New development should be supported by, and have good access to, infrastructure, open space, public services and utilities. 

Permission for development will not be granted unless there is sufficient capacity in existing local infrastructure (xxiii) to meet the additional requirements arising from the new development, or suitable arrangements having been put in place for necessary improvements. 

Adequate provision of infrastructure, services, community facilities and open space will be provided through:

  • Protection and enhancement of existing provision / facilities where possible.
  • Improvements through Council initiatives and other agencies and service providers’ development programmes.
  • Provision and protection of Open Space to strive towards meeting the Open Space standards and create a network of accessible greenspace.
  • Developer Contributions and planning obligations supported by Policy CT2 ‘Developer Contributions’ and a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD).

The transport strategy for North Norfolk is to maximise the use of non-car modes, within the context of a rural area where, for many trips, there are limited alternatives to the car. This will be achieved through promotion of walking and cycling for local trips, particularly within towns and villages, through traffic management schemes and parking regimes to reduce the impact of traffic on the rural and urban environment, and by promoting public transport and sustainable tourism including by supporting increased use of the Bittern Railway line.

Walking and cycling networks and Public Rights of Way will be protected, enhanced and promoted. New development should create convenient and attractive links within development and to the surrounding area, assist with creation of a network of accessible greenspace and provide links to public transport and walking and cycling networks.

(xxiii) Utility services; water supply, foul sewerage networks, sewage treatment works, drainage / flood protection, energy provision and the transport network.

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