If you would like to make representations or objections about a planning application please quote the reference number. Comments can be submitted:

In order for your comments to be taken into consideration, any comments or objections should be lodged within a specific time frame. A minimum of 21 days is always available for public comment.

Public consultation expiry date

It varies for each application and can be checked via the Planning Public Access website by entering the application number and selecting the important dates tab. There may be multiple expiration dates for different types of consultation, such as letters, site notices, and press notices. The latest of these dates will be the final date for receiving comments.

Please be aware that your comments (including your postal address but not your email address) will be available as public information on the Planning Public Access website. 

Submitting comments

We advise the following when submitting comments: 

Do not:

  • add your signature
  • include any personal information (for example, regarding health matters)
  • add the names of yourself or others within the comments made
  • use inflammatory, racist or abusive language

The Council reserves the right not to publish or take into account any letters of representation which we believe are defamatory, offensive or racist.

The Council will hold copies of all comments made in their original format, including contact information. Comments made anonymously will be kept and published but cannot be considered.

 If you would like to make a representation in respect of an appeal you can do so in writing to the Secretary of State. View our appeals page for further information.

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