The Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2005 provide a framework for deciding issues relating to the re-use of information held by public bodies.

North Norfolk District Council owns the copyright to all material on this site, unless it is otherwise stated. The Council does not object to organisations downloading copyright-protected information and reproducing them in their own publications/networks, subject to the following conditions:

  • Organisations must ensure that they are using the latest version of the materials available.
  • Any publication or internal network which incorporates the Council's materials must include an acknowledgement of the source of such materials.
  • The material must be clearly separated from any comment made on it by the organisation or others.
  • Readers of the material must not be given the impression that the Council is responsible for, or has in any way approved the publication or network in which his materials are reproduced.
  • The materials may not be altered or amended unless such material is clearly marked as altered or amended by the organisation or others.
  • When reproducing the Council's materials, organisations must have regard to any qualifying statements or descriptions attached to the materials, for example, descriptions such as 'consultation document', 'discussion paper' or 'preliminary view' are important as are statements concerning the audience at which the material is directed. If the material is reproduced in full, or substantial extracts are reproduced, any qualifying statements attached to the material must be included.
  • Any reproduction of the Council's official forms, otherwise than for the purpose of submitting information to the Council, must be clearly marked 'SPECIMEN' unless otherwise expressly agreed by the Council.
  • There is no charge for the reproduction of materials made in accordance with these conditions.

In accordance with the regulations, the main documents available for re-use are listed in North Norfolk District Council's Publication Scheme.

If you wish to re-use North Norfolk District Council's information but the proposed re-use would contravene any of the conditions above, then please put your request for re-use in writing to the Council.

Open data - conditions of use

Our open data section is not subject to the same conditions of use as the rest of the Council's website.

You may adapt data in the open data section although you must ensure that you do not misrepresent the data or its source. For conditions of use of open data please see the Open Government Licence webpage.

Subject to the conditions listed above, the Council has no objection to organisations downloading copyright-protected information from the site and reproducing them in their own publications or on their internal computer networks.