Council awarded accreditation for domestic abuse support

Date published: 28th October 2024
North Norfolk District Council have been awarded an accredited status by Standing Together, a domestic abuse support charity.
Domestic Abuse Housing Alliance accreditation is the UK benchmark for how housing providers should respond to domestic abuse.
The Council works with DAHA to implement best practice as a housing provider/service, to ensure we are delivering a safe and effective response to domestic abuse.
Cllr. Wendy Fredericks, portfolio holder for Housing & People Services said:
“Our staff took on the challenge of achieving this accreditation because of their compassion and dedication towards victims and survivors of Domestic Abuse. It is through their determination to support those who need every day which is highlighted and celebrated in this achievement.
I am proud of the progress we have made and even prouder that we will continually seek to improve our services based on the needs of our residents.”
Sharon Crosby, Senior Domestic Abuse Housing Alliance Regional Lead, said:
“The Domestic Abuse Housing Alliance (DAHA) are delighted to announce that North Norfolk District Council are the first local authority who do not hold housing stock in the East to achieve DAHA accreditation making them a beacon of good practice nationally in responding to survivors of domestic abuse who approach the Housing Options Team for support and advice.
Above all, it was clear that staff were compassionate, determined, and unwavering in their support and professional curiosity which enabled them to detect domestic abuse even where this was not the presenting issue for the survivor and therefore enable a holistic approach to be taken.”
Locally, the Council works with the Norfolk Integrated Domestic Abuse Service (NIDAS), a specialist support service for those at risk of domestic abuse.
North Norfolk District Council’s application and accreditation to DAHA was funded by Norfolk County Council
Important links:
If you are a victim of domestic abuse, feel unsafe in your relationship or housing arrangement, or need to talk to someone, there are several helplines available for you.
• Norfolk Integrated Domestic Abuse Service: 0300 561 0555
• 24 hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline: 0808 2000 247
• Leeway: 0300 510 077
• Respect Men’s Advice Line: 0808 810327
• Mankind: 01823 334244
If you are worried about your own behaviour and feel you may be putting your partner at risk you can ring Respect on 0808 8024040
If you need emergency support, ring 999 and ask for the Police. If it is too unsafe to talk, press 55 after dialling 999
Last updated: 28th October 2024