Seals in North Norfolk
Approximately 80,000 seals come to Britain yearly to birth and raise pups, so seeing common or grey seals lounging on North Norfolk beaches is highly likely throughout the winter.
Safer Seals campaign
Both species are protected under the Conservation of Seals Act 1970, so it is essential that we enjoy them responsibly and from afar to keep these animals safe while they’re here.
Our Safer Seals campaign highlights what visitors to the beach can do, to observe and enjoy the seals responsibly while avoiding distressing the colony, especially during breeding season.
Seals are easily spooked from their resting spots, especially if people or dogs get too close. Disturbing a pup may cause the mother to abandon it or a bull seal to harm it if it moves into their territory.
Many groups care for the seals across Norfolk, including Friends of Horsey Seals, British Divers Marine Life Rescue and the RSPCA, who rehabilitate them in their East Winch facility.

Support seal safety
- keep your distance from any seal and move on quickly
- stay on the landward side of the seals and do not approach them
- keep dogs on leads and well away from them
- do not use a flying ring on the beach
If you think a seal is distressed, call Friends of Horsey Seals on 07706 314514, the RSPCA on 0300 1234 999 or British Divers Marine Life Rescue on 01825 765546.
Flying rings and the danger to seals
Flying rings (hollow-centred frisbees) pose a danger to seals and wildlife, and their use should be avoided if possible or used considerately. Flying rings can catch the wind and be cast far out at sea, making it impossible to retrieve.
Seals are naturally curious creatures and may find themselves with these rings stuck around their necks, resulting in injury and death.

Seal of Approval
This campaign seeks to raise awareness of the importance of not having flying rings in our coastal environments by encouraging local coastal businesses to stop stocking and selling flying rings or other items in which seals may become entrapped or entangled.
Businesses that agree to stop selling flying rings or similar items can apply for a Seal of Approval certificate. By proudly displaying this certificate, they show their commitment to seal safety and become advocates in their community.
Businesses who have signed up to Seal of Approval
Barneys Newsagents, 5-7 Station Road, Sheringham, NR26 8RE |
Blyth and Wright, 34-40 Station Road, Sheringham, NR26 8RQ |
East Beach Coffee, East Beach, Sheringham, NR26 8BH |
Mr. Fifty, Melbourne Road, Sheringham, NR26 8EF |
Offshore Coffee House, East Beach, Sheringham, NR26 8BJ |
Our Price, 30 High Street, Sheringham, NR26 8JR |
Pantaloon, 19 High Street, Sheringham, NR26 8JP |
RNLI Gift Shop, 39 High Street, Sheringham, NR26 8DS |
Sheringham Museum, The Mo, Lifeboat Plain, Sheringham, NR26 8BG |
Tidal Wave, West Beach, Sheringham, NR26 8LD |
Warehouse Clearance Shop, Church Street, Sheringham, NR26 8QR |
Whelk Coppers, 25 The Driftway, Sheringham, NR26 8LD |