- Review of polling districts and places 2024
- Reviewing your benefit claim
- Risk Management Framework
- Road closure permit
- Road projects and improvements
- Roadworks planned
- Rural exception housing schemes
- s
- Sadler's Wood
- Safeguarding
- Sanctuary Scheme
- sandscaping
- Sandscaping: Frequently asked questions
- Scams and fraud
- School term dates
- School transport
- Scrap metal dealers register
- Scrap metal licences
- Section 106 planning obligations
- Section 106 planning obligations
- Section 157 restriction
- Self-funding advice for disabled facilities adaptions
- Senior staff salaries
- Service Station permit
- Severe weather warnings
- Sexual Harassment Prevention and Action Policy
- Shared Ownership
- Sheringham Leisure Centre subscribe
- Shoreline Management Plans
- Single Person Discount review
- Site allocations plan
- Site allocations plan
- Skills, employment and training
- Skin piercing licence
- Small business rate relief
- Small electrical item recycling service
- Small premises lotteries application forms
- Small sites for new homes in North Norfolk
- Smaller bin
- Social care
- Solar panels: your guide to going green
- Sport centre events
- Sports events
- Statement of accounts
- Statement of community involvement
- Statement of Community Involvement
- Stranded whale or dolphin
- Strategic flood risk assessment
- Strategic Flood Risk Assessment
- Strategic housing market assessment
- Strategic Housing Market Assessment
- Street collections
- Street lighting - report a problem
- Street naming and numbering
- Street trading licence
- Sundry invoice
- Supporting our future
- Supporting small business relief
- Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report
- Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report
- Sustainability at The Reef Leisure Centre
- t
- Tax conditionality for taxi drivers, private hire operators and scrap metal dealers
- Taxi licence
- Tell us about changes that affect your benefits
- Tell us about changes that affect your council tax
- Temporary Event Notices (TENs) Application
- Temporary holiday sites, including caravan and camping sites
- Temporary holiday sites, including caravan and camping sites
- Temporary Register
- Temporary Register
- The Great British Cycling Festival
- The North Norfolk Waiting Well Project
- Timelapse Video
- Toilet provision in premises open to the public
- Tourist Information Centres
- Town and Parish Council support and news
- Transfer a mobile environment permit
- Transparency data - Payments to suppliers over £500
- Trees and hedges
- Trees and hedges
- Trees and hedges
- Triathlon Events
- u
- UK Shared Prosperity Fund and Rural England Prosperity Fund
- Universal Credit (Apply)
- Universal Credit: Migration Notice letter
- Upcoming elections, parish polls and referendums
- Useful links and downloads
- v
- Variation of permit for significant change of operation
- Variation to hackney carriage rank in Holt
- Vattenfall - Norfolk Vanguard offshore Windfarm - latest information and news
- Victim Support's Live Chat now available
- View and comment on a planning application
- View and comment on a planning application
- View the Council’s treasury management strategy
- View the Design guide
- View the licensing register - premises and clubs
- Voter ID
- Voter ID and Voter Authority Certificate: Frequently asked questions
- w
- Waiting Well Project: Online guidance
- Ward and parish boundaries map
- Waste and recycling planning guidance
- Water leak
- Water Supply Check
- Weddings and civil partnerships
- Weekly Reclaim Reduction
- What are listed buildings?
- What are listed buildings?
- What goes in my bin?
- What happens if I don't pay my Council Tax
- What housing associations operate in North Norfolk?
- What is a house in multiple occupation (HMO)?
- What is an empty home?
- What is happening on site?
- What the council does in an emergency
- What to do in severe weather
- What we buy
- When I will receive my benefits
- Where can I use jet skis/power boats
- Where to get business advice
- Who owns land or property near me?
- Who should pay Council Tax?
- Who to call in a power cut
- Work at elections
- Worried about becoming homeless
- WW1
- WW1 in Norfolk
Council tax tasks
- Council Tax premium charges: Empty properties and second homes
- Tell us about changes that affect your benefits
- Council Tax premium for second homes
- Who should pay Council Tax?
- Council Tax: Tell us you're moving home
- Pay my Council Tax
All tasks
- a
- A facility for everyone
- A pool for all ages
- Abandoned vehicle
- Access support from the Financial Inclusion team
- Accident at Work
- Adult entertainment licence
- Adult learning
- Advice about homelessness
- Advice about Homelessness
- Advice about renting privately
- Advice for Food Businesses
- Advice for veterans if you're homeless
- Advice if you're an ex-prisoner and find yourself homeless
- Advice on bullying
- Advice on employing and recruiting staff
- Advice on making staff redundant
- Advice on training staff
- Affordable homes across North Norfolk
- Affordable Housing
- Age Friendly North Norfolk
- All online payments
- Allocations Scheme policy
- Alternative Maximum Benefit (second adult rebate)
- Animal licensing fees
- Animal licensing register
- Animal welfare
- Annual Audit Letter
- Annual monitoring report
- Annual monitoring report
- Annual Report
- Antisocial behaviour
- Appeal a planning decision
- Appeal against a claim decision or overpayment
- Apply for a Blue Badge
- Apply for a brown garden bin
- Apply for a Forget Me Not Grant
- Apply for A2 applications permit
- Apply for benefit (whilst temporarily absent from home)
- Apply for Housing Benefit and Council Tax support
- Apply for other business rate relief
- Apply online for support with energy costs
- Apply to join the housing list
- Apprenticeship information for employers
- Apprenticeships at North Norfolk District Council
- Are you interested in shaping our Youth Council?
- Arts and Culture Fund
- Assets of community value
- Assistance with pests
- Assisted burials
- Assisted collection
- Audible Intruder Alarm register
- b
- Backdating Housing Benefit or Council Tax Support
- Battery recycling service
- Battle of the Beaches 2023
- Beach and bathing water quality
- Beach Huts
- Become a Deep History Coast Ambassador
- Becoming a Councillor
- Benefit cap
- Benefits calculator
- Benefits Calculator
- Benefits Claim evidence
- Better living environment
- Big Switch & Save
- Bin collection days
- Bin collection service announcements
- Bin collections
- Bin day changes 2024
- Biodiversity information
- Biodiversity net gain
- Biodiversity net gain
- Biodiversity net gain
- Blocked drain or private sewer
- Blue Flag beaches
- Book a personal search
- Book an event
- Bring your empty property back into use
- Broken glass, needles or bodily fluid
- Brownfield land register
- Brownfield Land Register
- Budget: Spring Budget 2024 update
- Building control appeals
- Building control appeals
- Building control inspection
- Building control inspection
- Building control: Our service
- Building regulation approval
- Building regulation approval
- Building regulations
- Building regulations
- Building work: check the approval that you need
- Building work: check the approval that you need
- Built environment and planning
- Bulk Cement permit
- Bulky waste collection
- Bus passes - apply to Norfolk County Council
- Business planning, support and funding
- Business rate relief
- Business rates - Pay
- Business rates bill
- Business rates bill appeal
- Business rates valuation account
- Business Start Up Information
- Busking
- Buying and selling a property on the coast
- c
- Cabinet Meetings
- Cabinet work programme
- Call for sites
- Call for Sites
- Campsite licences
- Capital and savings
- Car Park charges (inc coaches)
- Car park locations
- Car park season ticket
- Car Park Season Ticket
- Caravan and campsite guidance documents
- Caravan and motor home site licences
- Caravan sites licensing register
- Chairman of the Council
- Change name of residential property or business
- Change name of residential property or business
- Change of bank details
- Change of business address
- Climate Change Training
- Climate Emergency and Environmental Charter
- Clinical household waste collection
- Club premises certificate
- Coach park locations
- Coast and countryside
- Coastal adaptation supplementary planning document
- Coastal Adaptation Supplementary Planning document
- Coastal Loss Innovative Funding and Financing (CLIFF)
- Coastal Management: interactive map
- Coastal Protection
- Coastal safety
- Coastwise
- Coastwise FAQs
- Commemorating the World Wars in North Norfolk
- Commercial clinical waste collection
- Commercial food waste collection service
- Commercial waste collection
- Committee documents
- Committee meeting dates
- Community Alcohol Partnership
- Community Connectors
- Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
- Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
- Community Miyawaki Forest Project
- Community safety
- Community Transport Fund
- Community Transport Services
- Community-led housing
- Complain about a high hedge
- Complain about a high hedge
- Complain about a school
- Complain about Food
- Complaining about a landlord
- Compliments, Complaints and Comments
- Compulsory purchase orders
- Compulsory Purchase Orders
- Concern for a child
- Concrete Crushing permit
- Conservation area appraisals
- Conservation area appraisals
- Conservation areas
- Conservation areas in North Norfolk
- Conservation areas in North Norfolk
- Conservation Design Awards
- Constitution
- Consultation on Council Tax Support scheme
- Contaminated land
- Contaminated Land and Barn Conversions
- Contaminated Land and Barn Conversions
- Contracting and tender opportunities
- Contracts and purchasing over £5000
- Contracts Register
- Controlling condensation and mould in your home
- Core Strategy
- Core Strategy
- Corporate Plan 2019 to 2023
- Corporate Plan 2023 to 2027
- Corporate Risk Register
- Cost of a planning application
- Cost of living help
- Council budget
- Council consultations
- Council facts and figures (transparency of data)
- Council Tax - Appeal bill
- Council Tax - Login to view bill
- Council Tax - Pay
- Council Tax Discounts
- Council Tax Exemptions
- Council Tax premium charges: Empty properties and second homes
- Council Tax premium for second homes
- Council Tax Support Fund
- Council Tax: How is it spent
- Council Tax: Tell us you're moving home
- Council Tax: Your bill explained
- Councillors allowances, expenses and attendance
- Councillors and decision making
- Country Park facilities
- Countryside events and activities
- Covid-19 advice for animal related businesses
- Cromer Coastal Management Scheme map
- Cromer Coastal Management Scheme Phase 2
- Cromer pier
- Current casual vacancies for town and parish councils
- Current flood warnings
- Current vacancies for North Norfolk District Council wards
- Custom and self-build housing register
- Custom and Self-Build Housing Register
- d
- Damaged or missing street sign
- Dangerous structure
- Dangerous Wild Animal licence
- Data Protection Policy
- Data sharing terms and conditions
- Dead animal on the road
- Death (let us know)
- Deep History Coast
- Delegated Decisions
- Demolition work
- Demolitions and dangerous structures
- Design
- Design guide
- Design guide
- Developer contributions
- Development briefs and master plans
- Development Committee
- Development Committee
- Direct Debit - Business Rates
- Direct Debit - Council Tax
- Direct Debit form (for housing benefit overpayments)
- Directory of Parish and Town Council Clerks
- Disabled band relief
- Disabled Facilities Grant
- Disabled living equipment
- Disabled parking and blue badge
- Discretionary Housing Payments
- Discretionary reduction (business rates)
- Discretionary reduction (council tax)
- Discretionary relief
- Document library
- Document library (local plan)
- Dog Fouling
- Dog restrictions
- Domestic abuse: how to get help and support
- Drainage and sewerage issues
- Dropped kerb - applications
- Dry cleaners permit
- Duty of Care
- Duty to refer
- e
- Ecology
- Economy of North Norfolk
- Economy of North Norfolk
- Election results
- Electoral register
- Electric Vehicle Charging
- Electric vehicles and EV charging points
- Emergency accommodation
- Employee benefits at NNDC
- Employers’ guide to working with schools (including work experience)
- Empty business properties
- Empty home advice
- Empty home review
- Environmental permit
- Environmental permit transfer
- Environmental Protection Freedom of Information
- Environmental regulations
- Equality, diversity and inclusion policy
- Events and news
- f
- Fees for major pre-application advice
- Filming requests
- Financial help if you have children
- Financial inclusion
- Financial Strategy
- Find out about Energy Saving Trust
- Find out about help if your property is at risk from erosion
- Find out about holiday lets and business rates
- Find out about school admissions
- Find out about subsidy control
- Find out about Warm and Well in North Norfolk
- Find out how much my Business Rates are
- Find out more about the north Norfolk coast
- Fishing rod licence
- Five year supply of housing land
- Five year supply of housing land
- Flood
- Fly tipping
- Flyposting
- Food allergens and labelling guidance
- Food business registration
- Food hygiene rating scheme
- Food hygiene ratings
- Food premises approval
- Food Premises Register
- Food Safety Management
- Food safety training
- Foreign pension: proof of life and residence
- Found dog
- Fraud
- Freedom of Information - Council Tax
- Freedom of information - FAQs
- Freedom of Information (FOI) Request
- Freedom of Information Publication Scheme
- Freedom of Information: Non-Domestic Business Rates
- Frequently asked questions for tenants renting from a private landlord
- Frequently asked questions: Small sites for new homes
- Further information that may affect your application
- Further Private Water Supplies information
- g
- Gambling premises and clubs
- Garden Bin - Order a new bin
- Gender Pay Gap Report
- GIRAMS subscription model
- GIRAMS subscription model
- Government procurement transactions
- Graffiti
- Graham Allen Award winners
- Grants awarded to Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprises
- Green 4 business
- Green Flag parks and spaces
- Green Futures: youth project
- Greenbuild 2021
- Greenbuild 2022
- Gulls: information and advice
- Gypsy and Travellers stopping sites
- h
- Habitat mitigation: Recreational impacts
- Habitat Mitigation: Recreational impacts
- Habitats regulations assessment
- Habitats Regulations Assessment
- HCP Terms and Conditions
- Health and safety at work issues
- Health and wellbeing
- Health and wellbeing support in North Norfolk
- Hedge and verge cutting
- Help and housing for care leavers and young people
- Help and support with childcare
- Help and support with energy bills
- Help and support with food
- Help and support with housing
- Help and support with water bills
- Help finding a privately rented property
- Help Hub
- Help with debt
- Help with living costs
- Help with your application
- Highways licensing for skips, scaffolding, notices and road closures
- Hold a Beach BBQ or event
- Holt Country Park
- Homeless after leaving hospital
- Homeless tonight?
- Homelessness and rough sleeping strategy
- Homes for Ukraine scheme in North Norfolk
- House to house collections
- Household Support Fund
- Household Support Fund
- Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) license
- Housing allocations scheme consultation
- Housing and economic land availability assessment
- Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA)
- Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support rates from April 2024
- Housing Benefit Overpayment - Quick Pay
- Housing Benefit payments direct to landlord
- Housing Benefit: your payment dates
- Housing condition complaint
- Housing Register
- Housing Strategy
- Housing with care properties
- How a change will affect your Benefits
- How can the Council help
- How much is my Council Tax?
