Council celebrates planting 110,000 trees

Date published: 8th March 2023
North Norfolk District Council has succeeded in planting 110,000 trees – one tree for every resident in the district.
The project began in 2019 and over the past 4 planting seasons, the Council has worked with environmental groups, volunteers, schools and parishes to improve local biodiversity and our green spaces.
37 native species of tree and shrub have been planted in North Norfolk across 134 tree planting projects.
Volunteers and community groups who have been involved in the project were invited to a final planting session and environmental morning at Holt Country Park, where conservationist Nick Acheson gave a wildlife talk and the Countryside team led a nature trail.Conservationist Nick Acheson talking to volunteers
A symbolic 110,000th tree was planted to represent the hard work of the volunteers and groups who have joined in the project.
Leader of the Council Tim Adams planting the 110,000th tree
Cllr Nigel Lloyd, portfolio holder for Environmental Services, Climate Change and Environment said:
“It’s been a fantastic project and so inspiring to see how many in North Norfolk have embraced the importance of it too. In over 130 events, we’ve worked with so many incredible volunteers in the community and delivered over 110,000 trees across North Norfolk.
The figure is ceremonial, but the importance of tree planting for the environment is real, measurable and will have lasting positive effects here for years to come.”
See more from the end-of-project event at Holt Country Park:
Addressing volunteers at Holt Country Park, Nick Acheson said:
“It’s great to see so many people who have been engaged with this project, putting trees in the ground – the act of putting trees in the ground is something far more profound and meaningful than just putting a tree in the ground - it’s an investment in our future.
Hear more from Nick Acheson about the importance of community projects and environmental participation:
The Council has welcomed new, innovative methods in planting trees and teamed up with Norfolk County Council to introduce the Japanese mini-forest method, known as the Miyawaki Method.
The method was introduced in Fakenham, Sheringham and North Walsham and further Miyawaki forests have been started in Beeston and Cromer.
As well as planting with community groups, North Norfolk residents have been encouraged to plant trees of their own and the Council’s tree giveaways have proven to be successful, with high demand on local natives.
The final total for the tree planting project exceeded the target with 115,820 trees, with a further 2,440 planting with Norfolk County Council.
Among projects, the Council planted 61,952 trees - enough to cover nearly 35 football pitches. The numbers created almost 11km of new hedgerow, with 56,268 trees – enough to stretch from Cromer to Weybourne.
Since the first giveaway in 2021 over 1500 trees have been given away and planted in the gardens of residents.
Find out more about the 110,000 Trees project at
Last updated: 12th April 2023