You can now offer to pay your arrears using our new online form, no need to phone, write or visit.
Pay Housing Benefit overpayment
You can pay your Housing Benefit overpayment using our online form. Also advice and information on what options are available if you can't pay
Make a payment using our online form
If you're having trouble making payments
Have your finances been affected by the cost of living, and you're struggling to meet your monthly bills? By completing our online form, you can ask us to lower the weekly amount you pay or request a payment holiday. Please get in touch. We are here to help and will work with you to find a solution that works for you.
Offer to pay by instalment
If you need to make an arrangement to repay your Housing Benefit overpayment, because you're finding it hard to repay this in one go, please complete our online offer to pay form as soon as possible.
Why do I have to pay back an overpayment?
An overpayment of benefit occurs when you are paid Housing Benefit or Council Tax Support to which you have no entitlement.
This generally results from a change in circumstances reducing your benefit from a date in the past, such as:
- You may have neglected to advise us of an increase in your income, for example, tax credit, wages, state benefits or pensions.
- Somebody may have moved into or out of your home. This would mean that your entitlement would need to be recalculated.
- The circumstances of other adults who live with you may have changed.
- You may have moved out of your home and not told us.
- You may have started work or changed jobs.
Even if the overpayment isn’t your fault you may still be required to repay it, if the council could reasonably expect you to know you were being overpaid.
If an overpayment is created, North Norfolk District Council is duty bound to recover it.
If the overpayment is the result of fraud, we will recover any benefit paid to you that you were not entitled to. You could also be prosecuted - see our Benefit fraud page.
Further help and advice
In certain circumstances, help and advice may be available from the following organisations:
Independent financial advice
Tel: 0800 280 2816
Citizens Advice
Tel: 03444 111 444
Step Change
Tel: 0800 138 1111
National Debtline
Tel: 0808 808 4000
Money Advice Service
Tel: 0300 500 5000
Tel: 0800 731 4880
Advice UK
Tel: 0300 777 0107
UK Government online
Christians Against Poverty
Tel: 01274 760720
Still need help?
Visit our contact us page for further assistance about any of our information and services.