- How planning applications are decided
- How to petition the Council
- How to promote resilience in your community
- How to protect my business in emergencies
- How to recycle your unwanted clothing
- How to relocate to North Norfolk
- How we buy
- How we manage your data
- i
- Inappropriate conduct by a Councillors
- Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy
- Interview with NNDC apprentices
- Invest North Norfolk
- l
- Land and buildings owned by the Council
- Land, premises and planning
- Landscape
- Landscape character assessment
- Landscape character assessment
- Larger bin
- Latest travel news
- LG Inform data - example page
- Liability, legislation and general information about Council Tax
- Library services
- Licensing fees
- Licensing register - Gambling Act 2005
- Licensing register - Personal
- Licensing register - Skin piercing
- Licensing register - street collections
- Licensing register - Taxis
- Licensing register - Temporary Event Notices (TENs)
- Licensing register: Other licences
- Limited opening at Splash
- Listed building consent
- Listed building consent
- Listed building restrictions
- Listed building restrictions
- Listed buildings
- Listed buildings
- Listed buildings
- Litter
- Loan sharks and illegal lending
- Local catchment area
- Local councils and services: Who does what?
- Local Development Orders
- Local Development Orders
- Local development scheme
- Local development scheme
- Local economy
- Local Housing Allowance (LHA)
- Local land and property gazetteer
- Local Land and Property Gazetteer
- Local land search
- Local land search
- Local plan (current)
- Local Plan (Current)
- Local plan (new)
- Local Plan (New)
- Local plan consultation
- Local plan consultation
- Local plan consultation: frequently asked questions
- Local Plan Consultation: Frequently Asked Questions
- Local plan examination
- Local Plan Examination
- Local plan examination library
- Local Plan Examination Library
- Local plan newsletters
- Local Plan Newsletters
- Local Sports and Leisure Centres
- Localism in North Norfolk
- Locally listed buildings
- Locally listed buildings
- Lost dog
- m
- Make an insurance or compensation claim
- Making a Regulation 77 application
- Making a Regulation 77 application
- Making objections to Licence Applications
- Management structure of the Council
- Managing your money
- Mandatory charity relief
- Mandatory rural rate relief
- Market Towns Initiative
- Market Trader Application form
- Market trader applications
- Markets
- Meet some of our apprentices
- Mental illness or impairment and threatened with homelessness
- Missed bin collection
- Miyawaki Forest Project
- Monitoring
- Motorhomes: camping and parking
- Muddy Boots volunteers
- Mundesley Coastal Management Outline Business Case
- Mundesley Coastal Management Scheme
- Mundesley Coastal Management Scheme map
- Music license application
- n
- Neighbourhood plan areas
- Neighbourhood plan areas
- Neighbourhood Planning
- Neighbourhood Planning
- Net Zero Strategy
- New and Altered Properties
- New property address
- New property address
- News
- NNDC local validation requirements for designated sites, priority habitats and other significant features
- NNDC local validation requirements for designated sites, priority habitats and other significant features
- Noise, smells, artificial light, smoke and more
- Non-native invasive species
- Norfolk Community Directory
- Norfolk Energy Switch
- North Norfolk annual canvass 2024
- North Norfolk apprenticeship stories: Mundesley Medical Practice
- North Norfolk apprenticeship stories: Oyster Yachts Ltd
- North Norfolk apprenticeship stories: Wroxham Barns
- North Norfolk Armed Forces
- North Norfolk Health and Wellbeing Partnership
- North Norfolk Local Validation Requirements List
- North Norfolk Local Validation Requirements List
- North Norfolk Sustainable Communities Fund details
- North Walsham Heritage Action Zone Projects
- North Walsham West Sustainable Urban Extension
- North Walsham West Sustainable Urban Extension
- Nutrient neutrality
- Nutrient neutrality
- o
- Offer to pay
- Offshore Windfarm Schemes – latest information and news
- Online account (registration and login)
- Options for owners of empty homes
- Organising events
- Organising Events
- Our pledge to the Covenant
- Outlook our new bi-annual magazine
- Overlapping Benefit (Benefit on two homes)
- Overview of custom and self-build housing
- Overview of Custom and Self-Build Housing
- p
- Parish and Town Councils Help Hub
- Parish and town councils precept
- Parking Account data
- Parking Fine
- Parking Fine - Appeal
- Pavement licensing Al Fresco eating and drinking
- Pavements
- Pension Credit
- Pension Credit
- Performance Information
- Permit surrender
- Permit surrender
- Personal licence
- Petitions submitted to the Council
- Planning and property advice including pre-applications
- Planning appeals
- Planning appeals
- Planning applications
- Planning constraints checking tool user guide
- Planning Constraints Checking Tool User Guide
- Planning enforcement
- Planning enforcement
- Planning Enforcement Register
- Planning Enforcement Register
- Planning for the Future: A Government Consultation
- Planning permission
- Planning Permission
- Planting and caring for your tree
- Policies map
- Policies, protocols and reports
- Polling station locations
- Postal or proxy vote signature refresh
- Postal vote
- Pothole - link to Norfolk County Council to report a pothole
- Pre-application advice for major schemes
- Pre-application advice service
- Pre-application advice service
- Premises licence
- Premises to let
- Prepare for an emergency
- Pretty Corner Woods
- Previous awards for Arts and Culture fund grant
- Previous awards for Community Transport fund grant
- Previous awards for Sustainable Communities grant fund
- Private water supplies risk assessments information
- Private water supply check
- Private water supply information
- Problem with a litter bin
- Problems paying Business Rates
- Properties to let and for sale
- Property details
- Property details
- Property valuation
- Property valuation appeal
- Proposals map
- Proposals map
- Proxy vote
- Public information notices
- Public speaking at committee meetings
- Public Toilets
- Public transport timetables
- Publication of verification number
- r
- Race Information and FAQs
- Rate reductions, reliefs, rateable value appeals and rating advisers
- Recruitment of ex-offenders statement
- Recycling centres
- Register a birth
- Register a death
- Register for an online account
- Register for flood warnings
- Register for updates on the local plan
- Register for updates on the Local Plan
- Register of assisted burials
- Register of contaminated land
- Register of Houses in Multiple Occupation licenses
- Register of Members Interest form
- Register of permitted processes
- Register to vote
- Registers of Councillors and Parish Council interests
- Renew a brown garden bin
- Report a Coastal issue
- Report a lost, stolen or damaged bin
- Report a problem on the road
- Report a problem with a nameplate sign
- Report a problem with a nameplate sign
- Report an emergency
- Report an empty home
- Repossession advice
- Request commercial bulky waste collection
- Request your own Personal Information (Subject Access Request)
- Respray road vehicle permit
- Retail and main town centre uses study
- Retail and Main Town Centre Uses Study
- Retail discount relief
- Review of polling districts and places 2024
- Reviewing your benefit claim
- Risk Management Framework
- Road closure permit
- Road projects and improvements
- Roadworks planned
- Rural exception housing schemes
- s
- Sadler's Wood
- Safeguarding
- Sanctuary Scheme
- sandscaping
- Sandscaping: Frequently asked questions
- Scams and fraud
- School term dates
- School transport
- Scrap metal dealers register
- Scrap metal licences
- Section 106 planning obligations
- Section 106 planning obligations
- Section 157 restriction
- Self-funding advice for disabled facilities adaptions
- Senior staff salaries
- Service Station permit
- Severe weather warnings
- Sexual Harassment Prevention and Action Policy
- Shared Ownership
- Sheringham Leisure Centre subscribe
- Shoreline Management Plans
- Single Person Discount review
- Site allocations plan
- Site allocations plan
- Skills, employment and training
- Skin piercing licence
- Small business rate relief
- Small electrical item recycling service
- Small premises lotteries application forms
- Small sites for new homes in North Norfolk
- Smaller bin
- Social care
- Solar panels: your guide to going green
- Sport centre events
- Sports events
- Statement of accounts
- Statement of community involvement
- Statement of Community Involvement
- Stranded whale or dolphin
- Strategic flood risk assessment
- Strategic Flood Risk Assessment
- Strategic housing market assessment
- Strategic Housing Market Assessment
- Street collections
- Street lighting - report a problem
- Street naming and numbering
- Street trading licence
- Sundry invoice
- Supporting our future
- Supporting small business relief
- Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report
- Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report
- Sustainability at The Reef Leisure Centre
- t
- Tax conditionality for taxi drivers, private hire operators and scrap metal dealers
- Taxi licence
- Tell us about changes that affect your benefits
- Tell us about changes that affect your council tax
- Temporary Event Notices (TENs) Application
- Temporary holiday sites, including caravan and camping sites
- Temporary holiday sites, including caravan and camping sites
- Temporary Register
- Temporary Register
- The Great British Cycling Festival
- The North Norfolk Waiting Well Project
- Timelapse Video
- Toilet provision in premises open to the public
- Tourist Information Centres
- Town and Parish Council support and news
- Transfer a mobile environment permit
- Transparency data - Payments to suppliers over £500
- Trees and hedges
- Trees and hedges
- Trees and hedges
- Triathlon Events
- u
- UK Shared Prosperity Fund and Rural England Prosperity Fund
- Universal Credit (Apply)
- Universal Credit: Migration Notice letter
- Upcoming elections, parish polls and referendums
- Useful links and downloads
- v
- Variation of permit for significant change of operation
- Variation to hackney carriage rank in Holt
- Vattenfall - Norfolk Vanguard offshore Windfarm - latest information and news
- Victim Support's Live Chat now available
- View and comment on a planning application
- View and comment on a planning application
- View the Council’s treasury management strategy
- View the Design guide
- View the licensing register - premises and clubs
- Voter ID
- Voter ID and Voter Authority Certificate: Frequently asked questions
- w
- Waiting Well Project: Online guidance
- Ward and parish boundaries map
- Waste and recycling planning guidance
- Water leak
- Water Supply Check
- Weddings and civil partnerships
- Weekly Reclaim Reduction
- What are listed buildings?
- What are listed buildings?
- What goes in my bin?
- What happens if I don't pay my Council Tax
- What housing associations operate in North Norfolk?
- What is a house in multiple occupation (HMO)?
- What is an empty home?
- What is happening on site?
- What the council does in an emergency
- What to do in severe weather
- What we buy
- When I will receive my benefits
- Where can I use jet skis/power boats
- Where to get business advice
- Who owns land or property near me?
- Who should pay Council Tax?
- Who to call in a power cut
- Work at elections
- Worried about becoming homeless
- WW1
- WW1 in Norfolk
Business & Trade tasks
- Apprenticeship information for employers
- Animal welfare
- Advice for food businesses
- Apply for a taxi licence
- Premises licence
- Community Alcohol Partnership
All tasks
- a
- A facility for everyone
- A pool for all ages
- Abandoned vehicle
- Access support from the Financial Inclusion team
- Accident at Work
- Adult entertainment licence
- Adult learning
- Advice about homelessness
- Advice about Homelessness
- Advice about renting privately
- Advice for Food Businesses
- Advice for veterans if you're homeless
- Advice if you're an ex-prisoner and find yourself homeless
- Advice on bullying
- Advice on employing and recruiting staff
- Advice on making staff redundant
- Advice on training staff
- Affordable homes across North Norfolk
- Affordable Housing
- Age Friendly North Norfolk
- All online payments
- Allocations Scheme policy
- Alternative Maximum Benefit (second adult rebate)
- Animal licensing fees
- Animal licensing register
- Animal welfare
- Annual Audit Letter
- Annual monitoring report
- Annual monitoring report
- Annual Report
- Antisocial behaviour
- Appeal a planning decision
- Appeal against a claim decision or overpayment
- Apply for a Blue Badge
- Apply for a brown garden bin
- Apply for a Forget Me Not Grant
- Apply for A2 applications permit
- Apply for benefit (whilst temporarily absent from home)
- Apply for Housing Benefit and Council Tax support
- Apply for other business rate relief
- Apply online for support with energy costs
- Apply to join the housing list
- Apprenticeship information for employers
- Apprenticeships at North Norfolk District Council
- Are you interested in shaping our Youth Council?
