While works are ongoing, some sections of the beach west of Cromer Pier will be temporarily closed.
Premises licence
Premises licences can be issued to any premises that are open to the public for the sale of alcohol, late night refreshment and regulated entertainment.
From 6 April 2017, Licensing Authorities are required to check the immigration status and right to work of ALL those individual applicants applying for a Premises Licence and Personal Licence.
Information on the different types of Premises Licence applications can be found in the drop down list below.
Apply for New Premises License
A premises licence can be issued to any premises that are open to the public for the sale of alcohol, late night refreshment and regulated entertainment. A premises licence is granted for life unless it is surrendered or revoked and has an annual fee which is payable on the anniversary of the date of issue.
- The timescale for determining this application will be 28 days public consultation following the date of receipt of an acceptable and complete application by this Authority.
- In respect of applications made by post or in person
The timescale for determining this application will be 28 days public consultation following the date of receipt of an acceptable and complete application by ALL Responsible Authorities.
However, if this application has been submitted via the Online Licensing system there is no requirement to serve on the other Responsible Authorities, the Licensing Authority will arrange the consultation process.
Once the public consultation period has expired, if no representation have been received, the Authority will issue the licence straight away. In cases where representations have been received, the Licensing Authority will arrange a public hearing to consider the matter within 28 days following the close of the consultation period. The applicant will be notified in writing of the decision within 5 working days of the hearing.
For a valid application we require ALL the following forms/documentation in order for the application to be processed. Incomplete applications will be returned
Application Forms
Apply by post, in person or email
- Download New Premises License Application Form (PDF)
- Consent form to specify Designated Premises Supervisor (required where alcohol sales are requested)
- Public Notice Card (PDF) (detailing where and when public notice is displayed on the building and in which locally circulated newspaper)
- Notice of Advertisement (PDF) - advertisement must be printed on A4 Pale Blue Paper, Size 16 Font and posted every 50 metres around perimeter of licensable area where appropriate
- Scale Plan (indicated criteria form content of plan guidance)
- Appropriate fee
Apply for a Provisional Statement to be granted for a Premises License
Where premises are being or about to be constructed, extended or otherwise altered for the purpose of being used for one or more licensable activities, investors may be unwilling to commit funds unless they have some assurance that a premises licence covering the desirable activities would be granted for the premises when the building work is completed.
The Provisional Statement application would include the particulars and plans of the premises, describe the work to be done and the licensable activities planned to take place at the premises. The application must be advertised and notified to the responsible authorities. Where the application is made electronically via businesslink, the relevant licensing authority will copy the application to the responsible authorities. Responsible authorities and interested parties may make relevant representations. Where no representations are made, a provisional statement must be issued. Where relevant representations are received, the licensing authority will arrange a hearing to determine the application. The licensing authority will issue a provisional statement setting out the details of the decision together with the reasons.
Where a person applies for a premises licence in respect of premises for which a provisional statement has been made, representations by responsible authorities and interested parties will be excluded provided the application is in the same form as the licence described in the provisional statement, the work in the schedule of works has been satisfactorily completed and there has been no material change in the circumstances relating to either the premises or to the area in the vicinity of the premises since the provisional statement was made.
An application can be submitted online, alternatively, hard copy forms are available to download for submission to local authority via person, post or email (these will not be treated as an online application). Incomplete applications will be returned.
Application Forms
Apply by post, in person or email
- Public Notice Card (PDF) (detailing where and when public notice is displayed on the building and in which locally circulated newspaper)
- Notice of Advertisement (PDF) - advertisement must be printed on A4 Pale Blue Paper, Size 16 Font and posted every 50 metres around perimeter of licensable area where appropriate
- Scale Plan (indicated criteria form content of plan guidance)
Apply to Transfer a Premises License
Where a premises licence holder wishes to transfer the licence to another person or company, the relevant forms will need to be submitted to the Licensing Authority.
For applications that have been submitted to the Licensing Authority by means of hard copy application form, the applicant must also serve a copy to the Police. However, if this application has been submitted via the Online Licensing system there is no requirement to serve on the Police, the Licensing Authority will arrange the consultation process.
There is a 14-day consultation period for the authorities to do the transfer although if a transfer has been requested to take place with immediate effect the premises can still operate under the provision of a licence
Application Forms
Apply by post, in person or email
Apply for Interim Authority Notice
This provides for the continuation of permissions under a premises licence when the holder of a licence dies suddenly or becomes bankrupt or mentally incapable. In the normal course of events, the licence would lapse in such circumstances. This could have a damaging effect on those with interests in the premises, such as owner or employees working at the premises.
