Frequently asked questions about the outline planning permission for Fakenham Urban Extension, approved in October 2021.

North Norfolk District Council has issued an outline planning permission for an urban extension of Fakenham for up to 950 homes, including a minimum of 16.5% affordable homes (157 homes). The proposal also includes:

  • employment development 
  • new primary school 
  • local retail centre 
  • 100-bed hotel 
  • open space and 
  • significant infrastructure, including a new roundabout onto the A148 Fakenham bypass

The application, submitted by Trinity College Cambridge in 2017, is located on a site allocated for development by the Council in 2011. A Development Brief for the site was approved in March 2015. This approval of outline planning permission is a significant milestone towards this ambitious project.

Permission was granted after a legal obligation was completed between the applicant and landowners. District and county councils will ensure that the developer provides financial contributions and commitments above £7m for affordable housing, open spaces, sports provision and land for a new primary school.

Frequently asked questions

What decision has been made? 

North Norfolk District Council have granted outline planning permission for:

  • residential development of up to 950 houses 
  • employment development 
  • primary school and children's nursery 
  • hotel 
  • local retail 
  • public open space and infrastructure

The Council has also agreed on the means of access into the site, which are on the plans.

What happens next?

Before work can begin on-site, the next step is for the developers to secure reserved matters approval for the layout, scale, appearance and landscaping of the development, which will take place in phases. Formal planning applications will be submitted, and interested parties will have the opportunity to comment on those applications once consultations start.

What is an Outline planning permission?

An Outline planning permission secures the principle of the development being proposed. Also, applicants can specify the amount of detail they want to finalise now and what they want to be reserved for later approval. These details can include:

  • access
  • layout
  • scale
  • appearance
  • landscaping

The applicants have applied to secure the principle of development and the means of access to the site.

What are Reserved Matters?

Reserved Matters are those details that are reserved for later approval following the grant of an outline application. Reserved Matters can include:

  • access
  • layout
  • scale
  • appearance
  • landscaping

The applicants have applied to secure the principle of development and the means of access to the site.

At the Reserved Matters stage, the applicants cannot change the means of access and the principle of development unless the Outline permission has been changed.

When will development begin on-site?

The Outline planning permission and legal agreement set out several planning conditions and requirements. It also includes the timeframe and details that need to be provided before the first reserved matters application can be submitted.

Development cannot lawfully begin until relevant conditions, and legal requirements have been met and Reserved Matters applications have been submitted and approved.

Where can I view the plans and proposals?

All plans and documents (including the decision notice, legal agreement and approved plans) can be viewed using the Council's planning system. 

What is an S106 Obligation?

An S106 Obligation is a legal document between the developer or landowner and the District Council and County Council to secure financial and non-financial commitments necessary to make a development proposal acceptable in planning terms.

 An S106 obligation sets out what is required and by whom and is legally enforceable.

What is in the S106 Obligation for the Trinity College outline scheme?

The full legal agreement sets out the developer or landowner covenants with the District Council and County Councils regarding what it does when the financial or non-financial obligations are provided.

The legal agreement details the following:

Schedule 1 Affordable Housing (owners covenants with the District Council)

Schedule 2 Viability Reappraisal (owners covenants with the District Council)

Schedule 3 Contributions (owners covenants with the District Council)

Schedule 4 Open Space (owners covenants with the District Council)

Schedule 5 Sustainable Drain System (owners covenants with the District Council)

Schedule 6 Employment Site (owners covenants with the District Council)

Schedule 7 Hotel Site (owners covenants with the District Council)

Schedule 8 Self-Build and Custom Build Plots (owners covenants with the District Council)

Schedule 9 Local Centre (owners covenants with the District Council)

Schedule 10 Education, Library, Green And Infrastructure (owners covenants with the County Council)

Schedule 11 Travel Plan (owners covenants with the County Council)

Schedule 12 District Council Covenants

Schedule 13 County Council Covenants

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