- Arts and Culture Fund
- Assets of community value
- Assistance with pests
- Assisted burials
- Assisted collection
- Audible Intruder Alarm register
- b
- Backdating Housing Benefit or Council Tax Support
- Battery recycling service
- Battle of the Beaches 2023
- Beach and bathing water quality
- Beach Huts
- Become a Deep History Coast Ambassador
- Becoming a Councillor
- Benefit cap
- Benefits calculator
- Benefits Calculator
- Benefits Claim evidence
- Better living environment
- Big Switch & Save
- Bin collection days
- Bin collection service announcements
- Bin collections
- Bin day changes 2024
- Biodiversity information
- Biodiversity net gain
- Biodiversity net gain
- Biodiversity net gain
- Blocked drain or private sewer
- Blue Flag beaches
- Book a personal search
- Book an event
- Bring your empty property back into use
- Broken glass, needles or bodily fluid
- Brownfield land register
- Brownfield Land Register
- Budget: Spring Budget 2024 update
- Building control appeals
- Building control appeals
- Building control inspection
- Building control inspection
- Building control: Our service
- Building regulation approval
- Building regulation approval
- Building regulations
- Building regulations
- Building work: check the approval that you need
- Building work: check the approval that you need
- Built environment and planning
- Bulk Cement permit
- Bulky waste collection
- Bus passes - apply to Norfolk County Council
- Business planning, support and funding
- Business rate relief
- Business rates - Pay
- Business rates bill
- Business rates bill appeal
- Business rates valuation account
- Business Start Up Information
- Busking
- Buying and selling a property on the coast
- c
- Cabinet Meetings
- Cabinet work programme
- Call for sites
- Call for Sites
- Campsite licences
- Capital and savings
- Car Park charges (inc coaches)
- Car park locations
- Car park season ticket
- Car Park Season Ticket
- Caravan and campsite guidance documents
- Caravan and motor home site licences
- Caravan sites licensing register
- Chairman of the Council
- Change name of residential property or business
- Change name of residential property or business
- Change of bank details
- Change of business address
- Climate Change Training
- Climate Emergency and Environmental Charter
- Clinical household waste collection
- Club premises certificate
- Coach park locations
- Coast and countryside
- Coastal adaptation supplementary planning document
- Coastal Adaptation Supplementary Planning document
- Coastal Loss Innovative Funding and Financing (CLIFF)
- Coastal Management: interactive map
- Coastal Protection
- Coastal safety
- Coastwise
- Coastwise FAQs
- Commemorating the World Wars in North Norfolk
- Commercial clinical waste collection
- Commercial food waste collection service
- Commercial waste collection
- Committee documents
- Committee meeting dates
- Community Alcohol Partnership
- Community Connectors
- Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
- Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
- Community Miyawaki Forest Project
- Community safety
- Community Transport Fund
- Community Transport Services
- Community-led housing
- Complain about a high hedge
- Complain about a high hedge
- Complain about a school
- Complain about Food
- Complaining about a landlord
- Compliments, Complaints and Comments
- Compulsory purchase orders
- Compulsory Purchase Orders
- Concern for a child
- Concrete Crushing permit
- Conservation area appraisals
- Conservation area appraisals
- Conservation areas
- Conservation areas in North Norfolk
- Conservation areas in North Norfolk
- Conservation Design Awards
- Constitution
- Consultation on Council Tax Support scheme
- Contaminated land
- Contaminated Land and Barn Conversions
- Contaminated Land and Barn Conversions
- Contracting and tender opportunities
- Contracts and purchasing over £5000
- Contracts Register
- Controlling condensation and mould in your home
- Core Strategy
- Core Strategy
- Corporate Plan 2019 to 2023
- Corporate Plan 2023 to 2027
- Corporate Risk Register
- Cost of a planning application
- Cost of living help
- Council budget
- Council consultations
- Council facts and figures (transparency of data)
- Council Tax - Appeal bill
- Council Tax - Login to view bill
- Council Tax - Pay
- Council Tax Discounts
- Council Tax Exemptions
- Council Tax premium charges: Empty properties and second homes
- Council Tax premium for second homes
- Council Tax Support Fund
- Council Tax: How is it spent
- Council Tax: Tell us you're moving home
- Council Tax: Your bill explained
- Councillors allowances, expenses and attendance
- Councillors and decision making
- Country Park facilities
- Countryside events and activities
- Covid-19 advice for animal related businesses
- Cromer Coastal Management Scheme map
- Cromer Coastal Management Scheme Phase 2
- Cromer pier
- Current casual vacancies for town and parish councils
- Current flood warnings
- Current vacancies for North Norfolk District Council wards
- Custom and self-build housing register
- Custom and Self-Build Housing Register
- d
- Damaged or missing street sign
- Dangerous structure
- Dangerous Wild Animal licence
- Data Protection Policy
- Data sharing terms and conditions
- Dead animal on the road
- Death (let us know)
- Deep History Coast
- Delegated Decisions
- Demolition work
- Demolitions and dangerous structures
- Design
- Design guide
- Design guide
- Developer contributions
- Development briefs and master plans
- Development Committee
- Development Committee
- Direct Debit - Business Rates
- Direct Debit - Council Tax
- Direct Debit form (for housing benefit overpayments)
- Directory of Parish and Town Council Clerks
- Disabled band relief
- Disabled Facilities Grant
- Disabled living equipment
- Disabled parking and blue badge
- Discretionary Housing Payments
- Discretionary reduction (business rates)
- Discretionary reduction (council tax)
- Discretionary relief
- Document library
- Document library (local plan)
- Dog Fouling
- Dog restrictions
- Domestic abuse: how to get help and support
- Drainage and sewerage issues
- Dropped kerb - applications
- Dry cleaners permit
- Duty of Care
- Duty to refer
- e
- Ecology
- Economy of North Norfolk
- Economy of North Norfolk
- Election results
- Electoral register
- Electric Vehicle Charging
- Electric vehicles and EV charging points
- Emergency accommodation
- Employee benefits at NNDC
- Employers’ guide to working with schools (including work experience)
- Empty business properties
- Empty home advice
- Empty home review
- Environmental permit
- Environmental permit transfer
- Environmental Protection Freedom of Information
- Environmental regulations
- Equality, diversity and inclusion policy
- Events and news
- f
- Fees for major pre-application advice
- Filming requests
- Financial help if you have children
- Financial inclusion
- Financial Strategy
- Find out about Energy Saving Trust
- Find out about help if your property is at risk from erosion
- Find out about holiday lets and business rates
- Find out about school admissions
- Find out about subsidy control
- Find out about Warm and Well in North Norfolk
- Find out how much my Business Rates are
- Find out more about the north Norfolk coast
- Fishing rod licence
- Five year supply of housing land
- Five year supply of housing land
- Flood
- Fly tipping
- Flyposting
- Food allergens and labelling guidance
- Food business registration
- Food hygiene rating scheme
- Food hygiene ratings
- Food premises approval
- Food Premises Register
- Food Safety Management
- Food safety training
- Foreign pension: proof of life and residence
- Found dog
- Fraud
- Freedom of Information - Council Tax
- Freedom of information - FAQs
- Freedom of Information (FOI) Request
- Freedom of Information Publication Scheme
- Freedom of Information: Non-Domestic Business Rates
- Frequently asked questions for tenants renting from a private landlord
- Frequently asked questions: Small sites for new homes
- Further information that may affect your application
- Further Private Water Supplies information
- g
- Gambling premises and clubs
- Garden Bin - Order a new bin
- Gender Pay Gap Report
- GIRAMS subscription model
- GIRAMS subscription model
- Government procurement transactions
- Graffiti
- Graham Allen Award winners
- Grants awarded to Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprises
- Green 4 business
- Green Flag parks and spaces
- Green Futures: youth project
- Greenbuild 2021
- Greenbuild 2022
- Gulls: information and advice
- Gypsy and Travellers stopping sites
- h
- Habitat mitigation: Recreational impacts
- Habitat Mitigation: Recreational impacts
- Habitats regulations assessment
- Habitats Regulations Assessment
- HCP Terms and Conditions
- Health and safety at work issues
- Health and wellbeing
- Health and wellbeing support in North Norfolk
- Hedge and verge cutting
- Help and housing for care leavers and young people
- Help and support with childcare
- Help and support with energy bills
- Help and support with food
- Help and support with housing
- Help and support with water bills
- Help finding a privately rented property
- Help Hub
- Help with debt
- Help with living costs
- Help with your application
- Highways licensing for skips, scaffolding, notices and road closures
- Hold a Beach BBQ or event
- Holt Country Park
- Homeless after leaving hospital
- Homeless tonight?
- Homelessness and rough sleeping strategy
- Homes for Ukraine scheme in North Norfolk
- House to house collections
- Household Support Fund
- Household Support Fund
- Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) license
- Housing allocations scheme consultation
- Housing and economic land availability assessment
- Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA)
- Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support rates from April 2024
- Housing Benefit Overpayment - Quick Pay
- Housing Benefit payments direct to landlord
- Housing Benefit: your payment dates
- Housing condition complaint
- Housing Register
- Housing Strategy
- Housing with care properties
- How a change will affect your Benefits
- How can the Council help
- How much is my Council Tax?
- How planning applications are decided
- How to petition the Council
- How to promote resilience in your community
- How to protect my business in emergencies
- How to recycle your unwanted clothing
- How to relocate to North Norfolk
- How we buy
- How we manage your data
- i
- Inappropriate conduct by a Councillors
- Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy
- Interview with NNDC apprentices
- Invest North Norfolk
- l
- Land and buildings owned by the Council
- Land, premises and planning
- Landscape
- Landscape character assessment
- Landscape character assessment
- Larger bin
- Latest travel news
- LG Inform data - example page
- Liability, legislation and general information about Council Tax
- Library services
- Licensing fees
- Licensing register - Gambling Act 2005
- Licensing register - Personal
- Licensing register - Skin piercing
- Licensing register - street collections
- Licensing register - Taxis
- Licensing register - Temporary Event Notices (TENs)
- Licensing register: Other licences
- Limited opening at Splash
- Listed building consent
- Listed building consent
- Listed building restrictions
- Listed building restrictions
- Listed buildings
- Listed buildings
- Listed buildings
- Litter
- Loan sharks and illegal lending
- Local catchment area
- Local councils and services: Who does what?
- Local Development Orders
- Local Development Orders
- Local development scheme
- Local development scheme
- Local economy
- Local Housing Allowance (LHA)
- Local land and property gazetteer
- Local Land and Property Gazetteer
- Local land search
- Local land search
- Local plan (current)
- Local Plan (Current)
- Local plan (new)
- Local Plan (New)
- Local plan consultation
- Local plan consultation
- Local plan consultation: frequently asked questions
- Local Plan Consultation: Frequently Asked Questions
- Local plan examination
- Local Plan Examination
- Local plan examination library
- Local Plan Examination Library
- Local plan newsletters
- Local Plan Newsletters
- Local Sports and Leisure Centres
- Localism in North Norfolk
- Locally listed buildings
- Locally listed buildings
- Lost dog
- m
- Make an insurance or compensation claim
- Making a Regulation 77 application
- Making a Regulation 77 application
- Making objections to Licence Applications
- Management structure of the Council
- Managing your money
- Mandatory charity relief
- Mandatory rural rate relief
- Market Towns Initiative
- Market Trader Application form
- Market trader applications
- Markets
- Meet some of our apprentices
- Mental illness or impairment and threatened with homelessness
- Missed bin collection
- Miyawaki Forest Project
- Monitoring
- Motorhomes: camping and parking
- Muddy Boots volunteers
- Mundesley Coastal Management Outline Business Case
- Mundesley Coastal Management Scheme
- Mundesley Coastal Management Scheme map
- Music license application
- n
- Neighbourhood plan areas
- Neighbourhood plan areas
- Neighbourhood Planning
- Neighbourhood Planning
- Net Zero Strategy
- New and Altered Properties
- New property address
- New property address
- News
- NNDC local validation requirements for designated sites, priority habitats and other significant features
- NNDC local validation requirements for designated sites, priority habitats and other significant features
- Noise, smells, artificial light, smoke and more
- Non-native invasive species
- Norfolk Community Directory
- Norfolk Energy Switch
- North Norfolk annual canvass 2024
- North Norfolk apprenticeship stories: Mundesley Medical Practice
- North Norfolk apprenticeship stories: Oyster Yachts Ltd
- North Norfolk apprenticeship stories: Wroxham Barns
- North Norfolk Armed Forces
- North Norfolk Health and Wellbeing Partnership
- North Norfolk Local Validation Requirements List
- North Norfolk Local Validation Requirements List
- North Norfolk Sustainable Communities Fund details
- North Walsham Heritage Action Zone Projects
- North Walsham West Sustainable Urban Extension
- North Walsham West Sustainable Urban Extension
- Nutrient neutrality
- Nutrient neutrality
- o
- Offer to pay
- Offshore Windfarm Schemes – latest information and news
- Online account (registration and login)
- Options for owners of empty homes
- Organising events
- Organising Events
- Our pledge to the Covenant
- Outlook our new bi-annual magazine
- Overlapping Benefit (Benefit on two homes)
- Overview of custom and self-build housing
- Overview of Custom and Self-Build Housing
- p
- Parish and Town Councils Help Hub
- Parish and town councils precept
- Parking Account data
- Parking Fine
- Parking Fine - Appeal
- Pavement licensing Al Fresco eating and drinking
- Pavements
- Pension Credit
- Pension Credit
- Performance Information
- Permit surrender
- Permit surrender
- Personal licence
- Petitions submitted to the Council
- Planning and property advice including pre-applications
- Planning appeals
- Planning appeals
- Planning applications
- Planning constraints checking tool user guide
- Planning Constraints Checking Tool User Guide
- Planning enforcement
- Planning enforcement
- Planning Enforcement Register
- Planning Enforcement Register
- Planning for the Future: A Government Consultation
- Planning permission
- Planning Permission
- Planting and caring for your tree
- Policies map
- Policies, protocols and reports
- Polling station locations
- Postal or proxy vote signature refresh
- Postal vote
- Pothole - link to Norfolk County Council to report a pothole
- Pre-application advice for major schemes
- Pre-application advice service
- Pre-application advice service
- Premises licence
- Premises to let
- Prepare for an emergency
- Pretty Corner Woods
- Previous awards for Arts and Culture fund grant
- Previous awards for Community Transport fund grant
- Previous awards for Sustainable Communities grant fund
- Private water supplies risk assessments information
- Private water supply check
- Private water supply information
- Problem with a litter bin
- Problems paying Business Rates
- Properties to let and for sale
- Property details
- Property details
- Property valuation
- Property valuation appeal
- Proposals map
- Proposals map
- Proxy vote
- Public information notices
- Public speaking at committee meetings
- Public Toilets
- Public transport timetables
- Publication of verification number
- r
- Race Information and FAQs
- Rate reductions, reliefs, rateable value appeals and rating advisers
- Recruitment of ex-offenders statement
- Recycling centres
- Register a birth
- Register a death
- Register for an online account
- Register for flood warnings
- Register for updates on the local plan
- Register for updates on the Local Plan
- Register of assisted burials
- Register of contaminated land
- Register of Houses in Multiple Occupation licenses
- Register of Members Interest form
- Register of permitted processes
- Register to vote
- Registers of Councillors and Parish Council interests
- Renew a brown garden bin
- Report a Coastal issue
- Report a lost, stolen or damaged bin
- Report a problem on the road
- Report a problem with a nameplate sign
- Report a problem with a nameplate sign
- Report an emergency
- Report an empty home
- Repossession advice
- Request commercial bulky waste collection
- Request your own Personal Information (Subject Access Request)
- Respray road vehicle permit
- Retail and main town centre uses study
- Retail and Main Town Centre Uses Study
- Retail discount relief
- Review of polling districts and places 2024
- Reviewing your benefit claim
- Risk Management Framework
- Road closure permit
- Road projects and improvements
- Roadworks planned
- Rural exception housing schemes
- s
- Sadler's Wood
- Safeguarding
- Sanctuary Scheme
- sandscaping
- Sandscaping: Frequently asked questions
- Scams and fraud
- School term dates
- School transport
- Scrap metal dealers register
- Scrap metal licences
- Section 106 planning obligations
- Section 106 planning obligations
- Section 157 restriction
- Self-funding advice for disabled facilities adaptions
- Senior staff salaries
- Service Station permit
- Severe weather warnings
- Sexual Harassment Prevention and Action Policy
- Shared Ownership
- Sheringham Leisure Centre subscribe
- Shoreline Management Plans
- Single Person Discount review
- Site allocations plan
- Site allocations plan
- Skills, employment and training
- Skin piercing licence
- Small business rate relief
- Small electrical item recycling service
- Small premises lotteries application forms
- Small sites for new homes in North Norfolk
- Smaller bin
- Social care
- Solar panels: your guide to going green
- Sport centre events
- Sports events
- Statement of accounts
- Statement of community involvement
- Statement of Community Involvement
- Stranded whale or dolphin
- Strategic flood risk assessment
- Strategic Flood Risk Assessment
- Strategic housing market assessment
- Strategic Housing Market Assessment
- Street collections
- Street lighting - report a problem
- Street naming and numbering
- Street trading licence
- Sundry invoice
- Supporting our future
- Supporting small business relief
- Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report
- Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report
- Sustainability at The Reef Leisure Centre
- t
- Tax conditionality for taxi drivers, private hire operators and scrap metal dealers
- Taxi licence
- Tell us about changes that affect your benefits
- Tell us about changes that affect your council tax
- Temporary Event Notices (TENs) Application
- Temporary holiday sites, including caravan and camping sites
- Temporary holiday sites, including caravan and camping sites
- Temporary Register
- Temporary Register
- The Great British Cycling Festival
- The North Norfolk Waiting Well Project
- Timelapse Video
- Toilet provision in premises open to the public
- Tourist Information Centres
- Town and Parish Council support and news
- Transfer a mobile environment permit
- Transparency data - Payments to suppliers over £500
- Trees and hedges
- Trees and hedges
- Trees and hedges
- Triathlon Events
- u
- UK Shared Prosperity Fund and Rural England Prosperity Fund
- Universal Credit (Apply)
- Universal Credit: Migration Notice letter
- Upcoming elections, parish polls and referendums
- Useful links and downloads
- v
- Variation of permit for significant change of operation
- Variation to hackney carriage rank in Holt
- Vattenfall - Norfolk Vanguard offshore Windfarm - latest information and news
- Victim Support's Live Chat now available
- View and comment on a planning application
- View and comment on a planning application
- View the Council’s treasury management strategy
- View the Design guide
- View the licensing register - premises and clubs
- Voter ID
- Voter ID and Voter Authority Certificate: Frequently asked questions
- w
- Waiting Well Project: Online guidance
- Ward and parish boundaries map
- Waste and recycling planning guidance
- Water leak
- Water Supply Check
- Weddings and civil partnerships
- Weekly Reclaim Reduction
- What are listed buildings?
