New retail and commercial leisure proposals in Principal and Secondary Settlements will be permitted, provided that their location and size complies with the following, or, it can be demonstrated that the size of the proposal addresses a specific quantitative or qualitative need within the catchment area (li) served by the town.

Retail Proposals

Size of retail unit

Net sales area of 750sqm or greater.

Net sales area of 500 to 749sqm

Net sales area of less than 500sqm

Acceptable location

Within a defined Primary Shopping Area of a Large Town Centre (lii).

Defined Primary Shopping Area of a Large or Small Town Centre (liii).

Within the development boundary on the best sequentially available site.

Commercial Leisure Proposals

Size of leisure unit

Gross floor area of 750sqm or greater

Gross floor area of 500 to 749sqm

Gross floor area of less than 500sqm

Acceptable location

Within a Large Town Centre.

Within a Large or Small Town Centre.

Within the development boundary on the best sequentially available site (liv).

 For proposals that do not comply with the above it should be demonstrated that: 

  • a need exists within the catchment area for the scale and type of development proposed; and
  • no sequentially preferable site is available, suitable and viable (starting with town centre, edge of centre sites, then out-of-centre locations), and
  • the proposed development would not, individually or cumulatively, have a significant adverse impact on the vitality and viability of existing town centres or nearby Service Villages or Coastal Service Villages; and
  • and the proposed development would be accessible by a choice of means of transport, including public transport, walking, cycling and the car.

Within Primary Retail Frontages as defined on the Proposals Map, proposals that would result in more than 30% of the defined frontage being used for non A1 uses (as defined in the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987, as amended) will not be permitted. 

Proposals that would have an adverse impact on the operation of established weekly or farmers markets will not be permitted unless appropriate replacement provision is made as part of the proposal. 

Proposals for retail development in the Countryside will not be permitted unless they comply with other Development Plan policies. Within the defined development boundaries of Service Villages and Coastal Service Villages proposals for shops up to 250sqm may be permitted provided the proposed development would not, individually or cumulatively, have a significant adverse impact on the vitality and viability of existing town and Service Village and Coastal Service Village centres.

(li) For the purposes of this policy catchment area is defined as the area covered by a 20 minute drive time for a Large Town Centre, and those areas within a ten minute drive time for a Small Town Centre excluding those areas which are closer to an adjacent town.

(lii) Cromer, Fakenham and North Walsham

(liii) Holt, Hoveton, Sheringham and Wells-next-the-Sea

(liv) As defined in PPS6 giving priority to town centre, followed by edge of centre, then out of centre sites.


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