Like all authorities, North Norfolk District Council has a delegation agreement that certain types of application are decided by planning officers according to established planning procedures. In other cases, applications are decided by the Development Committee.

Where an application is to be referred to the development committee a report is prepared by planning officers which does the following:

  • describes the proposal
  • summarises any comments received
  • specifies the policy issues
  • considers the planning issues and material considerations.

It also makes a recommendation either to approve, with any conditions for approval, or to refuse, along with the reasons.

If you have commented on an application, your correspondence will be acknowledged and you will be given advice on how to find out if it will be referred to the committee and how you can participate.

View details of future development committee meetings, along with agendas, minutes and reports.

The decision

The decision letter will be issued within five days of the committee meeting (unless a planning obligation remains to be signed). The decision notice will provide full details of conditions attached to the permission or, if refused, the reasons for refusal. A list of all applications determined each week as well as the decision notice is available on the Planning Public Access website.

Should an application be refused permission, the applicant can submit an appeal to the planning inspectorate. The applicant can also appeal conditions attached to any approval. Find out more about planning appeals.

There is no right of appeal for objectors.

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