- What are listed buildings?
- What goes in my bin?
- What happens if I don't pay my Council Tax
- What housing associations operate in North Norfolk?
- What is a house in multiple occupation (HMO)?
- What is an empty home?
- What is happening on site?
- What the council does in an emergency
- What to do in severe weather
- What we buy
- When I will receive my benefits
- Where can I use jet skis/power boats
- Where to get business advice
- Who owns land or property near me?
- Who should pay Council Tax?
- Who to call in a power cut
- Work at elections
- Worried about becoming homeless
- WW1
- WW1 in Norfolk
Bins tasks
- View bin collections days
- Report a missed bin collection
- Battery recycling service
- Small electrical item recycling service
- What goes in my bin?
- View local recycling centres
All tasks
- a
- A facility for everyone
- A pool for all ages
- Abandoned vehicle
- Access support from the Financial Inclusion team
- Accident at Work
- Adult entertainment licence
- Adult learning
- Advice about homelessness
- Advice about Homelessness
- Advice about renting privately
- Advice for Food Businesses
- Advice for veterans if you're homeless
- Advice if you're an ex-prisoner and find yourself homeless
- Advice on bullying
- Advice on employing and recruiting staff
- Advice on making staff redundant
- Advice on training staff
- Affordable homes across North Norfolk
- Affordable Housing
- Age Friendly North Norfolk
- All online payments
- Allocations Scheme policy
- Alternative Maximum Benefit (second adult rebate)
- Animal licensing fees
- Animal licensing register
- Animal welfare
- Annual Audit Letter
- Annual monitoring report
- Annual monitoring report
- Annual Report
- Antisocial behaviour
- Appeal a planning decision
- Appeal against a claim decision or overpayment
- Apply for a Blue Badge
- Apply for a brown garden bin
- Apply for a Forget Me Not Grant
- Apply for A2 applications permit
- Apply for benefit (whilst temporarily absent from home)
- Apply for Housing Benefit and Council Tax support
- Apply for other business rate relief
- Apply online for support with energy costs
- Apply to join the housing list
- Apprenticeship information for employers
- Apprenticeships at North Norfolk District Council
- Are you interested in shaping our Youth Council?
- Arts and Culture Fund
- Assets of community value
- Assistance with pests
- Assisted burials
- Assisted collection
- Audible Intruder Alarm register
- b
- Backdating Housing Benefit or Council Tax Support
- Battery recycling service
- Battle of the Beaches 2023
- Beach and bathing water quality
- Beach Huts
- Become a Deep History Coast Ambassador
- Becoming a Councillor
- Benefit cap
- Benefits calculator
- Benefits Calculator
- Benefits Claim evidence
- Better living environment
- Big Switch & Save
- Bin collection days
- Bin collection service announcements
- Bin collections
- Bin day changes 2024
- Biodiversity information
- Biodiversity net gain
- Biodiversity net gain
- Biodiversity net gain
- Blocked drain or private sewer
- Blue Flag beaches
- Book a personal search
- Book an event
- Bring your empty property back into use
- Broken glass, needles or bodily fluid
- Brownfield land register
- Brownfield Land Register
- Budget: Spring Budget 2024 update
- Building control appeals
- Building control appeals
- Building control inspection
- Building control inspection
- Building control: Our service
- Building regulation approval
- Building regulation approval
- Building regulations
- Building regulations
- Building work: check the approval that you need
- Building work: check the approval that you need
- Built environment and planning
- Bulk Cement permit
- Bulky waste collection
- Bus passes - apply to Norfolk County Council
- Business planning, support and funding
- Business rate relief
- Business rates - Pay
- Business rates bill
- Business rates bill appeal
- Business rates valuation account
- Business Start Up Information
- Busking
- Buying and selling a property on the coast
- c
- Cabinet Meetings
- Cabinet work programme
- Call for sites
- Call for Sites
- Campsite licences
- Capital and savings
- Car Park charges (inc coaches)
- Car park locations
- Car park season ticket
- Car Park Season Ticket
- Caravan and campsite guidance documents
- Caravan and motor home site licences
- Caravan sites licensing register
- Chairman of the Council
- Change name of residential property or business
- Change name of residential property or business
- Change of bank details
- Change of business address
- Climate Change Training
- Climate Emergency and Environmental Charter
- Clinical household waste collection
- Club premises certificate
- Coach park locations
- Coast and countryside
- Coastal adaptation supplementary planning document
- Coastal Adaptation Supplementary Planning document
- Coastal Loss Innovative Funding and Financing (CLIFF)
- Coastal Management: interactive map
- Coastal Protection
- Coastal safety
- Coastwise
- Coastwise FAQs
- Commemorating the World Wars in North Norfolk
- Commercial clinical waste collection
- Commercial food waste collection service
- Commercial waste collection
- Committee documents
- Committee meeting dates
- Community Alcohol Partnership
- Community Connectors
- Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
- Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
- Community Miyawaki Forest Project
- Community safety
- Community Transport Fund
- Community Transport Services
- Community-led housing
- Complain about a high hedge
- Complain about a high hedge
- Complain about a school
- Complain about Food
- Complaining about a landlord
- Compliments, Complaints and Comments
- Compulsory purchase orders
- Compulsory Purchase Orders
- Concern for a child
- Concrete Crushing permit
- Conservation area appraisals
- Conservation area appraisals
- Conservation areas
- Conservation areas in North Norfolk
- Conservation areas in North Norfolk
- Conservation Design Awards
- Constitution
- Consultation on Council Tax Support scheme
- Contaminated land
- Contaminated Land and Barn Conversions
- Contaminated Land and Barn Conversions
- Contracting and tender opportunities
- Contracts and purchasing over £5000
- Contracts Register
- Controlling condensation and mould in your home
- Core Strategy
- Core Strategy
- Corporate Plan 2019 to 2023
- Corporate Plan 2023 to 2027
- Corporate Risk Register
- Cost of a planning application
- Cost of living help
- Council budget
- Council consultations
- Council facts and figures (transparency of data)
- Council Tax - Appeal bill
- Council Tax - Login to view bill
- Council Tax - Pay
- Council Tax Discounts
- Council Tax Exemptions
- Council Tax premium charges: Empty properties and second homes
- Council Tax premium for second homes
- Council Tax Support Fund
- Council Tax: How is it spent
- Council Tax: Tell us you're moving home
- Council Tax: Your bill explained
- Councillors allowances, expenses and attendance
- Councillors and decision making
- Country Park facilities
- Countryside events and activities
- Covid-19 advice for animal related businesses
- Cromer Coastal Management Scheme map
- Cromer Coastal Management Scheme Phase 2
- Cromer pier
- Current casual vacancies for town and parish councils
- Current flood warnings
- Current vacancies for North Norfolk District Council wards
- Custom and self-build housing register
- Custom and Self-Build Housing Register
- d
- Damaged or missing street sign
- Dangerous structure
- Dangerous Wild Animal licence
- Data Protection Policy
- Data sharing terms and conditions
- Dead animal on the road
- Death (let us know)
- Deep History Coast
- Delegated Decisions
- Demolition work
- Demolitions and dangerous structures
- Design
- Design guide
- Design guide
- Developer contributions
- Development briefs and master plans
- Development Committee
- Development Committee
- Direct Debit - Business Rates
- Direct Debit - Council Tax
- Direct Debit form (for housing benefit overpayments)
- Directory of Parish and Town Council Clerks
- Disabled band relief
- Disabled Facilities Grant
- Disabled living equipment
- Disabled parking and blue badge
- Discretionary Housing Payments
- Discretionary reduction (business rates)
- Discretionary reduction (council tax)
- Discretionary relief
- Document library
- Document library (local plan)
- Dog Fouling
- Dog restrictions
- Domestic abuse: how to get help and support
- Drainage and sewerage issues
- Dropped kerb - applications
- Dry cleaners permit
- Duty of Care
- Duty to refer
- e
- Ecology
- Economy of North Norfolk
- Economy of North Norfolk
- Election results
- Electoral register
- Electric Vehicle Charging
- Electric vehicles and EV charging points
- Emergency accommodation
- Employee benefits at NNDC
- Employers’ guide to working with schools (including work experience)
- Empty business properties
- Empty home advice
- Empty home review
- Environmental permit
- Environmental permit transfer
- Environmental Protection Freedom of Information
- Environmental regulations
- Equality, diversity and inclusion policy
- Events and news
- f
- Fees for major pre-application advice
- Filming requests
- Financial help if you have children
- Financial inclusion
- Financial Strategy
- Find out about Energy Saving Trust
- Find out about help if your property is at risk from erosion
- Find out about holiday lets and business rates
- Find out about school admissions
- Find out about subsidy control
- Find out about Warm and Well in North Norfolk
- Find out how much my Business Rates are
- Find out more about the north Norfolk coast
- Fishing rod licence
- Five year supply of housing land
- Five year supply of housing land
- Flood
- Fly tipping
- Flyposting
- Food allergens and labelling guidance
- Food business registration
- Food hygiene rating scheme
- Food hygiene ratings
- Food premises approval
- Food Premises Register
- Food Safety Management
- Food safety training
- Foreign pension: proof of life and residence
- Found dog
- Fraud
- Freedom of Information - Council Tax
- Freedom of information - FAQs
- Freedom of Information (FOI) Request
- Freedom of Information Publication Scheme
- Freedom of Information: Non-Domestic Business Rates
- Frequently asked questions for tenants renting from a private landlord
- Frequently asked questions: Small sites for new homes
- Further information that may affect your application
- Further Private Water Supplies information
- g
- Gambling premises and clubs
- Garden Bin - Order a new bin
- Gender Pay Gap Report
- GIRAMS subscription model
- GIRAMS subscription model
- Government procurement transactions
- Graffiti
- Graham Allen Award winners
- Grants awarded to Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprises
- Green 4 business
- Green Flag parks and spaces
- Green Futures: youth project
- Greenbuild 2021
- Greenbuild 2022
- Gulls: information and advice
- Gypsy and Travellers stopping sites
- h
- Habitat mitigation: Recreational impacts
- Habitat Mitigation: Recreational impacts
- Habitats regulations assessment
- Habitats Regulations Assessment
- HCP Terms and Conditions
- Health and safety at work issues
- Health and wellbeing
- Health and wellbeing support in North Norfolk
- Hedge and verge cutting
- Help and housing for care leavers and young people
- Help and support with childcare
- Help and support with energy bills
- Help and support with food
- Help and support with housing
- Help and support with water bills
- Help finding a privately rented property
- Help Hub
- Help with debt
- Help with living costs
- Help with your application
- Highways licensing for skips, scaffolding, notices and road closures
- Hold a Beach BBQ or event
- Holt Country Park
- Homeless after leaving hospital
- Homeless tonight?
- Homelessness and rough sleeping strategy
- Homes for Ukraine scheme in North Norfolk
- House to house collections
- Household Support Fund
- Household Support Fund
- Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) license
- Housing allocations scheme consultation
- Housing and economic land availability assessment
- Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA)
- Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support rates from April 2024
- Housing Benefit Overpayment - Quick Pay
- Housing Benefit payments direct to landlord
- Housing Benefit: your payment dates
- Housing condition complaint
- Housing Register
- Housing Strategy
- Housing with care properties
- How a change will affect your Benefits
- How can the Council help
- How much is my Council Tax?
- How planning applications are decided
- How to petition the Council
- How to promote resilience in your community
- How to protect my business in emergencies
- How to recycle your unwanted clothing
- How to relocate to North Norfolk
- How we buy
- How we manage your data
- i
- Inappropriate conduct by a Councillors
- Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy
- Interview with NNDC apprentices
- Invest North Norfolk
- l
- Land and buildings owned by the Council
- Land, premises and planning
- Landscape
- Landscape character assessment
- Landscape character assessment
- Larger bin
- Latest travel news
- LG Inform data - example page
- Liability, legislation and general information about Council Tax
- Library services
- Licensing fees
- Licensing register - Gambling Act 2005
- Licensing register - Personal
- Licensing register - Skin piercing
- Licensing register - street collections
- Licensing register - Taxis
- Licensing register - Temporary Event Notices (TENs)
- Licensing register: Other licences
- Limited opening at Splash
- Listed building consent
- Listed building consent
- Listed building restrictions
- Listed building restrictions
- Listed buildings
- Listed buildings
- Listed buildings
- Litter
- Loan sharks and illegal lending
- Local catchment area
- Local councils and services: Who does what?