An interim authority notice may be given to the licensing authority and the chief officer of police within seven days beginning the day after the licence lapsed. This provides for the licence to be capable of being reinstated. The applicant must serve a copy of the application to the chief officer of police. For applications made electronically via businesslink, the licensing authority will notify the chief officer of police. Within 48 hours of the police receiving the notice, they may give a notice to the licensing authority where it is satisfied that the interim authority notice would undermine the prevention of crime and disorder licensing objective. A licensing hearing would be scheduled to consider the objection notice.
The effect of giving the notice is to reinstate the premises licence as if the person giving the notice is the holder of the licence and thereby allow licensable activities to continue to take place pending a formal application for transfer. The maximum period for which an interim authority notice may have effect if two months.
Application Forms
Apply by post, in person or email
- Interim Authority Notice for Premises Application Form (PDF) (if applicable e.g. the licence holder has gone into receivership but the premises licence is then enabled to remain in force)
- Appropriate fee
Apply for a variation to a Premises License
Where a premises licence holder wishes to vary the licence, for example, vary the hours during which a licensable activity is permitted, adding or removing licensable activities, amending, adding or removing conditions within a licence or altering any aspect of the layout of the premises which is shown on the plan. The licence holder will need to submit an application detailing the required variation.
This application has to be served on all the Responsible Authorities. However, if this application has been submitted via the Online Licensing system there is no requirement to serve on the other Responsible Authorities, the Licensing Authority will arrange the consultation process.
- In respect of applications made online
The timescale for determining this application will be 28 days public consultation following the date of receipt of an acceptable and complete application by this Authority. - In respect of applications made by post or in person
The timescale for determining this application will be 28 days public consultation following the date of receipt of an acceptable and complete application by ALL Responsible Authorities.
Once the public consultation period has expired, if no representation have been received, the Authority will issue the licence straight away. In cases where representations have been received, the Licensing Authority will arrange a public hearing to consider the matter within 28 days following the close of the consultation period. The applicant will be notified in writing of the decision within 5 working days of the hearing.
Application Forms
Apply by post, in person or email
- Variation to Premises Licence Application Form (PDF)
- Consent form to specify Designated Premises Supervisor - required where alcohol sales are requested
- Public Notice Card (PDF) (detailing where and when public notice is displayed on the building and in which locally circulated newspaper)
- Notice of Advertisement (PDF) - advertisement must be printed on A4 Pale Blue Paper, Size 16 Font and posted every 50 metres around perimeter of licensable area where appropriate
- Scale Plan (indicated criteria form content of plan guidance) (if applicable e.g. interior layout of licence premises is being adjusted)
- Original licence documentation
- Appropriate fee
Notify to give consent to being specified as Designated Premises Supervisor
Only one designated premises supervisor may be specified in a single premises licence, but a Designated Premises Supervisor may supervise more than one premises as long as they are able to ensure that the four licensing objectives are properly promoted and the premises complies with the licensing law and licence conditions.
Apply by post, in person or email
Apply to change the Designated Premises Supervisor
Where a premises licence holder wishes to specify a new Designated Premises Supervisor, the relevant forms should be submitted to the Licensing Authority.
For applications that have been submitted to the Licensing Authority by means of hard copy application form, the applicant must also serve a copy to the Police. However, if this application has been submitted via the Online Licensing system there is no requirement to serve on the Police, the Licensing Authority will arrange the consultation process.
Only one designated premises supervisor may be specified in a single premises licence, but a Designated Premises Supervisor may supervise more than one premises as long as they are able to ensure that the four licensing objectives are properly promoted and the premises complies with the licensing law and licence conditions.
There is a 14-day consultation period for the authorities to do the change of DPS although if the change has been requested to take place with immediate effect the premises can still operate under the provision of a licence.
Application Forms
Apply by post, in person or email
- Variation to specify Designated Premises Supervisor Application Form (PDF)
- Consent Form to specify Designated Premises Supervisor (PDF)
- DPS Withdrawal of Consent (PDF) (if applicable e.g. the DPS wishes to disassociate themselves with the licensed premises)
- Original licence documentation
- Appropriate fee
Notify withdrawal of consent of individual being Designated Premises Supervisor
Application Forms
Apply by post, person or email
Apply for removal of Mandatory Designated Premises Supervisor condition
This form may be used by a community premises seeking to replace the mandatory conditions in sections 19(2) and 19(3) of the 2003 Act which requires a personal licence holder and Designated Premises Supervisor where a premises allows the supply of alcohol, with the alternative mandatory condition (in section 19(4) of the Act) that the supply of alcohol is instead authorised by the premises licence holder through either:
- applying to remove the mandatory conditions of an existing premise licence, a new premises licence or to vary an existing licence, which allows the sale of alcohol.
