Contact us to get your commercial clinical waste collected

Discontinuation of Commercial Clinical Waste Collection Service

From April 2023, North Norfolk District Council will no longer provide a collection service for Group A and Group B clinical waste from commercial premises. As such, we will not be taking on new customers for commercial clinical waste.

We can provide a clinical waste service for Group E waste for businesses such as nursing and residential homes. You can apply for the service and purchase sacks by calling our Customer Services team on 01263 516189.

  • Group E: Incontinence pads, colostomy bags, used disposable bedpans and bedpan liners.
Commercial clinical charges
Service type Container costs
Group E waste £2.50 per sack delivered
Disposal charge (E Waste) £1.30 per sack disposed of
Collection charge £23 per visit

VAT on collection charges?

Clinical waste collected from residential homes is categorised as commercial waste and the charges for the service are outside the scope for VAT.  Clinical waste collected from other commercial sources is categorised as industrial waste and is subject to VAT at the prevailing rate.

The above waste must not be mixed with other rubbish and must be disposed of in accordance with the regulations listed in the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and The Controlled Waste (England and Wales) Regulations 2012.  

Download application form