- Local Development Orders
- Local Development Orders
- Local development scheme
- Local development scheme
- Local economy
- Local Housing Allowance (LHA)
- Local land and property gazetteer
- Local Land and Property Gazetteer
- Local land search
- Local land search
- Local plan (current)
- Local Plan (Current)
- Local plan (new)
- Local Plan (New)
- Local plan consultation
- Local plan consultation
- Local plan consultation: frequently asked questions
- Local Plan Consultation: Frequently Asked Questions
- Local plan examination
- Local Plan Examination
- Local plan examination library
- Local Plan Examination Library
- Local plan newsletters
- Local Plan Newsletters
- Local Sports and Leisure Centres
- Localism in North Norfolk
- Locally listed buildings
- Locally listed buildings
- Lost dog
- m
- Make an insurance or compensation claim
- Making a Regulation 77 application
- Making a Regulation 77 application
- Making objections to Licence Applications
- Management structure of the Council
- Managing your money
- Mandatory charity relief
- Mandatory rural rate relief
- Market Towns Initiative
- Market Trader Application form
- Market trader applications
- Markets
- Meet some of our apprentices
- Mental illness or impairment and threatened with homelessness
- Missed bin collection
- Miyawaki Forest Project
- Monitoring
- Motorhomes: camping and parking
- Muddy Boots volunteers
- Mundesley Coastal Management Outline Business Case
- Mundesley Coastal Management Scheme
- Mundesley Coastal Management Scheme map
- Music license application
- n
- Neighbourhood plan areas
- Neighbourhood plan areas
- Neighbourhood Planning
- Neighbourhood Planning
- Net Zero Strategy
- New and Altered Properties
- New property address
- New property address
- News
- NNDC local validation requirements for designated sites, priority habitats and other significant features
- NNDC local validation requirements for designated sites, priority habitats and other significant features
- Noise, smells, artificial light, smoke and more
- Non-native invasive species
- Norfolk Community Directory
- Norfolk Energy Switch
- North Norfolk annual canvass 2024
- North Norfolk apprenticeship stories: Mundesley Medical Practice
- North Norfolk apprenticeship stories: Oyster Yachts Ltd
- North Norfolk apprenticeship stories: Wroxham Barns
- North Norfolk Armed Forces
- North Norfolk Health and Wellbeing Partnership
- North Norfolk Local Validation Requirements List
- North Norfolk Local Validation Requirements List
- North Norfolk Sustainable Communities Fund details
- North Walsham Heritage Action Zone Projects
- North Walsham West Sustainable Urban Extension
- North Walsham West Sustainable Urban Extension
- Nutrient neutrality
- Nutrient neutrality
- o
- Offer to pay
- Offshore Windfarm Schemes – latest information and news
- Online account (registration and login)
- Options for owners of empty homes
- Organising events
- Organising Events
- Our pledge to the Covenant
- Outlook our new bi-annual magazine
- Overlapping Benefit (Benefit on two homes)
- Overview of custom and self-build housing
- Overview of Custom and Self-Build Housing
- p
- Parish and Town Councils Help Hub
- Parish and town councils precept
- Parking Account data
- Parking Fine
- Parking Fine - Appeal
- Pavement licensing Al Fresco eating and drinking
- Pavements
- Pension Credit
- Pension Credit
- Performance Information
- Permit surrender
- Permit surrender
- Personal licence
- Petitions submitted to the Council
- Planning and property advice including pre-applications
- Planning appeals
- Planning appeals
- Planning applications
- Planning constraints checking tool user guide
- Planning Constraints Checking Tool User Guide
- Planning enforcement
- Planning enforcement
- Planning Enforcement Register
- Planning Enforcement Register
- Planning for the Future: A Government Consultation
- Planning permission
- Planning Permission
- Planting and caring for your tree
- Policies map
- Policies, protocols and reports
- Polling station locations
- Postal or proxy vote signature refresh
- Postal vote
- Pothole - link to Norfolk County Council to report a pothole
- Pre-application advice for major schemes
- Pre-application advice service
- Pre-application advice service
- Premises licence
- Premises to let
- Prepare for an emergency
- Pretty Corner Woods
- Previous awards for Arts and Culture fund grant
- Previous awards for Community Transport fund grant
- Previous awards for Sustainable Communities grant fund
- Private water supplies risk assessments information
- Private water supply check
- Private water supply information
- Problem with a litter bin
- Problems paying Business Rates
- Properties to let and for sale
- Property details
- Property details
- Property valuation
- Property valuation appeal
- Proposals map
- Proposals map
- Proxy vote
- Public information notices
- Public speaking at committee meetings
- Public Toilets
- Public transport timetables
- Publication of verification number
- r
- Race Information and FAQs
- Rate reductions, reliefs, rateable value appeals and rating advisers
- Recruitment of ex-offenders statement
- Recycling centres
- Register a birth
- Register a death
- Register for an online account
- Register for flood warnings
- Register for updates on the local plan
- Register for updates on the Local Plan
- Register of assisted burials
- Register of contaminated land
- Register of Houses in Multiple Occupation licenses
- Register of Members Interest form
- Register of permitted processes
- Register to vote
- Registers of Councillors and Parish Council interests
- Renew a brown garden bin
- Report a Coastal issue
- Report a lost, stolen or damaged bin
- Report a problem on the road
- Report a problem with a nameplate sign
- Report a problem with a nameplate sign
- Report an emergency
- Report an empty home
- Repossession advice
- Request commercial bulky waste collection
- Request your own Personal Information (Subject Access Request)
- Respray road vehicle permit
- Retail and main town centre uses study
- Retail and Main Town Centre Uses Study
- Retail discount relief
- Review of polling districts and places 2024
- Reviewing your benefit claim
- Risk Management Framework
- Road closure permit
- Road projects and improvements
- Roadworks planned
- Rural exception housing schemes
- s
- Sadler's Wood
- Safeguarding
- Sanctuary Scheme
- sandscaping
- Sandscaping: Frequently asked questions
- Scams and fraud
- School term dates
- School transport
- Scrap metal dealers register
- Scrap metal licences
- Section 106 planning obligations
- Section 106 planning obligations
- Section 157 restriction
- Self-funding advice for disabled facilities adaptions
- Senior staff salaries
- Service Station permit
- Severe weather warnings
- Sexual Harassment Prevention and Action Policy
- Shared Ownership
- Sheringham Leisure Centre subscribe
- Shoreline Management Plans
- Single Person Discount review
- Site allocations plan
- Site allocations plan
- Skills, employment and training
- Skin piercing licence
- Small business rate relief
- Small electrical item recycling service
- Small premises lotteries application forms
- Small sites for new homes in North Norfolk
- Smaller bin
- Social care
- Solar panels: your guide to going green
- Sport centre events
- Sports events
- Statement of accounts
- Statement of community involvement
- Statement of Community Involvement
- Stranded whale or dolphin
- Strategic flood risk assessment
- Strategic Flood Risk Assessment
- Strategic housing market assessment
- Strategic Housing Market Assessment
- Street collections
- Street lighting - report a problem
- Street naming and numbering
- Street trading licence
- Sundry invoice
- Supporting our future
- Supporting small business relief
- Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report
- Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report
- Sustainability at The Reef Leisure Centre
- t
- Tax conditionality for taxi drivers, private hire operators and scrap metal dealers
- Taxi licence
- Tell us about changes that affect your benefits
- Tell us about changes that affect your council tax
- Temporary Event Notices (TENs) Application
- Temporary holiday sites, including caravan and camping sites
- Temporary holiday sites, including caravan and camping sites
- Temporary Register
- Temporary Register
- The Great British Cycling Festival
- The North Norfolk Waiting Well Project
- Timelapse Video
- Toilet provision in premises open to the public
- Tourist Information Centres
- Town and Parish Council support and news
- Transfer a mobile environment permit
- Transparency data - Payments to suppliers over £500
- Trees and hedges
- Trees and hedges
- Trees and hedges
- Triathlon Events
- u
- UK Shared Prosperity Fund and Rural England Prosperity Fund
- Universal Credit (Apply)
- Universal Credit: Migration Notice letter
- Upcoming elections, parish polls and referendums
- Useful links and downloads
- v
- Variation of permit for significant change of operation
- Variation to hackney carriage rank in Holt
- Vattenfall - Norfolk Vanguard offshore Windfarm - latest information and news
- Victim Support's Live Chat now available
- View and comment on a planning application
- View and comment on a planning application
- View the Council’s treasury management strategy
- View the Design guide
- View the licensing register - premises and clubs
- Voter ID
- Voter ID and Voter Authority Certificate: Frequently asked questions
- w
- Waiting Well Project: Online guidance
- Ward and parish boundaries map
- Waste and recycling planning guidance
- Water leak
- Water Supply Check
- Weddings and civil partnerships
- Weekly Reclaim Reduction
- What are listed buildings?
- What are listed buildings?
- What goes in my bin?
- What happens if I don't pay my Council Tax
- What housing associations operate in North Norfolk?
- What is a house in multiple occupation (HMO)?
- What is an empty home?
- What is happening on site?
- What the council does in an emergency
- What to do in severe weather
- What we buy
- When I will receive my benefits
- Where can I use jet skis/power boats
- Where to get business advice
- Who owns land or property near me?
- Who should pay Council Tax?
- Who to call in a power cut
- Work at elections
- Worried about becoming homeless
- WW1
- WW1 in Norfolk
Housing tasks
- Apply to join the housing waiting list
- Advice about renting privately
- Apply for Housing Benefit and Council Tax support
- Advice about homelessness
- Domestic abuse: how to get help and support
- How can the Council help
All tasks
- a
- A facility for everyone
- A pool for all ages
- Abandoned vehicle
- Access support from the Financial Inclusion team
- Accident at Work
- Adult entertainment licence
- Adult learning
- Advice about homelessness
- Advice about Homelessness
- Advice about renting privately
- Advice for Food Businesses
- Advice for veterans if you're homeless
- Advice if you're an ex-prisoner and find yourself homeless
- Advice on bullying
- Advice on employing and recruiting staff
- Advice on making staff redundant
- Advice on training staff
- Affordable homes across North Norfolk
- Affordable Housing
- Age Friendly North Norfolk
- All online payments
- Allocations Scheme policy
- Alternative Maximum Benefit (second adult rebate)
- Animal licensing fees
- Animal licensing register
- Animal welfare
- Annual Audit Letter
- Annual monitoring report
- Annual monitoring report
- Annual Report
- Antisocial behaviour
- Appeal a planning decision
- Appeal against a claim decision or overpayment
- Apply for a Blue Badge
- Apply for a brown garden bin
- Apply for a Forget Me Not Grant
- Apply for A2 applications permit
- Apply for benefit (whilst temporarily absent from home)
- Apply for Housing Benefit and Council Tax support
- Apply for other business rate relief
- Apply online for support with energy costs
- Apply to join the housing list
- Apprenticeship information for employers
- Apprenticeships at North Norfolk District Council
- Are you interested in shaping our Youth Council?
- Arts and Culture Fund
- Assets of community value
- Assistance with pests
- Assisted burials
- Assisted collection
- Audible Intruder Alarm register
- b
- Backdating Housing Benefit or Council Tax Support
- Battery recycling service
- Battle of the Beaches 2023
- Beach and bathing water quality
- Beach Huts
- Become a Deep History Coast Ambassador
- Becoming a Councillor
- Benefit cap
- Benefits calculator
- Benefits Calculator
- Benefits Claim evidence
- Better living environment
- Big Switch & Save
- Bin collection days
- Bin collection service announcements
- Bin collections
- Bin day changes 2024
- Biodiversity information
- Biodiversity net gain
- Biodiversity net gain
- Biodiversity net gain
- Blocked drain or private sewer
- Blue Flag beaches
- Book a personal search
- Book an event
- Bring your empty property back into use
- Broken glass, needles or bodily fluid
- Brownfield land register
- Brownfield Land Register
- Budget: Spring Budget 2024 update
- Building control appeals
- Building control appeals
- Building control inspection
- Building control inspection
- Building control: Our service
- Building regulation approval
- Building regulation approval
- Building regulations
- Building regulations
- Building work: check the approval that you need
- Building work: check the approval that you need
- Built environment and planning
- Bulk Cement permit
- Bulky waste collection
- Bus passes - apply to Norfolk County Council
- Business planning, support and funding
- Business rate relief
- Business rates - Pay
- Business rates bill
- Business rates bill appeal
- Business rates valuation account
- Business Start Up Information
- Busking
- Buying and selling a property on the coast
- c
- Cabinet Meetings
- Cabinet work programme
- Call for sites
- Call for Sites
- Campsite licences
- Capital and savings
- Car Park charges (inc coaches)
- Car park locations
- Car park season ticket
- Car Park Season Ticket
- Caravan and campsite guidance documents
- Caravan and motor home site licences
- Caravan sites licensing register
- Chairman of the Council
- Change name of residential property or business
- Change name of residential property or business
- Change of bank details
- Change of business address
- Climate Change Training
- Climate Emergency and Environmental Charter
- Clinical household waste collection
- Club premises certificate
- Coach park locations
- Coast and countryside
- Coastal adaptation supplementary planning document
- Coastal Adaptation Supplementary Planning document
- Coastal Loss Innovative Funding and Financing (CLIFF)
- Coastal Management: interactive map
- Coastal Protection
- Coastal safety
- Coastwise
- Coastwise FAQs
- Commemorating the World Wars in North Norfolk
- Commercial clinical waste collection
- Commercial food waste collection service
- Commercial waste collection
- Committee documents
- Committee meeting dates
- Community Alcohol Partnership
- Community Connectors
- Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
- Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
- Community Miyawaki Forest Project
- Community safety
- Community Transport Fund
- Community Transport Services
- Community-led housing
- Complain about a high hedge
- Complain about a high hedge
- Complain about a school
- Complain about Food
- Complaining about a landlord
- Compliments, Complaints and Comments
- Compulsory purchase orders
- Compulsory Purchase Orders
- Concern for a child
- Concrete Crushing permit
- Conservation area appraisals
- Conservation area appraisals
- Conservation areas
- Conservation areas in North Norfolk
- Conservation areas in North Norfolk
- Conservation Design Awards
- Constitution
- Consultation on Council Tax Support scheme
- Contaminated land
- Contaminated Land and Barn Conversions
- Contaminated Land and Barn Conversions
- Contracting and tender opportunities
- Contracts and purchasing over £5000
- Contracts Register
- Controlling condensation and mould in your home
- Core Strategy
- Core Strategy
- Corporate Plan 2019 to 2023
- Corporate Plan 2023 to 2027
- Corporate Risk Register
- Cost of a planning application
- Cost of living help
- Council budget
- Council consultations
- Council facts and figures (transparency of data)
- Council Tax - Appeal bill
- Council Tax - Login to view bill
- Council Tax - Pay
- Council Tax Discounts
- Council Tax Exemptions
- Council Tax premium charges: Empty properties and second homes
- Council Tax premium for second homes
- Council Tax Support Fund
- Council Tax: How is it spent
- Council Tax: Tell us you're moving home
- Council Tax: Your bill explained
- Councillors allowances, expenses and attendance
- Councillors and decision making
- Country Park facilities
- Countryside events and activities
- Covid-19 advice for animal related businesses
- Cromer Coastal Management Scheme map
- Cromer Coastal Management Scheme Phase 2
- Cromer pier
- Current casual vacancies for town and parish councils
- Current flood warnings
- Current vacancies for North Norfolk District Council wards
- Custom and self-build housing register
- Custom and Self-Build Housing Register
- d
- Damaged or missing street sign
- Dangerous structure
- Dangerous Wild Animal licence
- Data Protection Policy
- Data sharing terms and conditions
- Dead animal on the road
- Death (let us know)
- Deep History Coast
- Delegated Decisions
- Demolition work
- Demolitions and dangerous structures
- Design
- Design guide
- Design guide
- Developer contributions
- Development briefs and master plans
- Development Committee
- Development Committee
- Direct Debit - Business Rates
- Direct Debit - Council Tax
- Direct Debit form (for housing benefit overpayments)
- Directory of Parish and Town Council Clerks
- Disabled band relief
- Disabled Facilities Grant
- Disabled living equipment
- Disabled parking and blue badge
- Discretionary Housing Payments
- Discretionary reduction (business rates)
- Discretionary reduction (council tax)
- Discretionary relief
- Document library
- Document library (local plan)
- Dog Fouling
- Dog restrictions
- Domestic abuse: how to get help and support
- Drainage and sewerage issues
- Dropped kerb - applications
- Dry cleaners permit
- Duty of Care
- Duty to refer
- e
- Ecology
- Economy of North Norfolk
- Economy of North Norfolk
- Election results
- Electoral register
- Electric Vehicle Charging
- Electric vehicles and EV charging points
- Emergency accommodation
- Employee benefits at NNDC
- Employers’ guide to working with schools (including work experience)
- Empty business properties
- Empty home advice
- Empty home review
- Environmental permit
- Environmental permit transfer
- Environmental Protection Freedom of Information
- Environmental regulations
- Equality, diversity and inclusion policy
- Events and news
- f
- Fees for major pre-application advice
- Filming requests
- Financial help if you have children
- Financial inclusion
- Financial Strategy
- Find out about Energy Saving Trust
- Find out about help if your property is at risk from erosion
- Find out about holiday lets and business rates
- Find out about school admissions
- Find out about subsidy control
- Find out about Warm and Well in North Norfolk
- Find out how much my Business Rates are
- Find out more about the north Norfolk coast
- Fishing rod licence
- Five year supply of housing land
- Five year supply of housing land
- Flood
- Fly tipping
- Flyposting
- Food allergens and labelling guidance
- Food business registration
- Food hygiene rating scheme
- Food hygiene ratings
- Food premises approval
- Food Premises Register
- Food Safety Management
- Food safety training
- Foreign pension: proof of life and residence
- Found dog
- Fraud
- Freedom of Information - Council Tax
- Freedom of information - FAQs
- Freedom of Information (FOI) Request
- Freedom of Information Publication Scheme
- Freedom of Information: Non-Domestic Business Rates
- Frequently asked questions for tenants renting from a private landlord
- Frequently asked questions: Small sites for new homes
- Further information that may affect your application
- Further Private Water Supplies information
- g
- Gambling premises and clubs
- Garden Bin - Order a new bin
- Gender Pay Gap Report
- GIRAMS subscription model
- GIRAMS subscription model
- Government procurement transactions
- Graffiti
- Graham Allen Award winners
- Grants awarded to Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprises
- Green 4 business
- Green Flag parks and spaces
- Green Futures: youth project
- Greenbuild 2021
- Greenbuild 2022
- Gulls: information and advice
- Gypsy and Travellers stopping sites
- h
- Habitat mitigation: Recreational impacts
- Habitat Mitigation: Recreational impacts
- Habitats regulations assessment
- Habitats Regulations Assessment
- HCP Terms and Conditions
- Health and safety at work issues
- Health and wellbeing
- Health and wellbeing support in North Norfolk
- Hedge and verge cutting
- Help and housing for care leavers and young people
- Help and support with childcare
- Help and support with energy bills
- Help and support with food
- Help and support with housing
- Help and support with water bills
- Help finding a privately rented property
- Help Hub
- Help with debt
- Help with living costs
- Help with your application
- Highways licensing for skips, scaffolding, notices and road closures
- Hold a Beach BBQ or event
- Holt Country Park
- Homeless after leaving hospital
- Homeless tonight?
