While works are ongoing, some sections of the beach west of Cromer Pier will be temporarily closed.
Food hygiene rating scheme
Find out how the rating system works and how to apply for a rerating or appeal a rating.
We inspect all food businesses to meet food safety laws. After an inspection, we rate the business from 5 to 0.
We assess the business on how well it complies with certain criteria based on:
- their compliance with food hygiene
- the physical condition of the business
- how well they manage food safety risks
Rating scale
We rate the hygiene standards found at the time of inspection on a scale:
5 - Very good
4 - Good
3 - Satisfactory
2 - Improvement necessary
1 - Major improvement necessary
0 - Urgent improvement necessary
The rating gives the customer an indication of standards at the time of the inspection. These can go up or down after the inspection is carried out.
We do not rate a business on food portion size, taste or quality.
Businesses in England are not legally required to display their ratings. You, as a consumer, have to make your own decision about food businesses that don't display their score.
Check a rating
After an inspection, the rating will be uploaded to the Food Standards Agency website to be published.
Ratings of 5 - Very good
They will be published as soon as the Council uploads the information.
Ratings of 0 to 4
We cannot publish the new rating until the business has had an opportunity to submit an appeal. Appeals can be made up to 21 days after the inspection date.
Early publication of ratings
The business owner or manager can request that we publish a rating before the end of the appeal period.
Please send completed forms to our Public Protection team.
We will review the request and will usually publish the rating early. If we have any questions, we will contact the business.
If a business disputes the rating
Apply for a rerating
If a business has carried out all of the required work after a food hygiene inspection, it can apply for a rerating before the next planned inspection. We will reassess the hygiene standards, which may result in an improved rating.
Please send completed forms to our Public Protection team.
Fees and charges
There is a charge of £184 per revisit. Payment will be taken at the end of the online application form.
Right to reply
The business owner has a right to reply. This allows them to highlight any actions they have taken to improve hygiene standards or identify anything unusual at the time of the inspection. We will publish the right to reply along with the business's hygiene rating on our website.
Please send completed forms to our Public Protection team.
If the business is not happy with its rating, there is an appeal process. First, the owner can contact the Inspecting Officer or their manager to discuss the rating. Following this discussion, if they still think that the rating is incorrect or unfair, they can appeal online.
Please send completed forms to our Public Protection team.
Still need help?
Visit our contact us page for further assistance about any of our information and services.