The Performance Management Framework sets out how the Council will manage performance

North Norfolk District Council’s Corporate Plan 2019 to 2023 sets out what we intend to do. The Council is managed to make sure we achieve what is in the Corporate Plan. We publish information about our performance and carry out satisfaction surveys so that everyone can see the progress we are making. The Council's Performance Management Framework sets out how the Council will manage performance. This includes agreeing a Delivery Plan and assessing regular performance reports of the progress in delivering the plan.

Performance Portal

View our Performance Portal to discover our Corporate Plan and Delivery Plan for 2019 to 2023, including

  • our themes and objectives,
  • our key performance measures, including the targets we have set ourselves and how we are doing against them, and
  • our progress in completing the actions in our Delivery Plan.

Go to the Performance Portal

You can also view reports for previous corporate plans. The performance report for Cabinet shows progress against the Corporate Plan 2015 to 2019 priorities, together with any other relevant performance achievements and issues.

You can view copies of previous annual reports and other performance related documents showing the progress we have made in achieving our objectives and delivering our plans.