Local groups reap the rewards from our Arts and Culture Grant Fund.

Arts and Culture Fund

The North Norfolk Arts and Culture Panel awarded more than £21,051 to eight arts and culture community groups and organisations, to support a wide range of projects between April 2023 and March 2024.

The worthy local causes which benefited from this funding include:

Organisation Application summary Award
Extraordinary Communities CIC Towards the Wonder of Eels project that aims to increase public awareness of the critically European eel through a tour of creative activity and workshops across North Norfolk. £3,000
Age Concern North Norfolk To go towards the cost of securing tutors and materials for the Art for Wellbeing art course. The course is run in four weekly topic sessions for a group of 15 to 17 clients. £1,200
Supporting Women and Activities Network (SWAN) Contribution towards paying for tutoring and buying the necessary materials for weekly activities for the SWAN group. £3,500
North Norfolk Chamber Opera For the rehearsal and performance of Semele by Handel. This will specifically cover the costs of a rehearsal venue, an 8-piece orchestra, and the performance venue. £3,500
North Norfolk Writer's Group To allow the group to hire tutors and other speakers and run workshops over the next year. £1,000
Neatishead and Barton Society (NABS) To buy replacement sound system equipment. £2,500
Fakenham Choral Society To pay for more orchestral players and soloists, to promote and publicise the three concert season through printed methods to keep ticket prices affordable (or even free) for the Society's 50th Anniversary Season. £3,351
Wells Community Hospital Trust (WCHT) Contribution towards the ongoing Art for Wellbeing project, covering the costs of a qualified tutor, room hire and start-up materials for 36 weeks. £3,500

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