Provides a financial forecast for the revenue and capital budgets for the next 4 financial years.

The Financial Strategy report below establishes the financial planning framework for the development of Service Business Plans and Service Budgets in line with the council’s vision and overall priorities.

It provides a financial forecast for the revenue and capital budgets for the next 4 financial years, and covers the period from 2019 to 2023.

The forecast makes assumptions on the amount of income that is likely to be received from Council Tax and Central Government over the 3 year period. It also projects future levels of expenditure after taking account of known commitments and inflation.

View Financial Strategy Report

Efficiency Plan

The Council has produced an Efficiency Plan for 2016/17 to 2019/20 in response to the offer of a four year settlement made by the Secretary of State as part of the 2016/17 budget process. Local Government has continued to face funding reductions and the scale of these reductions has been significant. In response to concerns raised over the uncertainty of future funding reductions, Councils have been offered a four year settlement which will provide greater certainty around future funding (reductions). The settlement covers the four year period 2016/17 to 2019/20 and in order to accept this offer of a four year settlement the Council is required to publish an efficiency plan. 

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