In areas designated as Countryside development will be limited to that which requires a rural location and is for one or more of the following:  

  • agriculture;
  • forestry;
  • the preservation of Listed Buildings;
  • the re-use and adaptation of buildings for appropriate purposes;
  • coastal and flood protection;
  • affordable housing in accordance with the Council’s ‘ rural exception site policy’;
  • the extension and replacement of dwellings;
  • extensions to existing businesses;
  • sites for Gypsies and Travellers and travelling showpeople;
  • new-build employment generating proposals where there is particular environmental or operational justification;
  • community services and facilities meeting a proven local need;
  • new build community, commercial, business and residential development where it replaces that which is at risk from coastal erosion, in accordance with Policy EN12: Relocation and Replacement of Development Affected by Coastal Erosion Risk;
  • development by statutory undertakers or public utility providers;
  • recreation and tourism;
  • renewable energy projects;
  • transport;
  • mineral extraction; and
  • waste management facilities

 Proposals which do not accord with the above will not be permitted.

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