The Norfolk Community Directory contains details of activities, services and groups to help Norfolk residents live  active, healthy and fulfilling lives.

The directory consists of organisations who offers services, activities, or events to help people keep healthy, be sociable, physically active, mentally active, help their community, stay independent, feel included, get involved, improve their well-being, stay safe, find care and support, find help with looking after their children and get family support.

Norfolk Community Directory
Search the Norfolk Directory

Example: "child care"

Example: "Fakenham" or "NR21 9DY"

 The Norfolk Community Directory also offers an opportunity for voluntary organisations, community groups and clubs in North Norfolk to publicise and promote the services, activities and events they offer. This can help attract new users or members. 

There is no cost to organisations to join the Norfolk Directory, just request a login. Once the application has been approved, you will be able to login and add your information to the directory. You will need to regularly review the information to ensure it remains up to date.


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