You do not have to be sleeping on the streets or not have a roof over your head to be considered homeless. Most people who are legally homeless are not on the streets.

We understand that the risk of becoming homeless can be a very worrying and stressful time.

You may be threatened with homelessness because of the following:

  • private tenancy ending
  • parents or relatives have asked you to leave
  • rent or mortgage arrears
  • relationship breakdown

Get in touch

The most important thing you can do is contact Housing Options Team on 01263 513811 or email as early as possible. The more time we have to help you, the greater the chance we can help secure housing without needing temporary emergency accommodation.

How we can help

We are here to help and we will:

  • talk you through some options you have to help yourself 
  • try to help keep you in your current home
  • if we cannot help you stay where you are, we will work with you to secure alternative accommodation

Still need help?

Visit our contact us page for further assistance about any of our information and services.