The applicant or licence holder must be a committee or board of individuals with responsibility for the management of the premises. On applying for the removal of the requirement to have a Designated Premises Supervisor, the management committee should understand that if this is granted they will be responsible for all alcohol sales under the licence.
Apply by post, in person or email
- Application for Removal of Mandatory DPS condition (PDF)
- Original licence documentation
- Appropriate fee (if applicable e.g. it is applied for without a new or variation application)
Apply for a review of a Premises License
The proceedings set out in the 2003 Act for reviewing premises licenses represent a key protection for the community where problems associated with the licensing objectives are occurring after the grant or variation of a premises licence.
At any stage, following the grant of a premises licence, a responsible authority, or an interested party, may ask the licensing authority to review the licence because of a matter arising at the premises in connection with any of the four licensing objectives. These are as follows:
- The Prevention of Crime and Disorder
- Public Safety
- The Prevention of Public Nuisance
- The Protection of Children from Harm
In addition, a review of the licence will normally follow any action by the police to close down the premises for up to 24 hours on grounds of disorder or noise nuisance as a result of a notice of the magistrates’ court’s determination sent to the licensing authority.
View premises or club premises currently under review.
Application Forms
Apply for a Minor Variation to a Premises Licence
Small variations to premises licences, that will not impact adversely on the licensing objectives, can be applied for by a simplified 'minor variation' process. This process is cheaper, easier and quicker than the full variation version and can be used for changes such as:
- small changes to the structure or layout of the premises,
- the addition of authorisation for late night refreshment or regulated entertainment,
- small changes to licensing hours (not relating to alcohol),
- revisions, removals and additions of conditions.
The minor variation process cannot be used to:
- add the sale by retail or supply of alcohol to a licence or certificate,
- extend the licensing hours for the sale or supply of alcohol at any time between 11pm and 7am,
- increase the amount of time on any day during which alcohol may be sold by retail or supplied,
- extend the period for which the licence or certificate has effect,
- transfer the licence or certificate from one premises to another, or vary substantially the premises to which it relates,
- specify, in a premises licence, an individual as the premises supervisor,
- disapply the mandatory conditions relating to a designated premises supervisor.
Under the minor variation process the applicant is not required to advertise the variation in a newspaper or copy it to responsible authorities. However, they must display it on white notice, on the premises for a period of 10 working days starting on the day after the minor variation application was given to the Licensing Authority.
Upon receipt of a minor variation application, the licensing authority will consider whether the variation could impact adversely on the licensing objectives, and will consult the relevant responsible authorities. The licensing authority will also consider any representations made by interested parties made within 10 working days starting the day after the application was received by the licensing authority. There is no right to a hearing, but the licensing authority must take any relevant representations into account in arriving at a decision. The licensing authority must determine the application, once the consultation period has lapsed, but no later than 15 working days, starting the day after the application was received by the licensing authority, with effect either that:
- the minor variation is granted: or
- the application is refused.
Application Forms
- Apply Online
- Minor Variation to Premises Licence (PDF)
Notice of Advertisement – white A4 paper to be posted on the premises only, for 10 working days.
Notify consent of Premises license holder to transfer
Apply by post, in person or email
Notify of an Interest in Premises under Section 178
Any person with a legal interest in a property may give notice to the licensing authority of their interest, in order to be kept informed of any licensing applications in respect of that property. A legal interest is defined as:
- the freeholder or leaseholder of the premises;
- a legal mortgagee in respect of the premises; or
- a person in occupation of the premises.
There is no legal requirement for persons with these property interests to give notice to the licensing authority - it is entirely at their discretion to make use of this provision.
Once received, the authority will record your interest in the premises, endorse the notice and return it to you. You will then be formally notified of any subsequent applications relating to licences under the Licensing Act 2003, in respect of the premises indicated. This may include new applications, variations of existing licences, transfers, reviews, or notification if the licence lapses or is surrendered.
The notice of interest is valid for 12 months from the date of receipt. After this time, if you still wish to be kept informed of any applications or changes made for licences in respect of the premises, you may submit a new notice.
Application Forms
Notify a change of name or address of Premises License Holder
The holder of a Premises Licence must, as soon as reasonably practicable, notify the licensing authority of any change in his/her name or address. The notification must be accompanied by the prescribed fee of £10.50, together with the original premises licence.
Application Forms
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