The Community Infrastructure Levy is a planning charge on new development, introduced by the Planning Act 2008 as a tool for local authorities in England and Wales to help deliver infrastructure to support the development of their area.

North Norfolk District Council undertook work in 2012 regarding the possible introduction of CIL, however, further work was suspended following a decision by Cabinet at the meeting on 15 July 2013. Currently North Norfolk District Council does not operate the CIL charging system however it is continually under review.


Where CIL is in operation the monies collected are used towards the delivery of infrastructure and services required as a result of new housing and employment growth - for example, school places, health facilities and provision of public open space.

Unlike Section 106 agreements, which are specific to each site in order to make them acceptable in planning terms, CIL is a levy on all development, designed to raise funds generally as a result of an increase in development in the district.

Introducing CIL would largely replace the current system in North Norfolk of securing contributions from developers via Section 106 agreements. However, Section 106 agreements would likely continue being used to secure local site-related infrastructure such as open space, access and habitat protection, and affordable housing. If introduced CIL would therefore operate in tandem with a scaled-back system of Section 106 agreements.

Further information

If you need to discuss the Community Infrastructure Levy with us please contact or 01263 516318.

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