Changes to bin collection days from September 5, 2022

Date published: 5th August 2022
Serco, working with North Norfolk District Council are changing household waste and recycling collections across North Norfolk to improve bin collection routes, reducing the distances bin trucks are travelling and accommodating new homes in the area.
These changes will be introduced from Monday, September 5 and will mean that over 90% of households in North Norfolk will see a change to the day or week that their household waste and recycling bin is collected.
Residents whose collection day remains unchanged are likely to have a change to their collection time, so it is important that bins are put out by 7:00am.
Between August 8 and 30, Serco will be sending out a leaflet to all North Norfolk District Council households to advise of any changes to their existing household waste and recycling service. Once you have received your leaflet, if you have any questions, please read the FAQs webpage.
Waste and recycling bins will continue to be collected on an alternating weekly basis and people with a garden waste subscription will not see this service change.
There will be no collection day changes at this stage for customers with a brown bin as part of the Garden Waste Collection Service, so please continue to put your brown bin out on the day you currently have it collected.
Emma Windle, Senior Contract Manager for Norfolk, Serco, said:
“I would like to thank my North Norfolk team for all their help with the planning and scheduling of these changes. Which will mean a more even distribution of workload for them moving forward.
“Please check your leaflet, or the website, to confirm how these changes will affect you and remember to put your bin out by 7:00am on your new collection day.”
Cllr. Nigel Lloyd, portfolio holder for Environmental Services, Climate Change and Environment, said:
“North Norfolk has seen a great deal of growth over the past decade. Providing an efficient waste collection service has become an increasingly complex task given the largely rural nature of our district and the large number of new homes being built in different locations.
“The Council's aim is to provide a reliable waste collection service to all our residents that are delivered in the most efficient way possible. Serco identified that a full review of our waste collection services across the whole district was necessary in order to optimise the service. That work has now been completed and a new collection rota has been developed that will be implemented in September.
“The changes will allow us to streamline the waste collection process and make service more efficient by lowering fuel costs whilst introducing environmental benefits, including reduced emissions and a lower carbon footprint. The new routes will maximise the productivity of our vehicles and the collection operatives by reducing the multiple inefficient small routes across our district, which will ultimately result in less mileage and lower maintenance costs.
“Residents are strongly advised to take note of the literature you will soon receive, our web portal and social media posts to check if there will be changes to collection days/times for their household.”
Last updated: 12th April 2023