Cromer Beach advisory
While works are ongoing, some sections of the beach west of Cromer Pier will be temporarily closed.
Policy SS8 Fakenham
Fakenham is designated as a Principal Settlement with a Large Town Centre. Provision will be made for a major urban expansion to the north of the town, including housing, employment land, community facilities and open space. The following developments are proposed:
- Between 2001 and 2021 a total of between 1,300 and 1,400 dwellings will be built. This will include 800 to 900 dwellings on newly identified development sites, including a mixed use urban expansion scheme on a Greenfield allocation to the north of the town suitable for approximately 800 dwellings.
- Development will not be permitted unless it has been demonstrated that there is adequate capacity in sewage treatment works (upgrades programmed for post-2016) and should ensure no adverse effects on European sites.
- Suitable sites for development of new retail floor-space will be allocated in the Site Specific Proposals Development Plan Document of sufficient size to accommodate up to 6,000sqm of comparison goods net sales floor space. These sites will be within, or as close to the town centre as possible.
- Approximately 52 hectares of land already in use for employment purposes will be identified and retained for employment generating development and a further 7 hectares will be made available as part of the northern expansion of the town.
- A Public Realm designation is defined within the town centre to co-ordinate the use of areas where pedestrian access, informal recreation and appearance are crucial to the town’s attractiveness to residents and visitors.
- In the Wensum Valley public access will be enhanced where possible through a network of public paths, cycleways and open spaces linking the Wensum Valley with the centre of Fakenham and other nearby settlements. Any additional access will be achieved with the agreement of relevant landowners and having due regard to ecologically sensitive areas.
- All new major development in Fakenham will address storm water run off to ensure no adverse impact on the River Wensum and the Broads system catchment.
- The Site Specific Proposals Document will identify a suitable site for a primary school as part of the northern expansion of the town.
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