Glaven Valley Conservation Area Appraisal Amended

Date published: 9th October 2023
North Norfolk District Council is inviting residents to have their say on the changes made to the Glaven Valley Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan.
A period of public consultation was held between November 21, 2022 and March 31, 2023. After this consultation period closed, all comments received were considered and a series of amendments have been made to both the draft Appraisal and the proposed Glaven Valley Conservation Area boundary.
Residents will get the opportunity to have their say on the draft Appraisal and Glaven Valley Conservation Area boundary now the amendments have been made.
The consultation period will run from Friday 6 October to Friday 27 October.
At this stage, the Council is seeking views solely on the changes that have been proposed to the Glaven Valley Conservation Area boundary and the Draft Appraisal following the previous round of consultation.
The changes include:
- Several areas that were previously proposed for exclusion from the Glaven Valley Conservation Area and which have now been retained
- A number of areas have been newly proposed for inclusion within the boundary
- Significant amendments to the text of the appraisal following changes to the boundary, as well as corrections/additions noted during feedback
During the consultation period, we will be pleased to receive any comments that you have on (1) the contents of the Appraisal and Management Plan and (2) the proposed boundary changes.
Cllr Andrew Brown, portfolio holder for Planning and Enforcement, said:
“Following the initial public consultation earlier in the year, I am pleased to say we received responses from residents, parish councils and a variety of organisations. As a result, I have worked with the Planning Policy Working Party, our consultants Purcell and officers to make further revisions to the proposals and it is entirely appropriate to allow those who responded previously to comment further on the final version.
"Please take this opportunity to visit the Council’s website using this link below with any further comments or observations you may have. This is a once-in-a-generation review and the Council is determined to deliver the best outcome for conservation protection in the Glaven Valley rural area and we would appreciate your help to achieve this.”
The appraisal documents will be available to view on the Council’s website for the duration of the consultation.
You can read more and share your views here -
Last updated: 11th October 2023