- Homelessness and rough sleeping strategy
- Homes for Ukraine scheme in North Norfolk
- House to house collections
- Household Support Fund
- Household Support Fund
- Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) license
- Housing allocations scheme consultation
- Housing and economic land availability assessment
- Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA)
- Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support rates from April 2024
- Housing Benefit Overpayment - Quick Pay
- Housing Benefit payments direct to landlord
- Housing Benefit: your payment dates
- Housing condition complaint
- Housing Register
- Housing Strategy
- Housing with care properties
- How a change will affect your Benefits
- How can the Council help
- How much is my Council Tax?
- How planning applications are decided
- How to petition the Council
- How to promote resilience in your community
- How to protect my business in emergencies
- How to recycle your unwanted clothing
- How to relocate to North Norfolk
- How we buy
- How we manage your data
- i
- Inappropriate conduct by a Councillors
- Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy
- Interview with NNDC apprentices
- Invest North Norfolk
- l
- Land and buildings owned by the Council
- Land, premises and planning
- Landscape
- Landscape character assessment
- Landscape character assessment
- Larger bin
- Latest travel news
- LG Inform data - example page
- Liability, legislation and general information about Council Tax
- Library services
- Licensing fees
- Licensing register - Gambling Act 2005
- Licensing register - Personal
- Licensing register - Skin piercing
- Licensing register - street collections
- Licensing register - Taxis
- Licensing register - Temporary Event Notices (TENs)
- Licensing register: Other licences
- Limited opening at Splash
- Listed building consent
- Listed building consent
- Listed building restrictions
- Listed building restrictions
- Listed buildings
- Listed buildings
- Listed buildings
- Litter
- Loan sharks and illegal lending
- Local catchment area
- Local councils and services: Who does what?
- Local Development Orders
- Local Development Orders
- Local development scheme
- Local development scheme
- Local economy
- Local Housing Allowance (LHA)
- Local land and property gazetteer
- Local Land and Property Gazetteer
- Local land search
- Local land search
- Local plan (current)
- Local Plan (Current)
- Local plan (new)
- Local Plan (New)
- Local plan consultation
- Local plan consultation
- Local plan consultation: frequently asked questions
- Local Plan Consultation: Frequently Asked Questions
- Local plan examination
- Local Plan Examination
- Local plan examination library
- Local Plan Examination Library
- Local plan newsletters
- Local Plan Newsletters
- Local Sports and Leisure Centres
- Localism in North Norfolk
- Locally listed buildings
- Locally listed buildings
- Lost dog
- m
- Make an insurance or compensation claim
- Making a Regulation 77 application
- Making a Regulation 77 application
- Making objections to Licence Applications
- Management structure of the Council
- Managing your money
- Mandatory charity relief
- Mandatory rural rate relief
- Market Towns Initiative
- Market Trader Application form
- Market trader applications
- Markets
- Meet some of our apprentices
- Mental illness or impairment and threatened with homelessness
- Missed bin collection
- Miyawaki Forest Project
- Monitoring
- Motorhomes: camping and parking
- Muddy Boots volunteers
- Mundesley Coastal Management Outline Business Case
- Mundesley Coastal Management Scheme
- Mundesley Coastal Management Scheme map
- Music license application
- n
- Neighbourhood plan areas
- Neighbourhood plan areas
- Neighbourhood Planning
- Neighbourhood Planning
- Net Zero Strategy
- New and Altered Properties
- New property address
- New property address
- News
- NNDC local validation requirements for designated sites, priority habitats and other significant features
- NNDC local validation requirements for designated sites, priority habitats and other significant features
- Noise, smells, artificial light, smoke and more
- Non-native invasive species
- Norfolk Community Directory
- Norfolk Energy Switch
- North Norfolk annual canvass 2024
- North Norfolk apprenticeship stories: Mundesley Medical Practice
- North Norfolk apprenticeship stories: Oyster Yachts Ltd
- North Norfolk apprenticeship stories: Wroxham Barns
- North Norfolk Armed Forces
- North Norfolk Health and Wellbeing Partnership
- North Norfolk Local Validation Requirements List
- North Norfolk Local Validation Requirements List
- North Norfolk Sustainable Communities Fund details
- North Walsham Heritage Action Zone Projects
- North Walsham West Sustainable Urban Extension
- North Walsham West Sustainable Urban Extension
- Nutrient neutrality
- Nutrient neutrality
- o
- Offer to pay
- Offshore Windfarm Schemes – latest information and news
- Online account (registration and login)
- Options for owners of empty homes
- Organising events
- Organising Events
- Our pledge to the Covenant
- Outlook our new bi-annual magazine
- Overlapping Benefit (Benefit on two homes)
- Overview of custom and self-build housing
- Overview of Custom and Self-Build Housing
- p
- Parish and Town Councils Help Hub
- Parish and town councils precept
- Parking Account data
- Parking Fine
- Parking Fine - Appeal
- Pavement licensing Al Fresco eating and drinking
- Pavements
- Pension Credit
- Pension Credit
- Performance Information
- Permit surrender
- Permit surrender
- Personal licence
- Petitions submitted to the Council
- Planning and property advice including pre-applications
- Planning appeals
- Planning appeals
- Planning applications
- Planning constraints checking tool user guide
- Planning Constraints Checking Tool User Guide
- Planning enforcement
- Planning enforcement
- Planning Enforcement Register
- Planning Enforcement Register
- Planning for the Future: A Government Consultation
- Planning permission
- Planning Permission
- Planting and caring for your tree
- Policies map
- Policies, protocols and reports
- Polling station locations
- Postal or proxy vote signature refresh
- Postal vote
- Pothole - link to Norfolk County Council to report a pothole
- Pre-application advice for major schemes
- Pre-application advice service
- Pre-application advice service
- Premises licence
- Premises to let
- Prepare for an emergency
- Pretty Corner Woods
- Previous awards for Arts and Culture fund grant
- Previous awards for Community Transport fund grant
- Previous awards for Sustainable Communities grant fund
- Private water supplies risk assessments information
- Private water supply check
- Private water supply information
- Problem with a litter bin
- Problems paying Business Rates
- Properties to let and for sale
- Property details
- Property details
- Property valuation
- Property valuation appeal
- Proposals map
- Proposals map
- Proxy vote
- Public information notices
- Public speaking at committee meetings
- Public Toilets
- Public transport timetables
- Publication of verification number
- r
- Race Information and FAQs
- Rate reductions, reliefs, rateable value appeals and rating advisers
- Recruitment of ex-offenders statement
- Recycling centres
- Register a birth
- Register a death
- Register for an online account
- Register for flood warnings
- Register for updates on the local plan
- Register for updates on the Local Plan
- Register of assisted burials
- Register of contaminated land
- Register of Houses in Multiple Occupation licenses
- Register of Members Interest form
- Register of permitted processes
- Register to vote
- Registers of Councillors and Parish Council interests
- Renew a brown garden bin
- Report a Coastal issue
- Report a lost, stolen or damaged bin
- Report a problem on the road
- Report a problem with a nameplate sign
- Report a problem with a nameplate sign
- Report an emergency
- Report an empty home
- Repossession advice
- Request commercial bulky waste collection
- Request your own Personal Information (Subject Access Request)
- Respray road vehicle permit
- Retail and main town centre uses study
- Retail and Main Town Centre Uses Study
- Retail discount relief
- Review of polling districts and places 2024
- Reviewing your benefit claim
- Risk Management Framework
- Road closure permit
- Road projects and improvements
- Roadworks planned
- Rural exception housing schemes
- s
- Sadler's Wood
- Safeguarding
- Sanctuary Scheme
- sandscaping
- Sandscaping: Frequently asked questions
- Scams and fraud
- School term dates
- School transport
- Scrap metal dealers register
- Scrap metal licences
- Section 106 planning obligations
- Section 106 planning obligations
- Section 157 restriction
- Self-funding advice for disabled facilities adaptions
- Senior staff salaries
- Service Station permit
- Severe weather warnings
- Sexual Harassment Prevention and Action Policy
- Shared Ownership
- Sheringham Leisure Centre subscribe
- Shoreline Management Plans
- Single Person Discount review
- Site allocations plan
- Site allocations plan
- Skills, employment and training
- Skin piercing licence
- Small business rate relief
- Small electrical item recycling service
- Small premises lotteries application forms
- Small sites for new homes in North Norfolk
- Smaller bin
- Social care
- Solar panels: your guide to going green
- Sport centre events
- Sports events
- Statement of accounts
- Statement of community involvement
- Statement of Community Involvement
- Stranded whale or dolphin
- Strategic flood risk assessment
- Strategic Flood Risk Assessment
- Strategic housing market assessment
- Strategic Housing Market Assessment
- Street collections
- Street lighting - report a problem
- Street naming and numbering
- Street trading licence
- Sundry invoice
- Supporting our future
- Supporting small business relief
- Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report
- Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report
- Sustainability at The Reef Leisure Centre
- t
- Tax conditionality for taxi drivers, private hire operators and scrap metal dealers
- Taxi licence
- Tell us about changes that affect your benefits
- Tell us about changes that affect your council tax
- Temporary Event Notices (TENs) Application
- Temporary holiday sites, including caravan and camping sites
- Temporary holiday sites, including caravan and camping sites
- Temporary Register
- Temporary Register
- The Great British Cycling Festival
- The North Norfolk Waiting Well Project
- Timelapse Video
- Toilet provision in premises open to the public
- Tourist Information Centres
- Town and Parish Council support and news
- Transfer a mobile environment permit
- Transparency data - Payments to suppliers over £500
- Trees and hedges
- Trees and hedges
- Trees and hedges
- Triathlon Events
- u
- UK Shared Prosperity Fund and Rural England Prosperity Fund
- Universal Credit (Apply)
- Universal Credit: Migration Notice letter
- Upcoming elections, parish polls and referendums
- Useful links and downloads
- v
- Variation of permit for significant change of operation
- Variation to hackney carriage rank in Holt
- Vattenfall - Norfolk Vanguard offshore Windfarm - latest information and news
- Victim Support's Live Chat now available
- View and comment on a planning application
- View and comment on a planning application
- View the Council’s treasury management strategy
- View the Design guide
- View the licensing register - premises and clubs
- Voter ID
- Voter ID and Voter Authority Certificate: Frequently asked questions
- w
- Waiting Well Project: Online guidance
- Ward and parish boundaries map
- Waste and recycling planning guidance
- Water leak
- Water Supply Check
- Weddings and civil partnerships
- Weekly Reclaim Reduction
- What are listed buildings?
- What are listed buildings?
- What goes in my bin?
- What happens if I don't pay my Council Tax
- What housing associations operate in North Norfolk?
