Councillors approve Local Plan submission

Date published: 3rd March 2023
Councillors approved the submission of the North Norfolk Local Plan at this week’s Full Council meeting. The North Norfolk Local Plan will now be submitted for independent examination.
The Local Plan is the key planning document for North Norfolk which sets out strategic planning policies and decides how local land is used, what can be built and where. This document had a final consultation period, allowing local communities to influence change and get involved in local planning. The period of public consultation closed in March 2022.
It also details where new homes, jobs and infrastructure will be created to meet the area’s housing, employment and other needs while protecting and enhancing our unique natural and built environment.
The Full Council approval of the plan will now allow it to be submitted to an independent Government appointed Inspector for examination. The Inspector will consider the Plan against procedural, legal and soundness tests and issue a report confirming whether the Plan is suitable for formal adoption.
Cllr. Andrew Brown, portfolio holder for Planning and Enforcement, said:
“Really pleased that our new Development Plan will provide state of the art policies to enable the Council to make even better planning decisions in future. It concentrates new development in our larger towns and minimizes building in the countryside. It is a credit to our experienced team of officers that the Plan satisfies another one of this Council's Corporate Plan objectives.”
Find out more about the North Norfolk Local Plan here -
Last updated: 12th April 2023