What is the Community Right to Bid?

An important part of the Localism Act 2011 is the Community Right to Bid, also known as the Asset of Community Value scheme. This allows local communities to nominate assets they consider essential to their social well-being and interests.

If an asset is listed and then becomes available for purchase, communities are able to put forward a bid to buy it. This makes sure that these community assets remain under the control and protection of those who truly value and understand their importance.

Asset of Community Value

An Asset of Community Value (ACV) is a building or land nominated by local community groups or parish councils that is important for the local area's social well-being and cultural identity. ACVs can include pubs, community centres, village shops, markets, libraries, parks, historic buildings, and other spaces where people gather to connect, share and create memories.

To be successfully listed as an ACV, a building or land (an asset) must satisfy the following legal test under section 88 of the Localism Act 2011:

Current or recent use: The asset must be or must have been used to further the social well-being or social interests of the local community. This could include activities promoting cultural, recreational, or sporting interests, or fostering social interaction among the community members.

Potential future use: There must be a realistic chance that the asset will continue to be used to further the social well-being or social interests of the local community in the future. This means that the listing should not be based solely on past usage. It should also consider the asset's potential to contribute to the community's interests moving forward.

How to make a nomination

If you want to nominate an asset as an ACV, please complete our nomination form.

For general enquiries about nominations, the bidding process, or the scheme, please contact eastlaw@north-norfolk.gov.uk

NNDC assets of community value registers

Related information

Visit the My Community website for information on how the Right To Bid process works.

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