- What is a house in multiple occupation (HMO)?
- What is an empty home?
- What is happening on site?
- What the council does in an emergency
- What to do in severe weather
- What we buy
- When I will receive my benefits
- Where can I use jet skis/power boats
- Where to get business advice
- Who owns land or property near me?
- Who should pay Council Tax?
- Who to call in a power cut
- Work at elections
- Worried about becoming homeless
- WW1
- WW1 in Norfolk
Your Community tasks
- Apply for a Blue Badge
- Buy car park season ticket
- Coach parking in North Norfolk
- Electric vehicles and EV charging points
- View car parking locations
- Countryside events and activities
All tasks
- a
- A facility for everyone
- A pool for all ages
- Abandoned vehicle
- Access support from the Financial Inclusion team
- Accident at Work
- Adult entertainment licence
- Adult learning
- Advice about homelessness
- Advice about Homelessness
- Advice about renting privately
- Advice for Food Businesses
- Advice for veterans if you're homeless
- Advice if you're an ex-prisoner and find yourself homeless
- Advice on bullying
- Advice on employing and recruiting staff
- Advice on making staff redundant
- Advice on training staff
- Affordable homes across North Norfolk
- Affordable Housing
- Age Friendly North Norfolk
- All online payments
- Allocations Scheme policy
- Alternative Maximum Benefit (second adult rebate)
- Animal licensing fees
- Animal licensing register
- Animal welfare
- Annual Audit Letter
- Annual monitoring report
- Annual monitoring report
- Annual Report
- Antisocial behaviour
- Appeal a planning decision
- Appeal against a claim decision or overpayment
- Apply for a Blue Badge
- Apply for a brown garden bin
- Apply for a Forget Me Not Grant
- Apply for A2 applications permit
- Apply for benefit (whilst temporarily absent from home)
- Apply for Housing Benefit and Council Tax support
- Apply for other business rate relief
- Apply online for support with energy costs
- Apply to join the housing list
- Apprenticeship information for employers
- Apprenticeships at North Norfolk District Council
- Are you interested in shaping our Youth Council?
- Arts and Culture Fund
- Assets of community value
- Assistance with pests
- Assisted burials
- Assisted collection
- Audible Intruder Alarm register
- b
- Backdating Housing Benefit or Council Tax Support
- Battery recycling service
- Battle of the Beaches 2023
- Beach and bathing water quality
- Beach Huts
- Become a Deep History Coast Ambassador
- Becoming a Councillor
- Benefit cap
- Benefits calculator
- Benefits Calculator
- Benefits Claim evidence
- Better living environment
- Big Switch & Save
- Bin collection days
- Bin collection service announcements
- Bin collections
- Bin day changes 2024
- Biodiversity information
- Biodiversity net gain
- Biodiversity net gain
- Biodiversity net gain
- Blocked drain or private sewer
- Blue Flag beaches
- Book a personal search
- Book an event
- Bring your empty property back into use
- Broken glass, needles or bodily fluid
- Brownfield land register
- Brownfield Land Register
- Budget: Spring Budget 2024 update
- Building control appeals
- Building control appeals
- Building control inspection
- Building control inspection
- Building control: Our service
- Building regulation approval
- Building regulation approval
- Building regulations
- Building regulations
- Building work: check the approval that you need
- Building work: check the approval that you need
- Built environment and planning
- Bulk Cement permit
- Bulky waste collection
- Bus passes - apply to Norfolk County Council
- Business planning, support and funding
- Business rate relief
- Business rates - Pay
- Business rates bill
- Business rates bill appeal
- Business rates valuation account
- Business Start Up Information
- Busking
- Buying and selling a property on the coast
- c
- Cabinet Meetings
- Cabinet work programme
- Call for sites
- Call for Sites
- Campsite licences
- Capital and savings
- Car Park charges (inc coaches)
- Car park locations
- Car park season ticket
- Car Park Season Ticket
- Caravan and campsite guidance documents
- Caravan and motor home site licences
- Caravan sites licensing register
- Chairman of the Council
- Change name of residential property or business
- Change name of residential property or business
- Change of bank details
- Change of business address
- Climate Change Training
- Climate Emergency and Environmental Charter
- Clinical household waste collection
- Club premises certificate
- Coach park locations
- Coast and countryside
- Coastal adaptation supplementary planning document
- Coastal Adaptation Supplementary Planning document
- Coastal Loss Innovative Funding and Financing (CLIFF)
- Coastal Management: interactive map
- Coastal Protection
- Coastal safety
- Coastwise
- Coastwise FAQs
- Commemorating the World Wars in North Norfolk
- Commercial clinical waste collection
- Commercial food waste collection service
- Commercial waste collection
- Committee documents
- Committee meeting dates
- Community Alcohol Partnership
- Community Connectors
- Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
- Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
- Community Miyawaki Forest Project
- Community safety
- Community Transport Fund
- Community Transport Services
- Community-led housing
- Complain about a high hedge
- Complain about a high hedge
- Complain about a school
- Complain about Food
- Complaining about a landlord
- Compliments, Complaints and Comments
- Compulsory purchase orders
- Compulsory Purchase Orders
- Concern for a child
- Concrete Crushing permit
- Conservation area appraisals
- Conservation area appraisals
- Conservation areas
- Conservation areas in North Norfolk
- Conservation areas in North Norfolk
- Conservation Design Awards
- Constitution
- Consultation on Council Tax Support scheme
- Contaminated land
- Contaminated Land and Barn Conversions
- Contaminated Land and Barn Conversions
- Contracting and tender opportunities
- Contracts and purchasing over £5000
- Contracts Register
- Controlling condensation and mould in your home
- Core Strategy
- Core Strategy
- Corporate Plan 2019 to 2023
- Corporate Plan 2023 to 2027
- Corporate Risk Register
- Cost of a planning application
- Cost of living help
- Council budget
- Council consultations
- Council facts and figures (transparency of data)
- Council Tax - Appeal bill
- Council Tax - Login to view bill
- Council Tax - Pay
- Council Tax Discounts
- Council Tax Exemptions
- Council Tax premium charges: Empty properties and second homes
- Council Tax premium for second homes
- Council Tax Support Fund
- Council Tax: How is it spent
- Council Tax: Tell us you're moving home
- Council Tax: Your bill explained
- Councillors allowances, expenses and attendance
- Councillors and decision making
- Country Park facilities
- Countryside events and activities
- Covid-19 advice for animal related businesses
- Cromer Coastal Management Scheme map
- Cromer Coastal Management Scheme Phase 2
- Cromer pier
- Current casual vacancies for town and parish councils
- Current flood warnings
- Current vacancies for North Norfolk District Council wards
- Custom and self-build housing register
- Custom and Self-Build Housing Register
- d
- Damaged or missing street sign
- Dangerous structure
- Dangerous Wild Animal licence
- Data Protection Policy
- Data sharing terms and conditions
- Dead animal on the road
- Death (let us know)
- Deep History Coast
- Delegated Decisions
- Demolition work
- Demolitions and dangerous structures
- Design
- Design guide
- Design guide
- Developer contributions
- Development briefs and master plans
- Development Committee
- Development Committee
- Direct Debit - Business Rates
- Direct Debit - Council Tax
- Direct Debit form (for housing benefit overpayments)
- Directory of Parish and Town Council Clerks
- Disabled band relief
- Disabled Facilities Grant
- Disabled living equipment
- Disabled parking and blue badge
- Discretionary Housing Payments
- Discretionary reduction (business rates)
- Discretionary reduction (council tax)
- Discretionary relief
- Document library
- Document library (local plan)
- Dog Fouling
- Dog restrictions
- Domestic abuse: how to get help and support
- Drainage and sewerage issues
- Dropped kerb - applications
- Dry cleaners permit
- Duty of Care
- Duty to refer
- e
- Ecology
- Economy of North Norfolk
- Economy of North Norfolk
- Election results
- Electoral register
- Electric Vehicle Charging
- Electric vehicles and EV charging points
- Emergency accommodation
- Employee benefits at NNDC
- Employers’ guide to working with schools (including work experience)
- Empty business properties
- Empty home advice
- Empty home review
- Environmental permit
- Environmental permit transfer
- Environmental Protection Freedom of Information
- Environmental regulations
- Equality, diversity and inclusion policy
- Events and news
- f
- Fees for major pre-application advice
- Filming requests
- Financial help if you have children
- Financial inclusion
- Financial Strategy
- Find out about Energy Saving Trust
- Find out about help if your property is at risk from erosion
- Find out about holiday lets and business rates
- Find out about school admissions
- Find out about subsidy control
- Find out about Warm and Well in North Norfolk
- Find out how much my Business Rates are
- Find out more about the north Norfolk coast
- Fishing rod licence
- Five year supply of housing land
- Five year supply of housing land
- Flood
- Fly tipping
- Flyposting
- Food allergens and labelling guidance
- Food business registration
- Food hygiene rating scheme
- Food hygiene ratings
- Food premises approval
- Food Premises Register
- Food Safety Management
- Food safety training
- Foreign pension: proof of life and residence
- Found dog
- Fraud
- Freedom of Information - Council Tax
- Freedom of information - FAQs
- Freedom of Information (FOI) Request
- Freedom of Information Publication Scheme
- Freedom of Information: Non-Domestic Business Rates
- Frequently asked questions for tenants renting from a private landlord
- Frequently asked questions: Small sites for new homes
- Further information that may affect your application
- Further Private Water Supplies information
- g
- Gambling premises and clubs
- Garden Bin - Order a new bin
- Gender Pay Gap Report
- GIRAMS subscription model
- GIRAMS subscription model
- Government procurement transactions
- Graffiti
- Graham Allen Award winners
- Grants awarded to Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprises
- Green 4 business
- Green Flag parks and spaces
- Green Futures: youth project
- Greenbuild 2021
- Greenbuild 2022
- Gulls: information and advice
- Gypsy and Travellers stopping sites
- h
- Habitat mitigation: Recreational impacts
- Habitat Mitigation: Recreational impacts
- Habitats regulations assessment
- Habitats Regulations Assessment
- HCP Terms and Conditions
- Health and safety at work issues
- Health and wellbeing
- Health and wellbeing support in North Norfolk
- Hedge and verge cutting
- Help and housing for care leavers and young people
- Help and support with childcare
- Help and support with energy bills
- Help and support with food
- Help and support with housing
- Help and support with water bills
- Help finding a privately rented property
- Help Hub
- Help with debt
- Help with living costs
- Help with your application
- Highways licensing for skips, scaffolding, notices and road closures
- Hold a Beach BBQ or event
- Holt Country Park
- Homeless after leaving hospital
- Homeless tonight?
- Homelessness and rough sleeping strategy
- Homes for Ukraine scheme in North Norfolk
- House to house collections
- Household Support Fund
- Household Support Fund
- Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) license
- Housing allocations scheme consultation
- Housing and economic land availability assessment
- Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA)
- Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support rates from April 2024
- Housing Benefit Overpayment - Quick Pay
- Housing Benefit payments direct to landlord
- Housing Benefit: your payment dates
- Housing condition complaint
- Housing Register
- Housing Strategy
- Housing with care properties
- How a change will affect your Benefits
- How can the Council help
- How much is my Council Tax?
- How planning applications are decided
- How to petition the Council
- How to promote resilience in your community
- How to protect my business in emergencies
- How to recycle your unwanted clothing
- How to relocate to North Norfolk
- How we buy
- How we manage your data
- i
- Inappropriate conduct by a Councillors
- Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy
- Interview with NNDC apprentices
- Invest North Norfolk
- l
- Land and buildings owned by the Council
- Land, premises and planning
- Landscape
- Landscape character assessment
- Landscape character assessment
- Larger bin
- Latest travel news
- LG Inform data - example page
- Liability, legislation and general information about Council Tax
- Library services
- Licensing fees
- Licensing register - Gambling Act 2005
- Licensing register - Personal
- Licensing register - Skin piercing
- Licensing register - street collections
- Licensing register - Taxis
- Licensing register - Temporary Event Notices (TENs)
- Licensing register: Other licences
- Limited opening at Splash
- Listed building consent
- Listed building consent
- Listed building restrictions
- Listed building restrictions
- Listed buildings
- Listed buildings
- Listed buildings
- Litter
- Loan sharks and illegal lending
- Local catchment area
- Local councils and services: Who does what?
