Referendum results

A referendum on whether to approve the Wells-next-the-Sea Neighbourhood Development Plan took place at Wells Methodist Church on Thursday 4 July 2024. The results of the referendum are as follows:

Electorate 1706
Turnout 60.66%
Votes in favour 819 (79.1%)
Votes against 175 (16.9%)
41 rejected ballot papers (unmarked, spoiled or unclear)

Next stages

The Neighbourhood Plan must be formally adopted 'made' within eight weeks of the date of the referendum. A decision notice is expected to be published within this time period.

Once the Neighbourhood Plan is adopted, it will form a part of the district-wide planning framework. It will become a full material consideration, meaning it must be taken into account for future planning applications in the Wells-next-the-Sea Neighbourhood Area.

Further information will be published here as it becomes available.

Relevant documents

Submission and Examination documents (June 2023)

Examination documents Date published
Examiner's final report April 2024
Wells-next-the-Sea Town Council response to examiners clarification note February 2024
Examiner's clarification note January 2024
Examiner's initial procedural letter                                                            December 2023

Documents submitted for examination in June 2023, in line with Regulation 16 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as changed):

Submission documents Date published
Wells-next-the-Sea Draft Neighbourhood Plan Submission version June 2023
Schedule of representations at submission stage December 2023
Basic Conditions Statement June 2023
Consultation Statement June 2023
Wells-next-the-Sea Design Guidance and Codes June 2023
Housing Needs Assessment: Wells, Holkham, Walsingham, Warham and Wighton March 2021
Strategic Environmental Assessment SEA Scoping report February 2023
Strategic Environmental Assessment SEA Environmental report June 2023
Habitat Regulations Assessment April 2023
Site Options and Assessment report December 2021
Data Profile March 2021
Wells-next-the-Sea Town Council Minutes, 5 June 2023 June 2023

Correspondence between Holkham Estate and the Wells Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group, previously published on the list, has been removed at the request of the Wells Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group. The information is duplicated in the Consultation Statement, in Appendix 8.

Neighbourhood plan designation documents (February 2019)


We approved Wells-next-the-Sea Town Council's application to designate Wells Neighbourhood Area on 11 February 2019.

Document Date published
Application form February 2019
Parish statement February 2019
Map of proposed Neighbourhood Area February 2019
Agreement of Neighbourhood Area Designation February 2019

Key dates

  • Designation date: 11 February 2019
  • Regulation 14 Draft Plan submitted: 15 July to 9 September 2022
  • Regulation 16 Plan submitted: 20 June 2023
  • Regulation 16 Plan consultation: 2 October to 13 November 2023
  • Plan sent for Examination: 3 January 2024
  • Referendum date: 4 July 2024
  • Date Plan made: