You can find out full details about how we decide on a planning application.

Most decisions are made under delegated authority, but around 10% of applications are referred to the Development committee.

Stages of the Application

Submit Application

Once you submit your application and it has been deemed as valid, you will receive an email or letter advising you of your unique planning application number, which you can use to view the application on the Planning Public Access System.

Site visit

The planning officer will conduct a site visit and put up a site notice on or near the site giving the public 21 days to comment on the application via Planning Public Access System

Consultation period

Statutory consultees are identified and we also consult the Town and Parish Council who have the same 21 day period in which to comment.

Planning Officer recommends

The planning officer will consider all aspects of the case along with views from statutory consultees and members of the public. They will then make a recommendation.


Most applications are decided by planning officers under the Council’s delegation scheme. Occasionally an application is referred to the Development Committee. Once a decision has been made a notice will be sent to the applicant or agent, this details any conditions that apply or reasons for refusal.


Although the applicant may appeal against a decision there is no third party right of appeal.

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