Discretionary top-up relief

If you are eligible for mandatory relief then you can also apply for discretionary top-up relief to cover all or part of the remaining 20% charge. This is awarded at the discretion of North Norfolk District Council and must be applied for annually.

Top-up relief cannot be backdated into the previous year so it is important to apply for this promptly.

Discretionary top-up relief application

Discretionary relief

If not eligible for mandatory relief North Norfolk District Council can grant up to 100% discretionary relief to certain types of non-profit making bodies whose aims are either:

  • charitable
  • philanthropic - concerned with human welfare and advancement
  • religious
  • concerned with education, social welfare, science, literature or fine arts
  • recreational club or society

This is awarded at the discretion of NNDC and must be applied for annually.

Discretionary rate relief for charities and non-profit making org not entitled to mandatory relief application

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