While works are ongoing, some sections of the beach west of Cromer Pier will be temporarily closed.
Policy CT4 Telecomms
Proposals for telecommunications development (including radio masts), equipment and installations will only be permitted provided that:
- there is a justifiable need for the development in terms of contributing to the operator's national network;
- no reasonable possibilities exist to share existing telecommunication facilities;
- existing buildings and structures are used where possible to site new antennas rather than erection of new masts;
- the development is sited and designed so as to minimise impact on the open character of the North Norfolk landscape and respect the character and appearance of the surrounding townscape;
- where applicable, impact on the building on which equipment is installed is minimised; and
- within the Norfolk Coast AONB, it can be demonstrated that the benefits of the scheme outweigh the landscape or visual impacts.
Equipment should not be sited on an existing pylon in areas where there is a programme for under-grounding existing overhead lines.
When applying for a determination as to whether prior approval of the siting and appearance of the development is required, details of the siting and design will be required if the proposal is within or would affect the Norfolk Coast AONB, The Broads, a Conservation Area, a Listed, or locally Listed Building, an Historic Park or Garden, a site of archaeological importance, a site designated for its nature conservation importance or if it would have an adverse impact elsewhere.
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