The Council receives complaints about inappropriate use of vehicles on its car parks, such as vehicles speeding, wheel spinning or loud music being played from car stereos which disturbs nearby residents. All NNDC car parks are covered by a by-law that sets out how car parks must be used. The by-law is detailed below and is enforced by both the police and NNDC.

Contact the Norfolk Constabulary local Safer Neighbourhood Team on 101 if concerned about misuse of an NNDC car park.


Any person using this car park is required to act in accordance with all of the requirements of  North Norfolk District Council (Off Street Parking Places) Order 1992.  This order is available on request.

The following information is an extract from this order:

14. The driver of a vehicle using the parking place shall not sound any horn or other similar instrument except when about to change the position of the vehicle in or to depart from the parking place.

15. No person shall, except with the permission of any person duly authorised by the Council, drive any vehicle in a parking place other than for the purpose of leaving that vehicle in the parking place in accordance with the provisions of this Order or for the purpose of departing from the parking place.

16. No Person shall in a parking place be or cause a nuisance, annoyance or disturbance to other users of the parking place or to occupiers of premises in the neighbourhood.

17. No person shall use any part of a parking place or any vehicle left in a parking place:-

  1. for sleeping or camping or cooking
  2. for the purpose of servicing or washing any vehicle or part thereof other than is reasonably necessary to enable that vehicle to depart from the parking place.

18. No Person shall use the parking place as a means of passage proceeding from one road to another road.

19. Where in a parking place signs are erected or surface markings are laid for the purpose of:-

  1. indicating the entrance to or exit from the parking place; or
  2. indicating that the vehicle using the parking place shall proceed in a specific direction within the parking place,

no person shall drive or cause or permit to be driven any vehicle:-

  1. so that it enters the parking place otherwise than by an entrance, or leaves the parking place otherwise than by an exit, so indicated; or
  2. in a direction other than that specified, as a case may be.

20. In a parking place no person shall:-

  1. erect or cause or permit to be erected any tent, booth, stand, building or other structure, or deposit or cause to be deposited any materials or articles of any kind, without the written consent of the Council;
  2. light or cause or permit to be lit any fire.


28. Neither the Council nor its employees shall accept any liability whatsoever or however caused in respect of any loss, damage or injury of any nature to any person, property, vehicle or the fittings or contents of any vehicle in any parking place specified in the Schedule to this Order.



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