If your property is at risk of coastal erosion and you would like to discuss your options further, please contact coastal.management@north-norfolk.gov.uk

For dwellings, community facilities and businesses that will be affected by erosion of the coastline in the next twenty years, NNDC have planning policies for relocation and replacement.

To find out if a property is at risk from coastal erosion, please view the Shoreline Management Plans.

Opportunities for properties vulnerable to coastal erosion

Many properties will be unaffected by coastal erosion in the foreseeable future, but for those that are, the Council’s current planning policies may offer some assistance.

Properties which are at risk of erosion within 20 years, (50 years for business properties), are covered by planning policy EN12 in the Council’s 2008 Core Strategy.

This policy provides that planning permission should be granted for a replacement dwelling for a property affected by erosion provided that certain conditions are met.

Any planning application still has to go through the normal procedures but if you are the owner of a property which may be in the affected zone, or you are contemplating purchasing such a property, then policy EN12 may have an impact on the value of the property.

Coastal Transition Accelerator Programme

From 2022 to 2027, North Norfolk will receive funding to work with communities to transition from coastal change.

This programme will aim to accelerate strategic planning to set out how the local authority, communities and partners can plan for the transition of their communities, businesses and assets away from erosion risk areas. It will also support the trialling of on the ground, practical, innovative actions to help those at risk to address the challenges posed by coastal change.

You can find out more at:

Coastal Transition Accelerator Programme (engagementhq.com)

North Norfolk Coastal Transition Accelerator Programme (engagementhq.com)

Securing planning ‘roll back’ opportunities for residential properties at imminent risk from coastal erosion

If you own a residential property that is at risk from coastal erosion, the ‘roll-back’ opportunity potentially allows you to recover some value from your property before it is lost to the sea.

For more information, please contact the Coastwise team at coastwise@north-norfolk.gov.uk 

Financial assistance for the demolition of properties at risk from coastal erosion

North Norfolk District Council can access a grant to assist in meeting the costs associated with demolishing residential properties at risk from coastal erosion.

These funds (of up to £6,000) can be made available to property owners to help with such things as: obtaining the relevant consents, demolition works, the removal of waste materials and any landscaping or remedial works.

Eligibility for the grant is dependent on certain criteria, so please contact the Coastal Management team if you would like to find out more.