If you are thinking about starting a business, buying into a business opportunity or becoming self-employed our Economic Growth team can help.

What you need to do to set up depends on your type of business, where you work and whether you want to employ staff.

We work closely with support organisations across the District and County that offer training, advice and funding. We can support you directly or we can act as a facilitator for business enquiries across the Council. For example:

  • Provide advice on starting up a new business venture
  • Give support and advice on relocating to the District or expanding to new business premises
  • Help with business planning, networking and connections with like-minded businesses

Useful websites

  • NWES offers advice and training, access to finance and mentoring for those wishing to start their own business. 
  • The Start Up Loans Company offers affordable loans and mentoring to help business startups.
  • New Anglia Growth Hub is a free and impartial service that can help your business access a range of business support services from hundreds of sources.
  • The GOV.UK site provides information on setting up a business.
  • Start up Donut provides information on all aspects of setting up and running a business. 
  • The Prince’s Trust helps 18-30 year olds who are thinking of starting a business. 

Local Business Groups

Set up a business

Still need help?

Visit our contact us page for further assistance about any of our information and services.