All development will be designed to a high quality, reinforcing local distinctiveness. Innovative and energy efficient design will be particularly encouraged. Design which fails to have regard to local context and does not preserve or enhance the character and quality of an area will not be acceptable. 

Development proposals, extensions and alterations to existing buildings and structures will be expected to:

  • Have regard to the North Norfolk Design Guide;
  • Incorporate sustainable construction principles contained in policy EN6;
  • Make efficient use of land while respecting the density, character, landscape and biodiversity of the surrounding area;
  • Be suitably designed for the context within which they are set;
  • Retain existing important landscaping and natural features and include landscape enhancement schemes that are compatible with the Landscape Character Assessment and ecological network mapping;
  • Ensure that the scale and massing of buildings relate sympathetically to the surrounding area;
  • Make a clear distinction between public and private spaces and enhance the public realm;
  • Create safe environments addressing crime prevention and community safety;
  • Ensure that places and buildings are accessible to all, including elderly  and  disabled  people;
  • Incorporate footpaths, green links and networks to the surrounding area;
  • Ensure that any car parking is discreet and accessible; and
  • Where appropriate, contain a variety and mix of uses, buildings and landscaping.

Proposals should not have a significantly detrimental effect on the residential amenity of nearby occupiers and new dwellings should provide acceptable residential amenity.

Development proposals along entrance routes into a settlement should have particular regard to their location. Important Approach Routes are identified on the Proposals Map which should be protected and enhanced through careful siting, design and landscaping of any new development.


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