Find out about the work of the North Norfolk Health and Wellbeing Partnership.

The North Norfolk Health and Wellbeing Partnership was formed in July 2022 as part of the new Integrated Care System for Norfolk. The partnership works across North Norfolk alongside the North Place Board.

Health and Wellbeing Partnership Strategy

The North Norfolk Health and Wellbeing Partnership Strategy sets out the priorities and plans to improve health and wellbeing in the district over the next three years.

The strategy has two main elements

  1. The process for developing the strategy and looking at evidence of health and wellbeing and inequalities locally.
  2. The partnership's proposed actions and interventions. These actions are grouped by the following health and wellbeing themes:
    • older people
    • mental health and wellbeing
    • health inequalities
    • people and communities
    • transport and connectivity
    • COVID response and recovery
    • developing the North Norfolk Health and Wellbeing Partnership

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