Nominate someone else to vote on your behalf

Voting by proxy

Anyone who is registered can apply for a proxy vote. Proxy voting means that if you cannot cast your vote in person, you can have someone you trust cast your vote for you.

When you apply for a proxy vote, you must provide a reason. The person you wish to appoint as your proxy can only act as proxy if they are 18 or over and they are, or will be, registered for that election or referendum.

Following changes introduced as part of the Elections Act 2022, which came into effect on 31 October 2023, we will shortly be writing to all electors with existing proxy arrangements to advise them that their current proxy will be cancelled from 31 January 2024. We will give them advice on how to reapply if they wish to make use of a proxy vote in future elections.

Any nominated proxy must be registered to vote in the type of poll that they are being appointment to act as proxy at.

From 31 October 2023, a nominated proxy cannot vote on behalf of more than four electors in any one electoral area and no more than two UK-based 'domestic' voters.

If you wish to apply for a proxy vote, you can apply using the new online government portal.

If you require a paper form, you can download it from the website.

You must be registered to vote or have already made an application to register to vote to apply for a proxy vote. If you are not sure if you are registered to vote, you can use our online form to check.

Once you have completed your paper application form, you can send it using our online form or by post to:

Electoral Services
North Norfolk District Council
Holt Road
NR27 9EN

Please make sure you complete your application form in ink using a pen. Forms completed with a digital signature are invalid and will require a new application form to be completed.

For further information, please visit the Electoral Commission website.

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