- Local Development Orders
- Local Development Orders
- Local development scheme
- Local development scheme
- Local economy
- Local Housing Allowance (LHA)
- Local land and property gazetteer
- Local Land and Property Gazetteer
- Local land search
- Local land search
- Local plan (current)
- Local Plan (Current)
- Local plan (new)
- Local Plan (New)
- Local plan consultation
- Local plan consultation
- Local plan consultation: frequently asked questions
- Local Plan Consultation: Frequently Asked Questions
- Local plan examination
- Local Plan Examination
- Local plan examination library
- Local Plan Examination Library
- Local plan newsletters
- Local Plan Newsletters
- Local Sports and Leisure Centres
- Localism in North Norfolk
- Locally listed buildings
- Locally listed buildings
- Lost dog
- m
- Make an insurance or compensation claim
- Making a Regulation 77 application
- Making a Regulation 77 application
- Making objections to Licence Applications
- Management structure of the Council
- Managing your money
- Mandatory charity relief
- Mandatory rural rate relief
- Market Towns Initiative
- Market Trader Application form
- Market trader applications
- Markets
- Meet some of our apprentices
- Mental illness or impairment and threatened with homelessness
- Missed bin collection
- Miyawaki Forest Project
- Monitoring
- Motorhomes: camping and parking
- Muddy Boots volunteers
- Mundesley Coastal Management Outline Business Case
- Mundesley Coastal Management Scheme
- Mundesley Coastal Management Scheme map
- Music license application
- n
- Neighbourhood plan areas
- Neighbourhood plan areas
- Neighbourhood Planning
- Neighbourhood Planning
- Net Zero Strategy
- New and Altered Properties
- New property address
- New property address
- News
- NNDC local validation requirements for designated sites, priority habitats and other significant features
- NNDC local validation requirements for designated sites, priority habitats and other significant features
- Noise, smells, artificial light, smoke and more
- Non-native invasive species
- Norfolk Community Directory
- Norfolk Energy Switch
- North Norfolk annual canvass 2024
- North Norfolk apprenticeship stories: Mundesley Medical Practice
- North Norfolk apprenticeship stories: Oyster Yachts Ltd
- North Norfolk apprenticeship stories: Wroxham Barns
- North Norfolk Armed Forces
- North Norfolk Health and Wellbeing Partnership
- North Norfolk Local Validation Requirements List
- North Norfolk Local Validation Requirements List
- North Norfolk Sustainable Communities Fund details
- North Walsham Heritage Action Zone Projects
- North Walsham West Sustainable Urban Extension
- North Walsham West Sustainable Urban Extension
- Nutrient neutrality
- Nutrient neutrality
- o
- Offer to pay
- Offshore Windfarm Schemes – latest information and news
- Online account (registration and login)
- Options for owners of empty homes
- Organising events
- Organising Events
- Our pledge to the Covenant
- Outlook our new bi-annual magazine
- Overlapping Benefit (Benefit on two homes)
- Overview of custom and self-build housing
- Overview of Custom and Self-Build Housing
- p
- Parish and Town Councils Help Hub
- Parish and town councils precept
- Parking Account data
- Parking Fine
- Parking Fine - Appeal
- Pavement licensing Al Fresco eating and drinking
- Pavements
- Pension Credit
- Pension Credit
- Performance Information
- Permit surrender
- Permit surrender
- Personal licence
- Petitions submitted to the Council
- Planning and property advice including pre-applications
- Planning appeals
- Planning appeals
- Planning applications
- Planning constraints checking tool user guide
- Planning Constraints Checking Tool User Guide
- Planning enforcement
- Planning enforcement
- Planning Enforcement Register
- Planning Enforcement Register
- Planning for the Future: A Government Consultation
- Planning permission
- Planning Permission
- Planting and caring for your tree
- Policies map
- Policies, protocols and reports
- Polling station locations
- Postal or proxy vote signature refresh
- Postal vote
- Pothole - link to Norfolk County Council to report a pothole
- Pre-application advice for major schemes
- Pre-application advice service
- Pre-application advice service
- Premises licence
- Premises to let
- Prepare for an emergency
- Pretty Corner Woods
- Previous awards for Arts and Culture fund grant
- Previous awards for Community Transport fund grant
- Previous awards for Sustainable Communities grant fund
- Private water supplies risk assessments information
- Private water supply check
- Private water supply information
- Problem with a litter bin
- Problems paying Business Rates
- Properties to let and for sale
- Property details
- Property details
- Property valuation
- Property valuation appeal
- Proposals map
- Proposals map
- Proxy vote
- Public information notices
- Public speaking at committee meetings
- Public Toilets
- Public transport timetables
- Publication of verification number
- r
- Race Information and FAQs
- Rate reductions, reliefs, rateable value appeals and rating advisers
- Recruitment of ex-offenders statement
- Recycling centres
- Register a birth
- Register a death
- Register for an online account
- Register for flood warnings
- Register for updates on the local plan
- Register for updates on the Local Plan
- Register of assisted burials
- Register of contaminated land
- Register of Houses in Multiple Occupation licenses
- Register of Members Interest form
- Register of permitted processes
- Register to vote
- Registers of Councillors and Parish Council interests
- Renew a brown garden bin
- Report a Coastal issue
- Report a lost, stolen or damaged bin
- Report a problem on the road
- Report a problem with a nameplate sign
- Report a problem with a nameplate sign
- Report an emergency
- Report an empty home
- Repossession advice
- Request commercial bulky waste collection
- Request your own Personal Information (Subject Access Request)
- Respray road vehicle permit
- Retail and main town centre uses study
- Retail and Main Town Centre Uses Study
- Retail discount relief
- Review of polling districts and places 2024
- Reviewing your benefit claim
- Risk Management Framework
- Road closure permit
- Road projects and improvements
- Roadworks planned
- Rural exception housing schemes
- s
- Sadler's Wood
- Safeguarding
- Sanctuary Scheme
- sandscaping
- Sandscaping: Frequently asked questions
- Scams and fraud
- School term dates
- School transport
- Scrap metal dealers register
- Scrap metal licences
- Section 106 planning obligations
- Section 106 planning obligations
- Section 157 restriction
- Self-funding advice for disabled facilities adaptions
- Senior staff salaries
- Service Station permit
- Severe weather warnings
- Sexual Harassment Prevention and Action Policy
- Shared Ownership
- Sheringham Leisure Centre subscribe
- Shoreline Management Plans
- Single Person Discount review
- Site allocations plan
- Site allocations plan
- Skills, employment and training
- Skin piercing licence
- Small business rate relief
- Small electrical item recycling service
- Small premises lotteries application forms
- Small sites for new homes in North Norfolk
- Smaller bin
- Social care
- Solar panels: your guide to going green
- Sport centre events
- Sports events
- Statement of accounts
- Statement of community involvement
- Statement of Community Involvement
- Stranded whale or dolphin
- Strategic flood risk assessment
- Strategic Flood Risk Assessment
- Strategic housing market assessment
- Strategic Housing Market Assessment
- Street collections
- Street lighting - report a problem
- Street naming and numbering
- Street trading licence
- Sundry invoice
- Supporting our future
- Supporting small business relief
- Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report
- Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report
- Sustainability at The Reef Leisure Centre
- t
- Tax conditionality for taxi drivers, private hire operators and scrap metal dealers
- Taxi licence
- Tell us about changes that affect your benefits
- Tell us about changes that affect your council tax
- Temporary Event Notices (TENs) Application
- Temporary holiday sites, including caravan and camping sites
- Temporary holiday sites, including caravan and camping sites
- Temporary Register
- Temporary Register
- The Great British Cycling Festival
- The North Norfolk Waiting Well Project
- Timelapse Video
- Toilet provision in premises open to the public
- Tourist Information Centres
- Town and Parish Council support and news
- Transfer a mobile environment permit
- Transparency data - Payments to suppliers over £500
- Trees and hedges
- Trees and hedges
- Trees and hedges
- Triathlon Events
- u
- UK Shared Prosperity Fund and Rural England Prosperity Fund
- Universal Credit (Apply)
- Universal Credit: Migration Notice letter
- Upcoming elections, parish polls and referendums
- Useful links and downloads
- v
- Variation of permit for significant change of operation
- Variation to hackney carriage rank in Holt
- Vattenfall - Norfolk Vanguard offshore Windfarm - latest information and news
- Victim Support's Live Chat now available
- View and comment on a planning application
- View and comment on a planning application
- View the Council’s treasury management strategy
- View the Design guide
- View the licensing register - premises and clubs
- Voter ID
- Voter ID and Voter Authority Certificate: Frequently asked questions
- w
- Waiting Well Project: Online guidance
- Ward and parish boundaries map
- Waste and recycling planning guidance
- Water leak
- Water Supply Check
- Weddings and civil partnerships
- Weekly Reclaim Reduction
- What are listed buildings?
- What are listed buildings?
- What goes in my bin?
- What happens if I don't pay my Council Tax
- What housing associations operate in North Norfolk?
- What is a house in multiple occupation (HMO)?
- What is an empty home?
- What is happening on site?
- What the council does in an emergency
- What to do in severe weather
- What we buy
- When I will receive my benefits
- Where can I use jet skis/power boats
- Where to get business advice
- Who owns land or property near me?
- Who should pay Council Tax?
- Who to call in a power cut
- Work at elections
- Worried about becoming homeless
- WW1
- WW1 in Norfolk
Your Council tasks
- View upcoming elections, parish polls and referendums
- View election results
- View job vacancies
- Register to vote
- Where is my local polling station?
- Committee meeting dates
All tasks
- a
- A facility for everyone
- A pool for all ages
- Abandoned vehicle
- Access support from the Financial Inclusion team
- Accident at Work
- Adult entertainment licence
- Adult learning
- Advice about homelessness
- Advice about Homelessness
- Advice about renting privately
- Advice for Food Businesses
- Advice for veterans if you're homeless
- Advice if you're an ex-prisoner and find yourself homeless
- Advice on bullying
- Advice on employing and recruiting staff
- Advice on making staff redundant
- Advice on training staff
- Affordable homes across North Norfolk
- Affordable Housing
- Age Friendly North Norfolk
- All online payments
- Allocations Scheme policy
- Alternative Maximum Benefit (second adult rebate)
- Animal licensing fees
- Animal licensing register
- Animal welfare
- Annual Audit Letter
- Annual monitoring report
- Annual monitoring report
- Annual Report
- Antisocial behaviour
- Appeal a planning decision
- Appeal against a claim decision or overpayment
- Apply for a Blue Badge
- Apply for a brown garden bin
- Apply for a Forget Me Not Grant
- Apply for A2 applications permit
- Apply for benefit (whilst temporarily absent from home)
- Apply for Housing Benefit and Council Tax support
- Apply for other business rate relief
- Apply online for support with energy costs
- Apply to join the housing list
- Apprenticeship information for employers
- Apprenticeships at North Norfolk District Council
- Are you interested in shaping our Youth Council?
- Arts and Culture Fund
- Assets of community value
- Assistance with pests
- Assisted burials
- Assisted collection
- Audible Intruder Alarm register
- b
- Backdating Housing Benefit or Council Tax Support
- Battery recycling service
- Battle of the Beaches 2023
- Beach and bathing water quality
- Beach Huts
- Become a Deep History Coast Ambassador
- Becoming a Councillor
- Benefit cap
- Benefits calculator
- Benefits Calculator
- Benefits Claim evidence
- Better living environment
- Big Switch & Save
- Bin collection days
- Bin collection service announcements
- Bin collections
- Bin day changes 2024
- Biodiversity information
- Biodiversity net gain
- Biodiversity net gain
- Biodiversity net gain
- Blocked drain or private sewer
- Blue Flag beaches
- Book a personal search
- Book an event
- Bring your empty property back into use
- Broken glass, needles or bodily fluid
- Brownfield land register
- Brownfield Land Register
- Budget: Spring Budget 2024 update
- Building control appeals
- Building control appeals
- Building control inspection
- Building control inspection
- Building control: Our service
- Building regulation approval
- Building regulation approval
- Building regulations
- Building regulations
- Building work: check the approval that you need
- Building work: check the approval that you need
- Built environment and planning
- Bulk Cement permit
- Bulky waste collection
- Bus passes - apply to Norfolk County Council
- Business planning, support and funding
- Business rate relief
- Business rates - Pay
- Business rates bill
- Business rates bill appeal
- Business rates valuation account
- Business Start Up Information
- Busking
- Buying and selling a property on the coast
- c
- Cabinet Meetings
- Cabinet work programme
- Call for sites
- Call for Sites
- Campsite licences
- Capital and savings
- Car Park charges (inc coaches)
- Car park locations
- Car park season ticket
- Car Park Season Ticket
- Caravan and campsite guidance documents
- Caravan and motor home site licences
- Caravan sites licensing register
- Chairman of the Council
- Change name of residential property or business
- Change name of residential property or business
- Change of bank details
- Change of business address
- Climate Change Training
- Climate Emergency and Environmental Charter
- Clinical household waste collection
- Club premises certificate
- Coach park locations
- Coast and countryside
- Coastal adaptation supplementary planning document
- Coastal Adaptation Supplementary Planning document
- Coastal Loss Innovative Funding and Financing (CLIFF)
- Coastal Management: interactive map
- Coastal Protection
- Coastal safety
- Coastwise
- Coastwise FAQs
- Commemorating the World Wars in North Norfolk
- Commercial clinical waste collection
- Commercial food waste collection service
- Commercial waste collection
- Committee documents
- Committee meeting dates
- Community Alcohol Partnership
- Community Connectors
- Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
- Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
- Community Miyawaki Forest Project
- Community safety
- Community Transport Fund
- Community Transport Services
- Community-led housing
- Complain about a high hedge
- Complain about a high hedge
- Complain about a school
- Complain about Food
- Complaining about a landlord
- Compliments, Complaints and Comments
- Compulsory purchase orders
- Compulsory Purchase Orders
- Concern for a child
- Concrete Crushing permit
- Conservation area appraisals
- Conservation area appraisals
- Conservation areas
- Conservation areas in North Norfolk
- Conservation areas in North Norfolk
- Conservation Design Awards
- Constitution
- Consultation on Council Tax Support scheme
- Contaminated land
- Contaminated Land and Barn Conversions
- Contaminated Land and Barn Conversions
- Contracting and tender opportunities
- Contracts and purchasing over £5000
- Contracts Register
- Controlling condensation and mould in your home
- Core Strategy
- Core Strategy
- Corporate Plan 2019 to 2023
- Corporate Plan 2023 to 2027
- Corporate Risk Register
- Cost of a planning application
- Cost of living help
- Council budget
- Council consultations
- Council facts and figures (transparency of data)
- Council Tax - Appeal bill
- Council Tax - Login to view bill
- Council Tax - Pay
- Council Tax Discounts
- Council Tax Exemptions
- Council Tax premium charges: Empty properties and second homes
- Council Tax premium for second homes
- Council Tax Support Fund
- Council Tax: How is it spent
- Council Tax: Tell us you're moving home
- Council Tax: Your bill explained
- Councillors allowances, expenses and attendance
- Councillors and decision making
- Country Park facilities
- Countryside events and activities
- Covid-19 advice for animal related businesses
- Cromer Coastal Management Scheme map
- Cromer Coastal Management Scheme Phase 2
- Cromer pier
- Current casual vacancies for town and parish councils
- Current flood warnings
- Current vacancies for North Norfolk District Council wards
- Custom and self-build housing register
- Custom and Self-Build Housing Register
- d
- Damaged or missing street sign
- Dangerous structure
- Dangerous Wild Animal licence
- Data Protection Policy
- Data sharing terms and conditions
- Dead animal on the road
- Death (let us know)
- Deep History Coast
- Delegated Decisions
- Demolition work
- Demolitions and dangerous structures
- Design
- Design guide
- Design guide
- Developer contributions
- Development briefs and master plans
- Development Committee
- Development Committee
- Direct Debit - Business Rates
- Direct Debit - Council Tax
- Direct Debit form (for housing benefit overpayments)
- Directory of Parish and Town Council Clerks
- Disabled band relief
- Disabled Facilities Grant
- Disabled living equipment
- Disabled parking and blue badge
- Discretionary Housing Payments
- Discretionary reduction (business rates)
- Discretionary reduction (council tax)
- Discretionary relief
- Document library
- Document library (local plan)
- Dog Fouling
- Dog restrictions
- Domestic abuse: how to get help and support
- Drainage and sewerage issues
- Dropped kerb - applications
- Dry cleaners permit
- Duty of Care
- Duty to refer
- e
- Ecology
- Economy of North Norfolk
- Economy of North Norfolk
- Election results
- Electoral register
- Electric Vehicle Charging
- Electric vehicles and EV charging points
- Emergency accommodation
- Employee benefits at NNDC
- Employers’ guide to working with schools (including work experience)
- Empty business properties
- Empty home advice
- Empty home review
- Environmental permit
- Environmental permit transfer
- Environmental Protection Freedom of Information
- Environmental regulations
- Equality, diversity and inclusion policy
- Events and news